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This is to certify that the research work titled “The Influence of Foreign Religion (Christian

and Muslim) on the Yoruba ‘Isese’ Ijanikin, Ojo” written by Adeliyi Deborah Oyebola has

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Sciences (B.SC) degree in Sociology.

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I hereby dedicate this project to God Almighty for His infinite mercy.



The given content is a research project on the influence of foreign religions, specifically

Christianity and Islam, on the traditional Yoruba religion called Isese. The project consists of

two phases, one involving the collection and analysis of quantitative data and the other

involving the collection and analysis of qualitative data. The study area is Ijanikin, a town

located in Oto-Awori Local Council Development. The project aims to contribute to the

broader scholarship on religious diversity, coexistence, and change in Africa and the world.

The content also includes a literature review, theoretical framework, and ethical

considerations. The literature review covers various sources, such as historical records, oral

traditions, religious texts, ethnographic observations, and interviews, to provide a

comprehensive and nuanced analysis of the influence of foreign religion on the Yoruba

"Isese" in Ijanikin, Ojo. The theoretical framework shows the four main variables that are

involved in the study: Isese, Islam, Christianity, and Yoruba society. The ethical

considerations include informed consent, confidentiality, and respect for cultural diversity.


Title page


Personal ethnics Statement



Table of Content



Background of the study

Statement of the Problem

Research Questions

Objectives of the Study

Significance of the Study

Scope and delimitation of the Study

Conceptual Clarifications


Literature review

Theoretical Framework

Conceptual Framework



Research Design

The Study Area

The Study Population

Sample Size/Sampling Techniques

Data Collection Procedure



4.0. Preamble

4.1. Socio-Demographic Characteristics Of Respondents

4.2 Results

4.3 Discussion of the Findings



5.1 Summary

5.2 Conclusion

5.3 Recommendations





1.1 Background of the study

The Yoruba people are one of the largest ethnic groups in West Africa, with a population of

about 40 million, mostly in south-west Nigeria. They have a rich and diverse cultural heritage

that includes various forms of religious expression, such as Isese, Islam, and Christianity.

Isese, also known as Yoruba traditional religion, is the indigenous belief system of the

Yoruba, which revolves around the worship of a supreme being called Olodumare and

numerous deities or spirits called Orisa. Isese encompasses a variety of rituals, festivals, arts,

ethics, and cosmology that reflect the Yoruba worldview and values. Isese is also a source of

identity and pride for many Yoruba, who regard it as their ancestral and authentic religion

(Ogunnaike O., 2020).

Islam and Christianity are the two major world religions that have been introduced to the

Yoruba lands through historical contacts with Arab traders, European missionaries, and

colonial powers. Islam arrived in the Yoruba region as early as the 11th century, and spread

through trade, migration, and jihad. Christianity came to the Yoruba coast in the 15th century,

and expanded through commerce, education, and evangelism. Both Islam and Christianity

have attracted many Yoruba converts, who have adopted and adapted these religions to suit

their local contexts and needs. Islam and Christianity have also influenced the Yoruba

culture, politics, and society in various ways, such as introducing new forms of literacy,

education, law, and governance (Edmund I., 2019).

The interaction between Isese and the world religions has resulted in various forms of

religious coexistence, adaptation, and transformation among the Yoruba. Some of the factors

that have influenced this process include the political, economic, and social changes brought

by colonialism and globalization, the cultural and intellectual exchanges among different

religious groups, and the personal and communal experiences of faith and identity. The study

of these factors and their effects on the Yoruba religious landscape can provide valuable

insights into the dynamics of religious diversity, tolerance, and innovation in Africa and


One of the aspects of this interaction is the emergence and development of the three main

religious traditions among the Yoruba, namely Isese, Islam, and Christianity, and how they

interact and coexist in a pluralistic society. These traditions can be seen as three concentric

circles, with Isese as the innermost circle, Islam as the middle circle, and Christianity as the

outermost circle. The inner circle represents the core of the Yoruba culture and identity,

which is shared by all Yoruba regardless of their religious affiliation. The middle circle

represents the adaptation of Islam to the Yoruba context, which involves the incorporation of

some elements of Isese, such as the recognition of Orisa as intermediaries between God and

humans. The outer circle represents the adaptation of Christianity to the Yoruba context,

which involves the incorporation of some elements of Isese, such as the use of Yoruba

language, music, and art in worship. The three circles are not mutually exclusive, but rather

overlap and interpenetrate in various ways, creating a complex and dynamic religious mosaic

(Soares, B. 2016).

