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Writing a thesis, especially on a complex topic like the atomic bomb, can be an arduous and

demanding task. Crafting a thesis statement that is clear, concise, and impactful requires extensive
research, critical analysis, and a deep understanding of the subject matter. The atomic bomb, with its
historical significance and multifaceted implications, presents a unique challenge for scholars and
students alike.

Exploring the complexities surrounding the atomic bomb demands a comprehensive understanding
of its historical context, scientific principles, political ramifications, and ethical considerations.
Delving into these intricacies while maintaining coherence and relevance in the thesis statement
requires a meticulous approach and scholarly rigor.

Moreover, the process of researching and synthesizing vast amounts of information can be
overwhelming, often leading to frustration and uncertainty. Navigating through a myriad of primary
sources, scholarly articles, and diverse perspectives requires time, patience, and expertise.

For individuals facing the daunting task of writing a thesis on the atomic bomb, seeking professional
assistance can be invaluable. ⇒ ⇔ offers expert guidance and support to students
and scholars undertaking complex academic projects. With a team of experienced writers and
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In conclusion, tackling a thesis on the atomic bomb is indeed a formidable challenge, but with the
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thesis statement that captures the essence of your research and analysis.
The mass killings that the first atomic bomb created, led to a race to the use of chemical weapons and
an instrument to kill an entire city. The Americans did not like the way Russians did things either.
Full Disclaimer. We are using Google Analytics to enhance your experience. Collect the completed
Flow Sheets from each student, too. After they read their responses to each other, they should
discuss their differences (where they exist), suggesting that they argue through these differences,
possibly ending with one or both sides revising their written responses. The radiation sickness
included swelling, vomiting, peeling of the skin, cancer and ultimately death. The bomb dropped at a
temperature which vaporized any human at ground zero, turning their bodies into charred, horrific
statues. Money should never be compared with valuable human lives. Their theory being that the
United States was unwilling to bear more casualties and any major setback to the American forces
during a planned invasion of the Japanese mainland would improve Japan's bargaining position and
obtain a peace agreement. Japan was crippled with so many of its soldiers killed during island
hopping and on its knees. Once the bomb was tested, the United States had to decide. USA could
also anticipate the growing tension between them and the USSR, previously allies during the Nazi
progression, and noted that their tactics in the East could hint a need for conquest. Related Topics.
Cold War World War Ii War on Drugs Napoleon Veterans World War I Soldiers Civil War Korean
War Hiroshima Vietnam War American Revolutionary War French And Indian War. Upon hearing
this news, a nuclear physicist, Leo Szilard, was convinced that a chain reaction of this process could
be used as a weapon to release an awesome burst of power. Without crude oil, Japan lacked the
ability to fuel their ships, planes, transport vehicles, and tanks. The Japanese assumed the emperor,
Hirohito and the Japanese officials would be eliminated. The Fat Man atomic bomb was dropped on
Nagasaki on August 9th, 1945, resulting in the immediate death of over twenty thousand people.
Kantaro Suzuki, who replaced Kuniaki Koiso on April 1945 as Prime Minister, rejected the Potsdam
declaration as a more vague version of the earlier declined proposition. A small army of security
guards stood watch over all the plants and laboratories. People who appear to be psychopaths run a
number of countries. Roosevelt and urged him to start an investment toward atomic research. 3The
research would then help construct an atomic weapon of mass destruction. That is, it is an instruction
for you to do something. There were no real researches on any long-term effects. While some argue
that using the atomic bombs was necessary to end a deadly US-involved war, the aftermath of the
weapon remained largely unknown. The bomb vaporized the tower where it was dropped from. They
should formulate the argumentative claims that they may want to build, and choose the three for
which they believe they have the strongest evidence to support. During the final stages of World War
II, after the Allies were victorious in Europe, Japan still posed a very serious threat to the world.
