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Develop, in group of three, a panel with contents and

photos about your topic. You will also have to pass a small test exam about the unit contents and your
mates projects. So, please, upload project´s photos to aula virtual and your presentation.

1. Boats: Naos, caravels, galleons Page 129 Maeva, Luis, Guillermo

2. Life conditions in a Nao during an Page 144 and research Inés G, Kira, Inés M
expedition: feeding conditions What
did they eat?, diseases, hygienic
conditions, animals, objects, How
did it survive with no water?..
3. Navigational instruments during 15th- Page 128, 142 Manuel, Javier E
century: astrolabe, log
(corredera), quadrant, compass..
4. Crew members on board at the Page 135 Guido, David M, Alejandra,
expeditions: Royal Steward,
Surgeon, Tailor, Sheriff, Barrel
maker, Silversmith, Painter,
Carpenter, Caulker, Weapon

5. Maps from Modern age: Page 129 Jorge G, Jorge V , Guzman

Cartography, Uses and Functions of
the Map, Types of Maps, Symbols,
limitations of the maps, mains
examples of maps until modern age
6. New products and materials Page 127 Lucia H, Helena, Dario
exchange between America and
7. The Age of discovery, expeditions Page 129 Marina, Leonardo, Nando
and explorers: The spice route
(Marco Polo), discovery of America
(Cristobal Colon),The first world
round voyage( Magallanes, Elcano),
8. The Mayan civilization Page 138, 136 Kira, Aaron, Héctor
9. The Aztec empire Page 136 Minfa, Carlota, Sofia
10. The Inca empire Page 136 Alejandro, María, Laura


1. In your group look for information and prepare posters of the information boards

2. Organize the information into sections

3. Look for photos of what you want to display or create explanatory drawings.

4. Prepare a short power point where you will show your project to the rest of the class, and how did you
make it.

RESEARCH SOURCES Where should I obtain the information?

 Use your text book

 Look for reliable sources at internet as the National
Geographic articles
 Feel free to use your books


Your poster must be developed over a cardboard, A1 size. 65x100. Look for photos of what you want to display or
create explanatory drawings.


Deadline: 4th May

We will develop this project while the unit is explained


Se calificará en base a los indicadores de esta Rúbrica, siendo la máxima nota a obtener 50= 10/10. Siendo
aprobado el 25 (5/10)

5 mucho 4 bastante 3 regular 2 poco 0 nada

1.Se cumplen los criterios
de calidad en relación a
imágenes y presentación:
carboard and pptx
2. Se observa que los
contenidos son de calidad
y no excesivamente
3. Se demuestra que hay
un trabajo previo de
investigación en relación
al contenido
4. Se adecua el contenido
del trabajo al enunciado
del tema
5. Se data
correctamente y se sitúa
en el espacio los
personajes, temas..
6. Se detallan las
características de los
elementos o personajes
7. Se especifica la
trascendencia o
importancia para el futuro
de los elementos
8.Se han cumplido los
criterios fijados: entrega
a tiempo del trabajo
9. Se demuestra un uso
correcto del vocabulario
histórico y técnico
10. Se detallan las fuentes

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