Another aspect of this interaction is the revival and popularity of Isese among some segments

of the Yoruba population, especially the young urban professionals in Lagos, Nigeria. This

phenomenon can be seen as a response to the challenges and opportunities posed by

globalization, modernity, and identity politics. Some of the reasons for the resurgence of

Isese include the search for cultural authenticity and roots, the dissatisfaction with the world

religions and their perceived foreignness, the attraction of the spiritual and aesthetic aspects

of Isese, and the empowerment of the marginalized and oppressed groups, such as women,

gays, and environmentalists. The revival of Isese also involves the reinterpretation and

innovation of Isese in relation to the contemporary issues and trends, such as human rights,

democracy, science, and technology. The revival of Isese is not a rejection of the world

religions, but rather a negotiation and reconfiguration of the religious identity and practice in

a globalized and pluralized world (Elizabeth I., 2021).

The influence of foreign religions(Christianity and Islam) on the Yoruba “Isese” Ijanikin,Ojo

is a topic that has significant implications for the understanding of the Yoruba culture,

history, and society, as well as the broader issues of religious diversity, coexistence, and

change in Africa and the world. The study of this topic can contribute to the advancement of

knowledge and scholarship in the field of African religious studies, as well as the promotion

of interreligious dialogue and harmony among the Yoruba and other peoples.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The Yoruba people of south-west Nigeria have a long history of religious diversity and

coexistence, which involves the interaction of their indigenous belief system, Isese, with the

world religions of Islam and Christianity. However, the influence of these foreign religions

on the Yoruba Isese has not been adequately studied and understood, especially in the context

of the contemporary challenges and opportunities posed by globalization, modernity, and

identity politics.

The study will draw on various sources, such as historical records, oral traditions, religious

texts, ethnographic observations, and interviews, to provide a comprehensive and nuanced

analysis of The influence of foreign religions(Christianity and Islam) on the Yoruba

“Isese” Ijanikin,Ojo. The study will also contribute to the broader scholarship on religious

diversity, coexistence, and change in Africa and the world.

1.3 Research Questions

The influence of foreign religions(Christianity and Islam) on the Yoruba “Isese” Ijanikin,Ojo

may include an examination of various research questions.

 How have Islam and Christianity affected the Yoruba Isese in terms of its doctrines,

rituals, practices, and institutions?

 How have the Yoruba Isese adherents responded to the presence and pressure of Islam

and Christianity in terms of their religious identity, affiliation, and expression?

 How have the Yoruba Isese, Islam, and Christianity coexisted and interacted in the

Yoruba society in terms of their interreligious relations, dialogue, and cooperation?

 How have the Yoruba Isese, Islam, and Christianity adapted and innovated in the Yoruba

society in terms of their engagement with the contemporary issues and trends, such as

human rights, democracy, science, and technology?

1.4 Objectives of the Study

The purpose of this study generally is to examine the influence of foreign

religions(Christianity and Islam ) on the Yoruba “Isese” Ijanikin,Ojo

 To examine the historical and socio-cultural factors that facilitated the introduction and

spread of Islam and Christianity among the Yoruba people.

 To analyze the doctrinal, ritual, and institutional similarities and differences between

Isese, Islam, and Christianity, and how they have influenced each other over time.

 To explore the religious identity, affiliation, and expression of the Yoruba Isese

adherents, and how they have responded to the presence and pressure of Islam and

Christianity in their society.

 To investigate the interreligious relations, dialogue, and cooperation among the Yoruba

Isese, Islam, and Christianity, and how they have contributed to the religious diversity

and tolerance in the Yoruba society.