Leahy, an advisor to President H. S. Truman, recalled in his memoirs. There are too many unreliable
sources for anyone to make a final decision on the matter, but the Atomic bomb was successful in
what it was aimed to do, ending World War two. Japan, being an Island nation reliant on its navy,
which served as the backbone of its military power and protected trade routes during World War II,
was unable to sustain itself.
Give Team B 3 minutes to give their Closing Statement. By the conclusion of World War II, Japan’s
Navy and Air Force had significantly weakened, rendering their trade and supply routes susceptible.
On August 9 th, 1945, “Fat Man”, coded for the bomb enriched with Plutonium, was dropped on
another Japanese city, Nagasaki. In a concrete bunker, a group of scientists and high-ranking military
officials waited tensely. There could be hundreds of new types of weapons not even made, but
designed on a piece of paper sitting on the desk of some scientist in Washington now. The Atomic
bomb was the ultimate solution and the only answer. So finally, I believe that the dropping of the first
bomb was justified, however, the second dropping was not. Still both sides continued to fight and
both were determined to win. Give us your email address and we’ll send this sample there. By the
pulling of a rod attached to the reactor the experiment began. Add to Library Added to Library Add
to Library Remove. Although some of their weapons may merely just be left over from the Cold
War, this is not a reason. This source is extremely unreliable because of the aftershock of seeing the
effect of the first Atom bomb on an occupied city. In the summer of 1945, the allies had vanquished
Germany and the Third Reich, and with American weariness over the lingering fight with the
tenacious Japanese military, President Truman was faced with the decision over whether to use the
product of the successful scientific quest to create a bomb that harnessed the energy released when
the atom was split and fused. A lot of food was also being used, with the Americans having to be
rationed at the Home front. Was the cost of so many innocent Japanese civilians worth it. That was
because we wished in this first attack to avoid. The United States had dropped an atomic bomb on
the city of Hiroshima. He said ““You cannot qualify war in harsher terms than I will. Sorry, but
downloading is forbidden on this website. The bombs released poisonous radiation that caused
leukemia and other diseases. Order now Basically, Fussell contends that the atomic bomb was
deserving of gratitude to God in view of the lives it spared. What would have happened had the A-
bomb not been used. No, all they showed was that even in this intelligent day and age, you are still
able to fight fire with fire. History Paper. Thesis Statement. This is the backbone of your paper. We
have won the race of discovery against the Germans. He wanted to impress Stalin with the power of
his new bombs and show that he was man enough to use them and not afraid of the consequence.
This leads to the killing of many innocent men, women and children. These were raised by many
government officials to stop the media hassling them about whether they felt guilty. In hindsight it is
clear the correct decision was made.
Atomic Bomb and the Atomic Age Essay Words 3 Pages. The result of this weapon ended up in
destroying more than 4 square miles of the city. We have used it in order to shorten the agony of war
in order to save the lives of thousands and thousands of young Americans. The Japanese had dropped
high-explosives and incendiary bomb at Pearl Harbour in Hawaii, 7 th December 1941, which was
the American naval base, and had attacked without any kind of warning to an attack or a declaration
of war. This is the whole ethical issue of the matter; many Americans had disrespected Truman.
Fermi was a graduate of the University of Pisa, where he received his Ph.D. Fermi then went to the
University of Rome teaching chemistry and biology. USA could also anticipate the growing tension
between them and the USSR, previously allies during the Nazi progression, and noted that their
tactics in the East could hint a need for conquest. Truman wanted to drop the bomb because it
offered hope of achieving diplomatic gains in the growing rivalry with the Soviet Union, later
leading into the cold war. Teams should either select a side on the debatable issue (using a Side
Preference Form from Argument-Centered Education) or they should be assigned a side. No, all
they showed was that even in this intelligent day and age, you are still able to fight fire with fire.
