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Complete the following text with suitable verbs in the box with their right form:


be indebt sacrifice do want evaluate achieve have Every citizen (a) some duties and responsibilities for
his nation. But most of the people (b) careless in this respect. The people of this country (c)-national
identity by dint of a great (d) which is not still (e) - nationally. Although some selfish people never (1) to
give their recognition. However, we all (g) some benevolent activities. Otherwise, we (h) to the nation.


(f) unemployment or other reasons four sentences from the substitution table:





a result of improved communication the most vital role.

Media channels

has become are playing

an unrestricted process of trade and commerce.

communication and assistance among the people around the world.

4. Change the following passage into indirect speech:


of the safety of the money.

dug kept

away his sleep. the money there


a hole in his hut.

"Where did you go yesterday?" said Lipi. "I went to Chittagong to see my mother," said Mina. " suffering
from high blood pressure." "Is she sound now?" said Lipi. "No," said Mina

She has been

5. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets


6. Re-write the following passage using capitalization and punctuation:


the boy said to the teacher sir ill be much obliged if you will kindly lend me the book you praised highly
in the classroom yesterday the teacher said im very glad to knew that you are eager to read this book
you are welcome to any of my books that you like

7. Fill in the gaps used in the following

2. Fill in the blanks of the following text with prepositions:

Everyone desires (


a)-wealth. But a few attain it. Some people hanker (b)-riches. Some are content (c) what they have. True
happiness lies (d) contentment. It is high time we gave (e) - the habit (1)-covetousness



Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or or both with root words underlined in
the text: 0.5x8-4 (a) Child is an important period of life. It moulds the character of (b) child. Children
learns from their parents, But it is very (c) fortunate that a huge number of children are working in
various risky sectors. But it is (d) basic a problem of the (e) develop countries like Bangladesh. The child
labourers suffer from various disease

including (0) nutrition Abusing children at this (g) mature age is a punishable crime. Poverty alleviation

(h) conscious among the common people can help minimize this problem

8. Complete the following text with suitable verbs in the box with their right form:

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