 To assess the adaptation and innovation of Isese, Islam, and Christianity in the Yoruba

society, and how they have engaged with the contemporary issues and trends, such as

human rights, democracy, science, and technology.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The study of The influence of foreign religions(Christianity and Islam) on the Yoruba

“Isese” Ijanikin,Ojo is significant for several reasons. First, it can enhance the understanding

of the historical and socio-cultural factors that shaped the religious diversity and coexistence

among the Yoruba people, one of the largest and most influential ethnic groups in West

Africa. Second, it can reveal the doctrinal, ritual, and institutional similarities and differences

between Isese, Islam, and Christianity, and how they have influenced each other over time.

Third, it can explore the religious identity, affiliation, and expression of the Yoruba Isese

adherents, and how they have responded to the presence and pressure of Islam and

Christianity in their society. Fourth, it can investigate the interreligious relations, dialogue,

and cooperation among the Yoruba Isese, Islam, and Christianity, and how they have

contributed to the religious diversity and tolerance in the Yoruba society. Fifth, it can assess

the adaptation and innovation of Isese, Islam, and Christianity in the Yoruba society, and how

they have engaged with the contemporary issues and trends, such as human rights,

democracy, science, and technology (Odejobi C.O, 2014).

The study of The influence of foreign religions(Christianity and Islam) on the Yoruba

“Isese” Ijanikin,Ojo can also contribute to the broader scholarship on religious diversity,

coexistence, and change in Africa and the world. It can provide valuable insights into the

dynamics of religious pluralism, tolerance, and innovation in a globalized and pluralized

world. It can also promote interreligious dialogue and harmony among the Yoruba and other

peoples. The study can draw on various sources, such as historical records, oral traditions,

religious texts, ethnographic observations, and interviews, to provide a comprehensive and

nuanced analysis of the topic (Sola E., 2014).

1.6 Scope and delimitation of the Study

The scope and delimitation of the study refers to the extent and limitations of the research

topic, such as the time period, geographical area, population, and sources of data. For the

topic of The influence of foreign religions(Christianity and Islam) on the Yoruba

“Isese” Ijanikin,Ojo.

 The study will cover the historical and contemporary period of the interaction

between Isese, Islam, and Christianity among the Yoruba people, from the 11th

century to the present day.

 The study will focus on the Yoruba people of south-west Nigeria, who constitute the

majority of the Isese adherents, and their religious diversity and coexistence with

Muslims and Christians in their society.

 The study will use a mixed-methods approach, combining historical, anthropological,

and sociological methods, to collect and analyze data from various sources, such as

historical records, oral traditions, religious texts, ethnographic observations, and


 The study will limit itself to the three main religious traditions among the Yoruba,

namely Isese, Islam, and Christianity, and their influence on each other in terms of

doctrines, rituals, practices, institutions, identity, relations, and adaptation.

 The study will exclude other religious traditions that may have some presence or

influence among the Yoruba, such as African Traditional Religion, Hinduism,

Buddhism, Judaism, and Baha’i Faith.

1.7 Conceptual Clarifications

Before proceeding with the study of the influence of foreign religions(Christianity and Islam)

on the Yoruba “Isese” Ijanikin,Ojo, it is important to clarify some key concepts and terms

that are relevant to the topic. These concepts and terms are:

 Isese: Isese, also known as Yoruba traditional religion, is the indigenous belief system

of the Yoruba people, which revolves around the worship of a supreme being called

Olodumare and numerous deities or spirits called Orisa. Isese encompasses a variety

of rituals, festivals, arts, ethics, and cosmology that reflect the Yoruba worldview and

values. Isese is also a source of identity and pride for many Yoruba, who regard it as

their ancestral and authentic religion.

 Islam: Islam is a monotheistic religion that originated in Arabia in the 7th century,

and is based on the teachings of Prophet Muhammad and the Quran, the holy book of

Muslims. Islam has five pillars of faith, which are the declaration of faith, prayer,

fasting, charity, and pilgrimage. Islam also has a legal system called Sharia, which

governs the moral and social aspects of life. Islam is divided into two main branches,

Sunni and Shia, which differ in their interpretation of the succession of leadership

after Muhammad’s death.

