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1st Conditional

Zero Conditional a rule, something that is If + present, present If you heat ice, it melts.
always true
First Conditional a real future situation If + present, will/ may/ might My brother will join us, if
his lessons finish at 4 pm.

The first conditional describes a particular situation,

whereas the zero conditional describes what happens in general.

For example (zero conditional): if you sit in the sun, you get burned
(here I'm talking about every time a person sits in the sun
- the burning is a natural consequence of the sitting)

But (first conditional): if you sit in the sun, you will get burned
(here I'm talking about what will happen today,
another day might be different)

Future Time Clauses

When, as soon as, before, after, until

When we use a verb after when, as soon as, before, after or until to talk about the future, we have to use
this verb in present tense (NOT future). We use the future in the other part of the sentence.

 I’ll retire when I’m 70. (NOT: when I’ll be)

 I won’t call you until I arrive. (NOT: until I will arrive.)

Similar to first conditional

Future time clauses are similar to the first conditional. There’s a main clause and a when/after/etc. clause.
We use the verbs in these clauses like in the first conditional.

? what is a clause ?

 it is a part of the sentence

 in our case here, we always have 2 parts of a sentence
 in 1st Conditional, the comma (čiarka) devides our 2 parts of a sentence
 in Future Time Clauses, we sometimes have a comma, and sometimes we don´t
o either way, we have these phrases: when, as soon as, before, after or until, and they act as
our dividers between the parts of a sentence

for example: I WILL RETIRE… = first part = first clause (main clause)
…WHEN I AM 70 YEARS OLD = second part = second clause (’when’ clause)

what about the comma?

We use a comma when the when/after/etc. clause is at the beginning of the sentence.
But we don’t use a comma if the when/after… clause is at the end of the sentence.
 I’ll retire when I’m 70.
 When I’m 70, I’ll retire.

! We use present in the when/after/etc. clause and we use future in the main clause !

 Before you go to sleep, daddy will tell you a story.

In the main clause, we can also use may, might, can, must, should or an imperative instead of will.

 As soon as you finish, you can leave.

 After you arrive, call me.

 Tom will turn off the lights when he leaves the office. (Not when he will leave).
 Dad will reply when he comes home from work. (NOT when he will come home.)
 I will tidy the living-room before I go to bed. (Not before I will go).
 They will do the shopping before we arrive. (NOT before we will arrive.)

the exercises start on the next page…

Exercises for 1st Conditional

1) Complete the sentences using the 1st conditional. Choose the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1/ If it _rains_ (rain) tomorrow, we _will stay_ (stay) indoors and play board games.
2/ She _won´t be_ (not be) late for the meeting if she _sets_ (set) her alarm clock.
3/ If I _see_ (see) him at the party, I _will tell_ (tell) him about the job opportunity.
4/ We _will have_(have) a picnic if the weather _is_ (be) nice this weekend.
5/ If you __ study_ (study) harder, you ___ will pass___ (pass) the exam with flying colors.
6/ I _ will help__ (help) you fix the computer if you ___ ask__ (ask) me nicely.
7/ If they _ do not leave______ (not leave) now, they _will miss_ (miss) the train.
8/ If I _ knew___ (know) you __ were coming__ (come), I _ would bake_ (bake) a cake for you.
9/ She _ will be__ (be) upset if you _ do not apologize__ (not apologize) for your mistake.
10/ If the traffic _ is not_ (not be) so bad, we _ will arrive_ (arrive) on time.

2) Come up with your own beginning of the sentences by forming an ’if´ clause.

1/ If we run out of sugar, we won't have dessert.

2/ If we don't leave now, we will be late for the movie.
3/ If the engine overheats, the car will break down.
4/ If the team doesn't meet the before deadline, the project won't be completed on time.
5/ If it rains heavily, we will have to cancel the outdoor event.
6/ If we forget to water them, the plants will die.
7/ If she changes her hairstyle, I won't recognize her.
8/ If we don't restock soon, we won't have enough supplies.
9/ If we have other plans, we won't attend the party.
10/ If he doesn't apologize sincerely, she won't forgive him.
Exercises for Future Time Clauses

3) Fill in the blanks with a correct form of a verb. It is on you to decide what verb to use.

1/I'll do my homework before I watch TV.

