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Submitted by
Kumar Rounak (20040440014)
Vishal Kumar Arya (20040440045)
Abhijeet Kumar Mishra (20040440001)
Rubesh Mallick (20040445015)
Under the guidance of
Mrs. Sunidhi Priyadarshini
(Asst. Prof., Department of Computer Science & Engineering)

Polytechnic Compound Road, Dumka, Jharkhand 814101

SRS Report
Submitted to
Dumka Engineering College
partial fulfilment
the award of the degree of


In the department of

Computer Science & Engineering

September 2023

Jharkhand University of Technology, Ranchi


Certified that this project report titled “CRIMINAL RECORD SYSTEM" is the bonafide work
of “Kumar Rounak(20040440014), Vishal Kumar Arya(20040440045), Abhijeet Kumar
Mishra(20040440001), Rubesh Mallick(20040445015)” who carried out the project work under
my supervision. Certified further, that to the best of my knowledge the work reported herein does
not form any other project report or dissertation on the basis of which a degree or award was
conferred on an earlier occasion on this or any other candidate.




I declare that this written submission represents my ideas in my own words and where other's
ideas or words have been included, I have adequately cited and referenced the original sources. I
also declare that I have adhered to all academic honesty and integrity principles and have not
misrepresented, fabricated, or falsified any idea/data/fact/source in my submission. I understand
that any violation of the above will cause disciplinary action by the Institute and can also evoke
penal action from the sources which have thus not been properly cited or from whom proper
permission has not been taken when needed.

Signature of the Student

Introduction ....................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Document Convention ................................................................................................. 1
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviation .................................................................... 1
1.4 Product Scope .............................................................................................................. 2
1.5 Overview ..................................................................................................................... 2

Overall Description ........................................................................................... 3

2.1 Product Perspective ...................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Product Functions ........................................................................................................ 3
2.3 User Characteristics ..................................................................................................... 3
2.4 Constraints ................................................................................................................... 3
2.5 Operating Environment ................................................................................................ 4
2.6 Design and implementation constraint .......................................................................... 4

Specific Requirements ....................................................................................... 5

3.1 Functional Requirements ............................................................................................. 5
3.2 Non-Functional Requirements...................................................................................... 7

External and internal Requirements ................................................................ 8

4.1 User interface ............................................................................................................... 8
4.2 Software Interface ........................................................................................................ 8
4.3 Hardware interface ....................................................................................................... 8

DFD .................................................................................................................... 9
5.1 0-level DFD ................................................................................................................. 9
5.2 1-level DFD ............................................................................................................... 10
5.3 2-level DFD ............................................................................................................... 11

References ........................................................................................................ 13

1.1 Purpose

Nowadays crime rates are increasing and the public is facing many security problems. When
this happens individual feels vulnerable and require assistance to be protected, Even though
many technologies have been introduced for crime control system. This application will
overcome these concerns and provide database for storing data.

The Criminal Record System is a web application aims to handle and maintain records of
individual involved in criminal activities. The purpose is to efficiently record, maintain,
retrieve, and update information related to criminals who have been arrested. It allows for
centralization of criminal records, making it easier for different agencies to share information
with each other which helps in saving improving public safety.

1.2 Document Convention

● Entire Document should be justified
● Convention for main title
○ Font Family- Times New Roman
○ Font Style- Bold
○ Font Size - 16
● Convention for subtitle
○ Font Family- Times New Roman
○ Font Style- Bold
○ Font Size – 14
● Convention for body
○ Font Family- Times New Roman
○ Font Style- Normal
○ Font Size - 12

1.3 Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations

SRS Software Requirement Specification

Web application A software system designed to run on web browsers

Criminal A person who commits crime.

Police Law enforcement official responsible for maintaining law and

order and also preventing crimes.
Prisoner The person who has committed crime(which has been proven) and has
Been put in the jail

A court is a judicial institution where legal disputes are resolved and
Court Justice is administered.

Crime Some acts which is bad as per law

User A person who works on web application.