 Christianity: Christianity is a monotheistic religion that originated in Palestine in the

1st century, and is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Bible, the holy book

of Christians. Christianity has three main branches, which are Catholic, Orthodox, and

Protestant, which differ in their doctrines, rituals, and authority. Christianity also has

various denominations, such as Anglican, Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, and

Pentecostal, which have their own distinctive beliefs and practices.

 Influence: Influence is the capacity or power of a person, group, or thing to affect

another person, group, or thing in a direct or indirect way. Influence can be positive or

negative, intentional or unintentional, and manifest or latent. Influence can also be

measured by various indicators, such as the degree, direction, duration, and domain of

the effect.

 Foreign: Foreign is an adjective that describes something that is not native, belonging,

or related to a certain place, person, or thing. Foreign can also imply a sense of

difference, unfamiliarity, or incompatibility. Foreign can also be used as a noun to

refer to a person or thing that is foreign.

 Religion: Religion is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that involves the

beliefs, practices, and institutions that relate human beings to a transcendent reality,

such as God, gods, spirits, or ancestors. Religion can also involve the values, norms,

and symbols that shape the worldview and identity of individuals and communities.

Religion can also have various functions, such as providing meaning, purpose, and

guidance, fostering social cohesion and solidarity, and addressing human needs and




2.1 Literature Review

The Yoruba people of south-west Nigeria have a long history of religious diversity and

coexistence, which involves the interaction of their indigenous belief system, Isese, with the

world religions of Islam and Christianity. Isese, also known as Yoruba traditional religion, is

the indigenous belief system of the Yoruba, which revolves around the worship of a supreme

being called Olodumare and numerous deities or spirits called Orisa. Isese encompasses a

variety of rituals, festivals, arts, ethics, and cosmology that reflect the Yoruba worldview and

values. Isese is also a source of identity and pride for many Yoruba, who regard it as their

ancestral and authentic religion. Islam and Christianity are the two major world religions that

have been introduced to the Yoruba lands through historical contacts with Arab traders,

European missionaries, and colonial powers. Islam arrived in the Yoruba region as early as

the 11th century, and spread through trade, migration, and jihad. Christianity came to the

Yoruba coast in the 15th century, and expanded through commerce, education, and

evangelism. Both Islam and Christianity have attracted many Yoruba converts, who have

adopted and adapted these religions to suit their local contexts and needs. Islam and

Christianity have also influenced the Yoruba culture, politics, and society in various ways,

such as introducing new forms of literacy, education, law, and governance.

The interaction between Isese and the world religions has resulted in various forms of

religious coexistence, adaptation, and transformation among the Yoruba. Some of the factors

that have influenced this process include the political, economic, and social changes brought

by colonialism and globalization, the cultural and intellectual exchanges among different

religious groups, and the personal and communal experiences of faith and identity. The study

of these factors and their effects on the Yoruba religious landscape can provide valuable

insights into the dynamics of religious diversity, tolerance, and innovation in Africa and

beyond (Peel, J. D. Y. 2020).

The existing literature on the topic of The influence of foreign religions(Christianity and

Islam) on the Yoruba “Isese” Ijanikin,Ojo can be divided into four main themes: the

historical development and spread of Islam and Christianity among the Yoruba, the doctrinal,

ritual, and institutional similarities and differences between Isese, Islam, and Christianity, the

religious identity, affiliation, and expression of the Yoruba Isese adherents, and the

interreligious relations, dialogue, and cooperation among the Yoruba Isese, Islam, and

Christianity. Each of these themes will be discussed below, with reference to some of the

relevant sources and authors (Nolte 2011).

