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बी 24 ,

शालीमार बाग़,
नयी दिल्ली l

प्रिय सहेली नि शा

सादर नमस्कार l

मैं आशा करती हूँ की तुम कुशलता से होंगी l मैं भी यहां अच्छी हूँ l

मुझे समाचार मिला कि तुम परीक्षा में अपनी कक्षा में प्रथम आयी हो l यह

जा न का र मुझे बेहद ख़ु हुई है l यह तुम्हारे और तुम्हारे पूरे परिवार के लिए बहुत

गर्व की बात है l यह सफलता तुम्हारे कठिन परिरममश्र

, अनु न नशाश
और लगन का ही

परिणाम है l मैं आशा करती हूँ कि तुम अपने जीवन में सदा से ही सफलता

प्राप्त करोगी l मेरी शुभकामनाएं सदैव तुम्हारे साथ हैं l

तुम्हारी प्यारी सखी,

प्रगुन गौतम,
78 मसूरी, अणुशक्तिनगर,
मुंबई – 400 094

1. मैं आशा करती हूँ कि तुम अच्छी होंगी l

2. मैं भी यहां अच्छी हूँ l

3. मुझे समाचार मिला कि तुम परीक्षा में अपनी कक्षा में प्रथम आयी हो l

4. यह जानकार मुझे बेहद ख़ु हुई है l

5. यह तुम्हारे और तुम्हारे पूरे परिवार के लिए बहुत गर्व की बात है l

6. यह सफलता तुम्हारे कठिन परिरममश्र

, अनु न नशाश
और लगन का ही परिणाम है l

7. मैं आशा करती हूँ कि तुम अपने जीवन में सदा से ही सफलता प्राप्त करोगी l

8. मेरी शुभकामनाएं सदैव तुम्हारे साथ हैं l

I met lawyer Rahul Wadia at Fort, Mumbai today at 7pm.

Before me, there was another group from BARC Union who came to discuss their

case regarding GPF issue. I could not talk to them much as they were leaving when

Mr. Wadia called me in.

After introduction, Mr. Wadia asked for the case. I apprised him regarding the case

including the mode of our recruitment. He also saw the hardcopy of the


In his opinion, the training is a part of selection process and since we have got the

job against the published advertisement before the NPS notification, we must be

covered under OPS.

I also showed him the denial letter issued by the department. He read the same and

said that the denial letter is totally in favour of us as the department has accepted

that we are recruited against the advertisement.

I informed him that the department has denied us on the basis of our training not

recognised as the qualifying service, his opinion was that the training is a selection

process only and qualifying service should not come in the picture.

I also asked him whether we should write and represent to the department

requesting them to reconsider the decision, his opinion was that the formal denial

has already been issued and since it is a policy decision, there is no chance that the

department will reconsider their decision. I further asked him whether representation

to the department will be like pre-litigation, his opinion was that in such a case, we

will give more chance to the department to build their case against us. In all, he was

against any further written request or representation to the department.

I further asked him whether we can explore other opinions like writing to PMO or

Ministry before going to the court. His opinion was in negative since these efforts will

not give any desired result and all such request will be ultimately marked to the

department only where the department will conveniently say that as per the rules and

consultation with DOPPW decision has been taken and conveyed to the applicants.
Overall, his view was that the department has taken a decision based on certain

rules and consultation and since our case involved financial burden to the

exchequer, no one will take the responsibility to load the government. The only

option left is to approach CAT to let the court decide as per the logic, wisdom,

natural justice and not as per clerical orders.

Regarding time, he informed that the case may take some time and this also

depends upon the pace with which our department responds. Most of the time,

department delays in filing their response.

He has suggested to discuss with the group and come back if we decide to file the


You may ask any further question you have on the above communication!!

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