Healthy Lifestyle

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Think you're leading a healthy lifestyle? Aside from occasionally
veering off the path, most of us think we do a fair job of
maintaining our health with good (or at least OK) eating habits and
physical activity whenever we manage to fit it in. But is that
enough to be considered "healthy?“
According to a recent study, very few adults actually meet the
criteria for a healthy lifestyle. The study, published in the Archives
of Internal Medicine, showed that only 3% of American adults got a
perfect score on what the authors say are the four basic criteria for
healthy living. Just 13.8% met three of the criteria; 34.2% met only
two criteria. Women scored slightly better than men.
The steps to healthy lifestyle are:
Eat a nutritious diet based on a
variety of foods originating mainly
from plants, rather than animals.
Replace fatty meat and meat
products with beans, legumes,
lentils, fish, poultry or lean meat.
Eat bread, whole grains, pasta,
rice or potatoes several times per
Consume the optimal amount of
protein. Avoid foods rich in
carbohydrates and fats
Maintain body weight between the
recommended limits (a BMI of 18.5–
25) by taking moderate to vigorous
levels of physical activity, preferably
daily for fifteen minutes.
Get a good night's rest. Well-rested
people not only cope better with
stress, but may also have better
control of their appetites. Research
has shown that a lack of sleep can
put our "hunger hormones" out of
balance -- and possibly trigger
Brush and floss daily to
keep your teeth and gums
healthy and free of disease
Avoid excessive alcohol
consumption and smoking
consume at least 2 liters of
fluids every day
Smile and laugh out loud
several times a day. It
keeps you grounded, and
helps you cope with
situations that would
otherwise make you crazy.
Read the comics, watch a
sitcom, or tell jokes to
bring out those happy

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