The historical development and spread of Islam and Christianity among the Yoruba

The history of Islam and Christianity among the Yoruba is a complex and contested topic,

which involves the reconstruction of the sources, motives, and patterns of conversion, as well

as the assessment of the impact and influence of these religions on the Yoruba society and

culture. Sources that can be used for this theme are:

 Peel (2021), a book that analyzes the historical development and contemporary

configuration of the three main religious traditions among the Yoruba, namely Isese,

Islam, and Christianity, and how they interact and coexist in a pluralistic society. Peel

uses the metaphor of three concentric circles, with Isese as the innermost circle, Islam

as the middle circle, and Christianity as the outermost circle, to illustrate the

relationship between these traditions and the Yoruba culture and identity. Peel also

traces the historical origins and trajectories of Islam and Christianity among the

Yoruba, and how they have been affected by the political, economic, and social

changes in the region.

 Nolte (2011), a review article that discusses three recent books on Yoruba Islam and

its relation to Christianity and Isese, highlighting the challenges and contributions of

these works to the field of African religious studies. Nolte argues that these books

offer new perspectives on the diversity, complexity, and dynamism of Yoruba Islam,

and how it has been shaped by the historical and contemporary encounters with

Christianity and Isese. Nolte also suggests some of the areas that need further research

and attention, such as the role of women, the impact of globalization, and the

prospects of interreligious dialogue.

 Sanneh (2009), a journal article that reflects on the historical and contemporary

encounters between Muslims and Christians in West Africa, and how they have

shaped the religious landscape and identity of the region. Sanneh argues that the

encounters between Muslims and Christians in West Africa have been characterized

by both conflict and cooperation, and that they have resulted in the mutual adaptation

and transformation of both religions. Sanneh also emphasizes the importance of the

indigenous languages and cultures, such as the Yoruba, in mediating and moderating

the influence of Islam and Christianity in West Africa.

The doctrinal, ritual, and institutional similarities and differences between Isese, Islam, and


The doctrinal, ritual, and institutional similarities and differences between Isese, Islam, and

Christianity are another important theme in the literature, which involves the comparison and

contrast of the beliefs, practices, and organizations of these religions, and how they have

influenced each other over time. Some of the sources that can be used for this theme are:

 Odejobi (2013), a journal article that examines the influence of Yoruba culture in

Christian religious worship, such as the use of Yoruba language, music, and art in

worship. Odejobi argues that the Yoruba culture has enriched and enhanced the

Christian worship, and that the Christian worship has also contributed to the

preservation and promotion of the Yoruba culture. Odejobi also explores some of the

challenges and opportunities that the Yoruba culture poses for the Christian worship,

such as the need for contextualization, inculturation, and dialogue.

 Ebiseni (2011), an opinion piece that argues for the revival and recognition of Isese as

a source of cultural identity and pride for the Yoruba, and criticizes the attempts by

some outsiders and insiders to sow discord among the Yoruba on religious grounds.

Ebiseni contends that Isese is the original and authentic religion of the Yoruba, and

that it has been marginalized and demonized by the foreign religions of Islam and

Christianity. Ebiseni also calls for the respect and tolerance of Isese by the Muslims

and Christians, and the cooperation and collaboration of Isese with the other religions

for the common good of the Yoruba.

 Comhaire (1949), an encyclopedia entry that provides a brief overview of the history

and impact of Islam and Christianity on the Yoruba and other West African peoples,

and how they have adapted and blended these religions with their indigenous beliefs

and practices. Comhaire notes that Islam and Christianity have introduced new

elements of doctrine, ritual, and institution to the West African peoples, but that they

have also assimilated some of the local elements of culture, such as the language,

music, and art. Comhaire also observes that Islam and Christianity have not

completely replaced the traditional religions, but rather coexist and interact with them

in various ways.

The religious identity, affiliation, and expression of the Yoruba Isese adherents.

The religious identity, affiliation, and expression of the Yoruba Isese adherents is another

relevant theme in the literature, which involves the exploration of the motives, meanings, and

manifestations of the adherence to Isese, and how they have responded to the presence and

pressure of Islam and Christianity in their society. Some of the sources that can be used for

this theme are:

 Janson (2014), a book chapter that examines the recent emergence and popularity of

Isese among young urban professionals in Lagos, Nigeria, and how they negotiate

their religious identity and practice in relation to Islam, Christianity, and the global

market. Janson argues that the revival of Isese among the urban elites is a response to

the challenges and opportunities posed by globalization, modernity, and identity

politics. Janson also shows how the Isese adherents reinterpret and innovate Isese in

relation to the contemporary issues and trends, such as human rights, democracy,

science, and technology.

