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Pronunciation practice_23.

1 Pronunciation practice. 2/23/24
1 The government's lack of transparency has led to public outcry and distrust.

2 The country prides itself on being a democratic society where every voice is heard.

3 The new policy acted as a catalyst for change in the industry, sparking innovation.

4 The team's success can be attributed to its diverse range of skills and backgrounds.

5 It was inevitable that the economic downturn would impact small businesses.

6 In the contemporary landscape, there is no compelling reason to expect a definitive

victory that neatly assigns everything and everyone to predefined roles.
7 The government's decision to make the information transparent was praised by the
8 The company decided to invest in diversification to reduce its dependence on one
9 With advancements in technology, remote work is inevitably becoming more common.

10 The country considered the neighboring nation an important ally in times of need.

11 NATO plays a crucial role in maintaining peace and security and promoting cooperation
among member nations.
12 The government is implementing policies to protect the ecology and preserve wildlife.

13 The authorities can refuse to register opposition parties on the grounds that the
signatures they need to gather are forged.
14 The country transitioned from dictatorship to democracy through years of struggle.

15 Active participation in community events helps foster a sense of belonging.

16 The two countries became allies to strengthen their position in the region.

17 Thoughts, prayers, and condolences are not enough. One cannot wipe their conscience
clean with a few empty words.
18 People have taken to the streets in protests against systemic corruption, demanding
respect for the rule of law, accountability of corrupt politicians, and a resolute fight
against corruption.
19 What determines when opposition groups willingly participate in elections and when they
engage in electoral boycotts?
20 Once spoken about in terms of hybrid authoritarianism, Russia later turned out to be a
fully mature authoritarian regime.

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