GUI Graphical User Interface

1.4 Product Scope

The project helps to assist the users, and to write complaint in emergencies to avoid
unnecessary paperwork and wait, to get security tips while sitting at their homes, upload and
view the images of criminals, if the user has complications while reaching out to the police
station. It will have all the contacts of police station to tell the user what to do in certain

1.5 Overview

The remaining part of the specification document is given as follows-

 Section 2 defines overall description of the system, i.e.- What’s the perspective of this
product, its functions (, i.e. function of police, court and user), user characteristics (type
of person who can work on it) and environment under which it will work.
 Section 3 defines the functional activities (what are the activities could be done in this
product and their results) and non-functional activities.
 Section 4 describes the user interface (what will GUI present in the window) ,software
interface and hardware interface.
 Section 5 contains DFD (Data Flow Diagram) which is diagrammatic representation of
flow of data in the whole product which describes the main activities of all user, court
and Police.
 Section 6 contains references of the product.

Overall Description

2.1 Product Perspective

A Criminal Record System is an solution that helps law enforcement agencies and
organizations to effectively store, organize and retrieve records regarding criminals. This
system is helpful in information sharing between different agencies, improving data accuracy
and have other advantages. It centralizes the information which helps in investigation
operations, allowing investigators to access them quickly, which include arrests, charges and
sentences, helps in identifying pattern and connecting cases. So, it’s essential for promoting
public safety and supporting fair administered justice.

2.2 Product Function

Our app will give the following feature-

● Court
○ Maintain the records related to cases.
○ Access the informations.
○ Schedule hearings, trial and other proceedings
○ Record the verdict statements and sentences.

● Police
○ Add criminal records and their crimes.
○ View criminal records and their crimes
○ Add police station
○ Register Complaint.
○ Create Crime report
○ Maintain arrest records.
○ Creates Crime report.

● User
○ Create account
○ Update its details
○ Login to account
○ View IPC sections
○ File Complaint
○ Search and view criminal records.
○ Check Complaint status.

2.3 User Characteristics

The intended user is simply anyone that has device such as phone or computer which has access

to the Internet and a web browser installed (say, Google Chrome, Firefox, etc.). Any technical
experience is not required, they only need is basic computing skills and basic knowledge of
operating internet web pages.

2.4 Constraint

As stated by the customer, security is not a concern for this system. The database may store
passwords in plain text and there doesn't need to be a password recovery feature nor lockout
after numerous invalid login attempts. It is made sure that the informations present in it is
maintained, i.e.- accurate and updated

2.5 Operating Environment

 The system will work on all operating systems such as-Windows, Linux, etc. and it will
support all browsers like Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, etc.
 It is supported on browsers of Smartphone of both the types, i.e. Android and ios
 Hosted on highly secure platform with multiple level of security measures, including
firewalls, intrusion detection system which ensures sensitive records are protected.
 The system utilizes a robust and scalable database, i,e-MySQL .
 The system has comprehensive backup mechanism in place to regularly create the
copies of criminal ensures data recovery in case of any failures.

2.6 Design and implementation constraint

 The information of all the users, police and the IPC sections must be stored in database
that is accessible by website.
 HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, PHP and jQuery are used to develop to develop front end and
backend of the product.
 Oracle SQL server will be used as SQL engine and database for secure storage and
efficient management of data.
 Responsive design for different devices.
 User authentication and security measures are taken.
 Extensive testing

Specific Requirements

3.1 Functional Requirement

 User
o Create account
 Input: Enter the details
 Processing: Collecting all the informations
 Output: Home page of the system
o If entered username or password is not present in database
 Input: Enter username and password
 Processing: Validating email and password
 Output: Enter valid email or password
o If forgot password clicked
 Input: Enter email
 Processing: Sending a mail on email entered
 Output: Set password and enter to website
o If valid username and password entered
 Input: Enter username and password
 Processing: Validating email and password
 Output: home page of website
o If police station not available in the area
 Input: Enter police station
 Processing: Searching police station
 Output: Sorry we are not here, search for other police station.
o If police station available
 Input: Enter police station
 Processing: Searching police station
 Output: home page of police station webpage.
o If selects Complaint form
 Input: Select Complaint form
 Processing: Opening Complaint form
 Output: Complaint form is opened
o If searched Complaint status
 Input: Search Complaint number
 Processing: Fetching details
 Output: Complaint window will be opened and status can be seen.
o Withdraw Complaint
 Input: Search Complaint number
 Processing: Fetching details
 Output: Complaint window is opened and click withdraw button.
o If selects view criminal
 Input: Search criminal id
 Processing: Fetching details.
 Output: Profile of criminal appears.
o Viewing Complaint report
 Input: Select Complaint number
 Processing: Fetching details
 Output: Complaint window will be opened and Report will be appeared.