 Ancestrals (2018), a blog post that examines the persecution of Isese from an

international human rights perspective and suggests ways to preserve and promote the

Yoruba spiritual heritage. Ancestrals argues that Isese is under siege from various

sources, such as the state, the media, the education system, and the dominant religions

of Islam and Christianity, which seek to suppress, stigmatize, and criminalize Isese.

Ancestrals also proposes some of the strategies and actions that can be taken to

protect and advance Isese, such as the documentation, education, and advocacy of


 Awolowo (1960), a memoir that describes the reception of Christianity in his small

Yoruba home town, Ikenne, in the early 20th century, and how it affected his personal

and communal life. Awolowo recounts how Christianity was introduced to Ikenne by

a local teacher, who converted many of the young people, including himself, to the

new religion. Awolowo also narrates how Christianity created a rift between the

converts and the traditionalists, who resisted and resented the new religion. Awolowo

also reflects on how Christianity influenced his education, career, and politics, and

how he

2.2 Theoretical Framework

Comparative And Historical Approach

This study involves the comparison and contrast of the beliefs, practices, and institutions of

Isese, Islam, and Christianity, and how they have influenced each other over time. The study

will also trace the historical and socio-cultural factors that facilitated the introduction and

spread of Islam and Christianity among the Yoruba people, and how they have affected their

religious identity, affiliation, and expression. The study will use the concept of religious

pluralism, which refers to the coexistence and interaction of different religious traditions in a

society, and how they relate to each other in terms of tolerance, dialogue, and cooperation.

The study will also use the concept of religious change, which refers to the adaptation and

innovation of religious traditions in response to the challenges and opportunities posed by the

changing political, economic, and social contexts, and how they engage with the

contemporary issues and trends, such as human rights, democracy, science, and technology.

The study will draw on various sources, such as historical records, oral traditions, religious

texts, ethnographic observations, and interviews, to provide a comprehensive and nuanced

analysis of The influence of foreign religion(Christian and Muslim) on the Yoruba

“Isese” Ijanikin, Ojo. The study will also contribute to the broader scholarship on religious

diversity, coexistence, and change in Africa and the world. Some of the sources that can be

used for this study are:

 Peel (2016), a book that analyzes the historical development and contemporary

configuration of the three main religious traditions among the Yoruba, namely Isese,

Islam, and Christianity, and how they interact and coexist in a pluralistic society. Peel

uses the metaphor of three concentric circles, with Isese as the innermost circle, Islam

as the middle circle, and Christianity as the outermost circle, to illustrate the

relationship between these traditions and the Yoruba culture and identity. Peel also

traces the historical origins and trajectories of Islam and Christianity among the

Yoruba, and how they have been affected by the political, economic, and social

changes in the region

 Nolte (2011), a review article that discusses three recent books on Yoruba Islam and

its relation to Christianity and Isese, highlighting the challenges and contributions of

these works to the field of African religious studies. Nolte argues that these books

offer new perspectives on the diversity, complexity, and dynamism of Yoruba Islam,

and how it has been shaped by the historical and contemporary encounters with

Christianity and Isese. Nolte also suggests some of the areas that need further research

and attention, such as the role of women, the impact of globalization, and the

prospects of interreligious dialogue

 Janson (2014), a book chapter that examines the recent emergence and popularity of

Isese among young urban professionals in Lagos, Nigeria, and how they negotiate

their religious identity and practice in relation to Islam, Christianity, and the global

market. Janson argues that the revival of Isese among the urban elites is a response to

the challenges and opportunities posed by globalization, modernity, and identity

politics. Janson also shows how the Isese adherents reinterpret and innovate Isese in

relation to the contemporary issues and trends, such as human rights, democracy,

science, and technology

Conflict Theory On Religion

German philosopher Karl Marx, viewed religion as "the soul of soulless

conditions" or the "opium of the people". According to Marx, religion in this world of

exploitation is an expression of distress and at the same time it is also a protest against the

real distress. In other words, religion continues to survive because of oppressive social

conditions. When this oppressive and exploitative condition is destroyed, religion will

become unnecessary. At the same time, Marx saw religion as a form of protest by the

working classes against their poor economic conditions and their alienation. Denys Turner, a

scholar of Marx and historical theology, classified Marx's views as adhering to Post-Theism,

a philosophical position that regards worshipping deities as an eventually obsolete, but

temporarily necessary, stage in humanity's historical spiritual development.