Obliterate, see: not hurt, panic, head out, or arrest. While some argue that using the atomic bombs
was necessary to end a deadly US-involved war, the aftermath of the weapon remained largely
unknown. Sample is in your inbox There is a way to avoid editing or writing from scratch. While all
these countries had started their researches for development of nuclear weapons as early as 1930s,
the United States of America officially emerged as the first country to have nuclear weapons
developed. A major danger to world peace is the potential concern that certain smaller sized nations
are likely to rebel versus being controlled and not having the ability to strike back. The Atomic Bomb
Background of the Atomic Bomb It was during the Second World War that the United States
became a world power, thanks in a large part to its monopoly on atomic weapons. The Manhattan
Project was the most ambitious scientific undertaking ever launched in American History. In case of
a crash during takeoff, which would have blown up the whole naval base, it was decided that the
bomb would have to be armed in the air. Then he went to teach at Berkley University.4 Another main
person in the research project was Enrico Fermi. If you can stockpile most of the nuclear warheads in
the world then surely nobody could ever harm your country. Second, the injuries that were associated
with the survivors of the atomic bomb. The atomic bomb caused questions to be asked about getting
rid of the Japanese to focus on the Soviet Union and killing them off like dogs. As the above source
indicates, there have been much worse events than this particular Nuclear weapon caused in history.
The dropping of the bomb forever changed the meaning of war for all citizens of the world. August
6th,70, lives were ended in a matter of seconds. Bibliography 1 Atomic Bomb: Decision Target
Committee -- 2 Atomic Archive - Explore the History, Science, and Consequences of the Atomic
Bomb 3. General Groves, the Engineer Director of the Manhattan Project was desperate to see fruits
of his labours before the end of the war. Was America justified in dropping the atom bomb on
Hiroshima in August 1945. Since Japan was a nation near defeat in 1945 many Manhattan Project
scientists thought it would be inhumane to drop the bomb on a helpless nation. They should also list
out the arguments which they want to build counter-arguments against.
By having so many dangerous weapons you are not only a bigger threat to potential enemies but
practically there is the additional threat that Terrorists could pose if they ever managed to secure or
steal some of these weapons. Japan was crippled with so many of its soldiers killed during island
hopping and on its knees. Sample is in your inbox There is a way to avoid editing or writing from
scratch. Over 30 successfully finished orders, atomic bomb essay. Fussell’s choice of the word
“purchase” here implies an inability to escape the contrition accompanying Hiroshima, regardless of
what one puts forth, be it money, a cold heart, or a clean conscience. After Harvard, Oppenheimer
went to Cambridge University to get a degree in Subatomic Physics. The bomb reached new heights
by a mushroom cloud that was 41,000 feet high and shock-waves from the bomb were felt from at
least 10,000 feet away from the test site. By the conclusion of World War II, Japan’s Navy and Air
Force had significantly weakened, rendering their trade and supply routes susceptible. The USA had
been using a military strategy known as island hopping which involved pushing the Japanese army
back by reclaiming islands until the Japanese only held their mainland for months. The blast was also
heard or seen from at least 50 miles away. The atomic bomb caused questions to be asked about
getting rid of the Japanese to focus on the Soviet Union and killing them off like dogs. All though
many people died and suffered because of the bomb, I believe that it was necessary. Over the span of
four months after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, tens of thousands more Japanese died,
for they were infected with various illnesses from the amount of radiation they were exposed to.
Order from one of our vetted writers instead Order a paper now Free essays can be submitted by
anyone, so we do not vouch for their quality Want a quality guarantee. The United States’ economy
thrived due to the war and possessed an abundant supply of oil and resources within their navy.