2/ We'll go to the cinema as soon as we finish work.
3/ While Richard is watching the game this afternoon, he will check his phone.
4/ Before dad arrives home, I will finish this essay.
5/ I'll have a shower when I finish breakfast.
6/ After Jane leaves home, she will meet her friends.
4) Complete the sentences using the correct future time clauses. Choose the appropriate phrase (when,
as soon as, before, after, or until) and the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1/ I will call you _ when _ (when / as soon as / before) I _will arrive_ (arrive) at the airport.
2/ She promised to help me with my homework _after_ (when / as soon as / after) she _will finish_ (finish) her
3/ Let's wait here _until_ (until / after / before) they _will return_ (return) with the information.
4/ He will buy it _as soon as_ (before / as soon as / when) he _will save_ (save) enough money.
5/ We won't start the meeting _until_ (until / when / after) everyone _will arrive_ (arrive).
6/ I will go to bed _after_ (before / until / after) I _will finish_ (finish) reading this chapter.
7/ She will start the talk _as soon as_ (as soon as / after / until) they _will settle down_ (settle) down.
8/ They won't leave the house _until_ (when / until / before) they _will complete_ (complete) all the
9/ We will go for a walk _as soon as_ (as soon as / before / when) the rain _will stop_ (stop).
10/ He promised to call _after_ (after / as soon as / until) he _will talk_ (talk) to his boss.

5) Complete the sentences by choosing the correct tense for both clauses.

1/ I _will start_ (start) cooking dinner as soon as he _arrives_ (arrive) home from work.
2/ The concert _will begin_ (begin) when everyone _will take_ (take / takes) their seats.
3/ She promised to _call_ (call) me back when she _will finish_ (finish) her meeting.
4/ We _won´t leave_ (not leave) the house until we _have_ (have) our bags ready.
5/ They _will start_ (start) the project when they _will receive_ (receive) the necessary materials.
6/ I _will wait_ (wait) for you until our bus _comes_ (come). Then I will leave without you.
7/ The team _will celebrate_ (celebrate) when they _will win_ (win) the championship.
8/ We _won´t go_ (not go) out until it _stops_ (stop) raining.
9/ She _will send_ (send) the email when she _will finish_ (finish) writing it.
10/ He _will fix_ (fix) the car as soon as he _gets_ (get) the necessary tools.

Your Online Life is Permanent

1) Discuss the questions.

1/ Write down the definitions of these 3 vocabulary items: big data, tattoos and immortality
→ is data that contains greater variety,
→ a form of body modification
→ is the concept of eternal life
2/ How do you think big data, tattoos and immortality can be connected? (I don’t want to see ’I don’t know’ :) if
you don´t know, try to find information that could help you answer the question)
→ That in tattoos and in big date can by saved lot of information and some people believe tat they can live forever
with tattoo.
3/ What might an electronic tattoo be?
→ maybe QR code tattoo or tattoo that can be changed in mobile app
4/ What information about you can be found on the internet?
→ my accounts on Instagram, Facebook and biathlon and cross-country skiing results.

2A) Match the words with the definitions + write down which WORD CLASS the words are in
(nouns, adjectives,…)
distracted, flip, figure out, immortality, threaten, tie, shout, turn out

a) express strong emotions → shout (verb)

b) be known or discovered finally and surprisingly → turn out (phrasal verb)
c) the ability to live forever → immortality (noun)
d) tell someone that you will kill them, hurt them or cause them problems → threaten (verb)
e) learn something → figure out (phrasal verb)
f) join, connect → tie (verb)
g) turn upside down → flip (verb)
h) unable to concentrate because of something → distracted (adjective)

3A) Find the definition of the word COLLOCATION (in the context of English language learning).

collocation = a collocation is a type of phrase

3B) Match the words from the two columns to create collocations.

a) utter
b) indiscreet
c) make
d) provide
e) be familiar
f) charm

1) a word
2) mistakes
3) your way into/out of something
4) question
5) with somebody
6) information

utter - a word indiscreet – question make -mistakes be familiar - with somebody charm - your way into/out of
something provide– information

1. provide information
2. indiscreet question
3.make mistake
4. familiar

a) What examples of electronic tattoos did the speaker mention?

b) What does the Facedeals camera do? Taking picr´tures of us in basic day
c) How does the speaker change Andy Warhol’s theory? Animous not famous
d) Which characters from Greek mythology did the speaker mention? Sisyphus, Orpheus, Atalanta, Hippomenes,
e) Who was Jorge Luis Borges? poet

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