In the Marxist–Leninist interpretation, all modern religions and churches are considered as

"organs of bourgeois reaction" used for "the exploitation and the stupefaction of the working

class". A number of Marxist–Leninist governments in the 20th century such as the Soviet

Union after Vladimir Lenin and the People's Republic of China under Mao

Zedong implemented rules introducing state atheism.

In view to Marx’s proposition regarding the subject matter, foreign religion happen to

have other motives besides its primary purpose, which is to serve one’s creator. It has

been used to sway people away from their ancestral practices, and also had create a

double standard impression in the minds of followers who lack exposure. On the long run,

foreign religion has been used to instigare fear and confusion, where religious leaders had

sometimes manipulate scriptural documentation in their own personal favor. Marx’s

theory has been beneficial to subject matter regarding religion in every aspect of study.

2.3 Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework shows the four main variables that are involved in the study:

Isese, Islam, Christianity, and Yoruba society. The influence can be positive or negative,

direct or indirect, and manifest or latent. The influence can also be measured by various

indicators, such as the degree, direction, duration, and domain of the effect (Insa N., 2018).

The historical development and spread of Islam and Christianity among the Yoruba, the

doctrinal, ritual, and institutional similarities and differences between Isese, Islam, and

Christianity, the religious identity, affiliation, and expression of the Yoruba Isese adherents,

and the interreligious relations, dialogue, and cooperation among the Yoruba Isese, Islam,

and Christianity. These themes correspond to the research questions and objectives of the

study (J.D.Y. Peel, 2014) .

2.4 Hypothesis/Proposition

A hypothesis or a proposition is a tentative statement that expresses a possible explanation or

prediction of a phenomenon or a relationship between variables, based on existing knowledge

and evidence. A hypothesis or a proposition can be tested and verified or falsified by

empirical research. A hypothesis or a proposition can also help to guide the research design

and methodology, as well as to interpret the findings and implications of the study.

 The introduction and spread of Islam and Christianity among the Yoruba people was

facilitated by the political, economic, and social changes brought by colonialism and

globalization, as well as the cultural and intellectual exchanges among different

religious groups.

 The doctrinal, ritual, and institutional similarities and differences between Isese,

Islam, and Christianity have influenced each other over time, resulting in various

forms of religious adaptation and innovation among the Yoruba people.

 The religious identity, affiliation, and expression of the Yoruba Isese adherents have

been affected by the presence and pressure of Islam and Christianity in their society,

leading to various forms of religious coexistence, tolerance, and diversity among the

Yoruba people.

 The interreligious relations, dialogue, and cooperation among the Yoruba Isese, Islam,

and Christianity have contributed to the religious harmony and development of the

Yoruba society, as well as to the engagement with the contemporary issues and

trends, such as human rights, democracy, science, and technology.



3.1 Introduction

This part here is the method and procedure that was applied in this study. In this chapter the

procedure was organized under the following byline: Research Design, Population of the


Sample and Sampling Technique, Research Instrument, Validity of the Instrument, Method of

Data Collection, and Method of Data Analysis.

3.2 Research Design

The study will adopt a mixed-methods approach, which involves the use of both quantitative

and qualitative methods to collect and analyze data from various sources, such as historical

records, oral traditions, religious texts, ethnographic observations, and interviews. The study

will use a sequential explanatory design, which consists of two phases: the first phase will

involve the collection and analysis of quantitative data, such as the statistics and trends of

religious affiliation, conversion, and coexistence among the Yoruba people, and the second

phase will involve the collection and analysis of qualitative data, such as the narratives and

experiences of the Yoruba Isese adherents, and how they relate to Islam, Christianity, and the

Yoruba society. The study will use the quantitative data to provide a general overview and

context of the research topic, and the qualitative data to provide a deeper and richer

understanding and explanation of the research topic.