Although some historians believe that an ulterior motive was to impress the Soviets; Truman claimed
he was looking out for the future of the United States. Many of them glanced at the clock, which
was almost toward five in the morning. In 1941, the Japanese carried out Operation Z which
involved the aerial assault on the American naval base attempting to take out the whole navy. A
leader must often depend totally on their advisers and their intelligence sources. A working thesis
statement and strong topic sentences are necessary. These are people, and he must consider the
repercussions. They would advise the President as to what to do with the A-bomb after it. The two
bombs dropped on August 1945 had created unimaginable damage killing more than two hundred
thousand people. Even today Hiroshima and Nagasaki residents are dying of sickness caused from
the blasts of 1945. By this I mean that arguably, multitudinous lives were saved due to the fact that
when the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima the Japanese virtually surrendered straight away.
American spies reported that Germans were mining uranium in occupied Czechoslovakia. He has
considered the horrors of both perspectives, and, like President Truman before him, been forced to
make a decision. The drip of the bomb probably could have been stopped but the US decided to take
the action which killed thousands and injured millions. The tension that arises as Fussell details his
character and establishes sympathy on the part of the victims of Hiroshima brings to his essay an
entirely new aspect: the interplay between modern guilt and the necessity of choice. Opponents of
this idea claim that owning arnaments like atomic bombs mutually assures governments that they
both have the potential for ultimate destruction.
Some argue that dropping the bombs was necessary to prevent the loss of one million American lives
in the planned landing at Kyushu (Operation Downfall). This is the whole ethical issue of the matter;
many Americans had disrespected Truman. He ordered a committee of scientists and military
officers to meet Szilard and Teller to determine whether America was capable of building a nuclear
bomb. The Germans had taken over a heavy water plant in Norway. Give us your email address and
we’ll send this sample there. Harry Truman’s actions were driven solely by his political agenda to
quickly end the war; today, such actions could be considered terrorism. Present-day Japan is a
demonstration of the advantages of aggregate thrashing, to stripping off a culture inclined to martial
of its military falsifications. Truman seeks to justify his decision, and also outlines the process to
which American gained the intelligence for the bomb. The theme is still very striking as same-sex
marriage is prohibited in the ma. Fermi was a graduate of the University of Pisa, where he received
his Ph.D. Fermi then went to the University of Rome teaching chemistry and biology. It blasted; it
pounced; it bored its way right through you. Since much of the United States early nuclear research
been conducted at New York's Columbia University, the federal government assigned the Manhattan
District of the Army Corps of Engineers to construct the primary research and production facilities
for the project. General Groves, the Engineer Director of the Manhattan Project was desperate to see
fruits of his labours before the end of the war. Their view was that they would able to inflict so many
casualties on the Allies. Fussell’s phrasing of this statement implies that the modern guilt concerning
the bombings of Japan is, in a word, ubiquitous: if it is not understood, the culprit is, according to
Fussell, just another Bruce Page. Therefore, there is a much larger risk of them falling into the wrong
hands. Even as Fussell justifies the decision to drop the bomb, he must acknowledge that he can
“purchase no immunity from horror”. There was endless research done on the bomb in the United
States. I am also willing to acknowledge that the many people have no clue about the verifiable
substances and the basic leadership procedure confronting Truman before the bomb was dropped.
Terrorism refers to using violence and intimidation for political purposes according to
The ultimate goal at the end of World War II was to bring the war to a swift conclusion by any
means necessary. Their theory being that the United States was unwilling to bear more casualties and
any major setback to the American forces during a planned invasion of the Japanese mainland would
improve Japan's bargaining position and obtain a peace agreement. The world will note that the first
atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. The radiological hazards experienced in 1945 with the
Trinity test at Alamogordo, New Mexico and the bombing of. This was a plan to hasten the surrender
of Japan and end the war by the Americans but was it really just. August 6th, 1945m 70,000 lives
were ended in a matter of seconds. Second, the injuries that were associated with the survivors of the
atomic bomb. The news came to the United States from Albert Einstein. The result of this weapon
ended up in destroying more than 4 square miles of the city. The Atomic bomb blast in1945
obliterated three- fifths of the metropolis within seconds andkilled. This atomic bomb testing would
forever change the meaning of war.

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