● Police
o Adding new criminal
 Input: Select criminals
 Processing: Fetching details
 Output: Add new profile
o Viewing criminal record
 Input: search criminal id
 Processing: Fetching the criminal details
 Output: Criminal profile appears
o Update informations regarding criminal
 Input: Search criminal id
 Processing: Fetching details.
 Output: Update the details save and exit.
o Viewing the arrest warrant
 Input: Select warrant list
 Processing: Fetching details
 Output: warrant list appears.
o Viewing the assigned case
 Input: search the assigned case
 Processing: Fetching case details
 Output: assigned case details will be opened.
o Uploading Crime Report
 Input: Select Report option
 Processing: Uploading details
 Output: Crime Report uploaded
o Update prisoner list
 Input: search prisoner list
 Processing: Fetching Prisoner list
 Output: Prisoner list will appear and update (add or remove).
o View IPC
 Input: Select IPC list
 Processing: Fetching IPC list.
 Output: IPC list will appear.
o View sentences
 Input: Select crime report
 Processing: Fetching crime report.
 Output: Crime report along with sentence (added by court) will be

● Court
o View case details
 Input: Search the case number
 Processing: Fetching the case details.
 Output: Case detail is fetched.
o View criminal details
 Input: Search Criminal number
 Processing: Fetching the criminal details
 Output: criminal detail is fetched.
o Adding sentences
 Input: Enter the sentence to be given

 Processing: Adding the sentence
 Output: Sentences added.
o View IPC
 Input: Select IPC list
 Processing: Fetching IPC list.
 Output: IPC list will appear.

● Data Structure
o Have separate database for
 Police
 Users
 Court
 Prisoner

o User
 Have name, mobile(unique), password, email, address.
o Police
 Police station id, designation, name, mobile no, email, password,
o Criminal
 Criminal id, criminal offence, name, date of birth, date and time.

● Search Inventory
o Police station
o Case
o Criminal
o Prisoner

3.2 Non-Functional Requirements

● The system should be able to handle a large volume of criminal records and user
requests without significant degradation in response time.
● It should provide fast and efficient search, retrieval and update operations.
● The system ensures confidentiality, integrity of records. The system provides some
mechanism which will prevent unauthorized access. Data is accessible only to admin
and police.
● The system is a user-friendly interface which makes it easier to understand. It will
provide clear instructions helpful in guiding users in effectively working with system.
● Speed of internet is not a matter of concern, i.e.- the system is operable even on the
slow internet.
● The system ensures accuracy and consistency of criminal data.
● Establishing policies and procedures for record retention and deletion of criminal
records based on legal requirements.
● The system allows user to limit access to case to specified users or specified groups.

External Internal Requirements

4.1 User interface

● Search: The user can search police station by its name, complaint status by complaint
● Forms: It contains text box and button to create id and login.
● Menu: It contains list of options used in selecting Complaint form, IPC list.
● If there is issue of network, the window will display ‘connection lost’ message
● Responsive in short time

4.2 Software Interface

● Programming language like JavaScript is used.
● Web based language, i.e. HTML and CSS are used.
● A JavaScript library jQuery and AJAX are used and MS SQL server 2005 used for
● It can run on windows XP and above, Linux and MacOS
● Authentication: Verifies user details and maintains it.

4.3 Hardware Interface

No hardware interface is required for this product

Data Flow Diagram

Level 0 DFD

Fig 01: 0 Level DFD

Level 1 DFD

Fig 02: 1 Level DFD

Level 2 DFD – Filing Case

Fig 03: 2 Level DFD

Level 2 DFD – The Trial

Fig 04: 2 Level DFD







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