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Grammar explanation

 phrasal verbs are very common in English, especially in more informal contexts
 they are made up of a verb and a particle or, sometimes, two particles
 the particle often changes the meaning of the verb
I called Jen to see how she was. (call = to telephone)
They've called off the meeting. (call off = to cancel)
In terms of word order, there are two main types of phrasal verb: separable and inseparable.

 with separable phrasal verbs, the verb and particle can be apart or together
o They've called the meeting off.
They've called off the meeting

 however, separable phrasal verbs must be separated when you use a personal pronoun
o The meeting? They've called it off.

Here are some common separable phrasal verbs:

I didn't want to bring the situation up at the meeting.
(bring up = start talking about a particular subject)
Please can you fill this form in?
(fill in = write information in a form or document)
I'll pick you up from the station at 8 p.m.
(pick up = collect someone in a car or other vehicle to take them somewhere)
She turned the job down because she didn't want to move to Glasgow.
(turn down = to not accept an offer)

 some phrasal verbs cannot be separated
o Who looks after the baby when you're at work?

 even when there is a personal pronoun, the verb and particle remain together
o Who looks after her when you're at work?

Here are some common non-separable phrasal verbs:

I came across your email when I was clearing my inbox.
(come across = to find something by chance)
The caterpillar turned into a beautiful butterfly.
(turn into = become)
It was quite a major operation. It took months to get over it and feel normal again.
(get over = recover from something)
We are aware of the problem and we are looking into it.
(look into = investigate)

 some multi-word verbs are inseparable simply because they don't have an object in the sentence
o I get up at 7 a.m.

With two particles

 phrasal verbs with two particles are also inseparable
 even if you use a personal pronoun, you put it after the particles
Who came up with that idea?
(come up with = think of an idea or plan)
Let's get rid of these old magazines to make more space.
(get rid of = remove or become free of something that you don't want)
I didn't really get on with my stepbrother when I was a teenager.
(get on with = like and be friendly towards someone)
Can you hear that noise all the time? I don't know how you put up with it.
(put up with = tolerate something difficult or annoying)
The concert's on Friday. I'm really looking forward to it.
(look forward to = be happy and excited about something that is going to happen)

1) Fill in the blanks with the correct phrasal verb.

1. When he _____ from the war, he was never the same.

a) depended on
b) ended up
c) got back
d) found out
2. In difficult times, you can always _____ him. He's always there for you.
a) deal with
b) get along with
c) end up
d) depend on
3. Sometimes we have to _____ very difficult customers.
a) depend on
b) deal with
c) fill in
d) get back
4. _____ the glass with squeezed orange juice and put it in the fridge.
a) fill up
b) cut up
c) fill in
d) find out
5. Can you _____ this application form and sign it, please?
a) fill in
b) fill up
c) get along
d) depend on
6. She is a very rebellious teenager and doesn't _____ with her mother.
a) get along
b) get back
c) deal with
d) depend on
7. We need to _____ who did this and why.
a) fill up
b) cross out
c) get back
d) find out
8. This result is incorrect. _____ and write it again.
a) cut it up
b) cross it out
c) fill it in
d) find it out
9. I was going to the library but I found a friend and we _____ in a bar having a drink.
a) ended up
b) got along
c) filled out
d) got back
10. She _____ the pizza into eight pieces.
a) crossed out
b) got along
c) cut up
d) ended up

2) Fill in each gap with one of the words OR phrasal verbs in the box below.

back – get down – get in – get on – get rid of – give in – give out – in – off – on

1. How are you getting _on_ with your new job?" "I love it!"
2. We cannot give _in_ to the terrorists' threats.
3. I didn't have a pen so I couldn't _ get down_ the car's license plate.
4. She got _off_ the bus and walked home.
5. Be quiet and _get on_ with your work.
6. They _ give out_ pamphlets with information on COVID19.
7. The door was broken and we couldn't _get in_.
8. I need to _ get rid of_ my old sofa. It's in my garage, but I need the space.
9. "Did you _give in_ your homework to the teacher?" "No. I'll do it tomorrow."
10. Give me that _back_. It's mine!

3) WRITING TASK: The Phrasal Verb Adventure

1. Imagine you have discovered a magical portal in your backyard that leads to a fantastical
world filled with surprises, challenges, and strange characters.
2. Write a short story or description of your journey through this mysterious realm, using at least
five different phrasal verbs of your choosing.
3. You might encounter unusual creatures, face unexpected situations, or experience magical

! Be sure to:
→ highlight the phrasal verbs
o bold or underline the phrasal verbs you use in your story to make them stand out
→ provide context
o in the lines below, briefly explain the meaning of each phrasal verb in the context of your
adventurous story

In the morning, I was sitting on the chair on the terrace. Then I saw something magically spawn in front of
me. I stood up and saw that it is a magical portal. I wanted to find out some information about it, but I don´t
find anything. I decided to deal with my brother. I was little bid scared, but I stepped in it. I saw a very
beautiful nature. My brother also wanted to come, but I said that I don´t want to look after him. Then I
woke up and discovered it was only dream.

the phrasal verbs I used and their meaning:

1. stood up – to Change from laying or sitting to standing…………………………
2. find out – to discover something new...…………………………………………….
3. deal with – to speak with somebody about something.……………………….
4. look after – to take care about something…………………………………………
5. woke up – to change from sleeping to be awake…………………………………

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