3.2 The Study Area

Ijanikin is a town located in Oto-Awori Local Council Development Area of Ojo Local

Government Area of Lagos, Lagos state, Nigeria. Ijanikin is also home to several notable

educational institutions, such as the Federal Government College Lagos, the Lagos State

University of Education, and the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria. Ijanikin

is one of the towns where the Yoruba Isese adherents live and practice their religion,

alongside Muslims and Christians.

Ijanikin is an ideal study area for the topic of The influence of foreign religion(Christian and

Muslim) on the Yoruba “Isese” Ijanikin,Ojo because it provides a unique and dynamic

context for the interaction and coexistence of different religious traditions. Ijanikin has a long

history of contact and exchange with the Arab and European worlds, which facilitated the

introduction and spread of Islam and Christianity among the Yoruba people. Ijanikin also has

a strong and resilient indigenous belief system, Isese, which has survived and thrived despite

the presence and pressure of the world religions. Ijanikin also has a high degree of religious

tolerance and pluralism, which allows the Yoruba people to maintain and express their

religious identity and affiliation (Wikipedi, 2023).

3.4 The Study Population

The study population of people living in Ijanikin, Ojo is not easy to determine. However,

based on some sources, we can estimate the population size and characteristics of the area.

We need to find out the proportion of Ijankinin the total population. Ijanikin has a population

of about 200,000 people, mostly of the Yoruba ethnic group.

3.4 Sample Size/Sampling Techniques

Purposive sampling is a non-probability sampling strategy used to choose research study

participants based on particular traits that are pertinent to the investigation. In the context of

this study, the researcher will employ a purposive sampling to choose individuals who had a

thorough understanding of traditional vocations and the difficulties they faced. As a result,

the researcher will be able to learn in-depth details about these problems directly from those

who have really dealt with them. The researcher will purposively select (25) people from

Ijanikin for interviews.

3.5 The Instrument for Data Collection

A possible research instrument for the topic of The influence of foreign religion(Christianity

and Islam) on the Yoruba “Isese” Ijanikin, Ojo is a questionnaire. A questionnaire will be

used to collect quantitative and/or qualitative information. A questionnaire will be designed

with valid and reliable questions that address the research objectives, placed in a useful order,

and selected with an appropriate method for administration.

3.6 Method of Data Analysis

The collected interview data will be analyzed using thematic analysis. The analysis process

will involve identifying recurring themes, patterns, and insights within the data. The themes

will be categorized and organized to provide a comprehensive understanding of the influence

of foreign religion(Christian and Muslim) on the Yoruba “Isese” Ijanikin,Ojo.

3.7 Ethical Consideration

A researcher must adhere to ethical standards and be aware of what is appropriate and

inappropriate behavior when conducting research. The confidentiality and privacy of the

participants' answers provided during the interview was assured. Incentives or the offer of

rewards were not used to bribe respondents or urge them to provide feedback on the survey's

questions. The information gathered was only used for that purpose.




This chapter presents the analysis of data for the study collected through in-depth interview.

The in-depth interview was transcribed and coded. Section one examines the socio-

demographic characteristics of the respondent, and other sections has to do with the opinions

of the respondents on the impact of foreign religions(Christianity and Islam)

on Yoruba Isese practices in relation to the objectives. This chapter also present the

discussions of the finding of the study.

A total number of 25 in-depth interview guide was used and a total number of 25 Adults was

interviewed during the study period.





Male 6 24.0
Female 19 76.0

30-35 years 9 36.0
36-40 years 6 24.0
41-45 years 4 16.0
46 and above 6 24.0


Christianity 9 36.0
Islam 6 24.0
ATR 10 40.0

Primary 8 32.0
Secondary 7 28.0
Tertiary level 10 40.0

Self employed 15 60.0
Civil Servant 10 40.0

Sources: Field Survey, Ijanikin,Ojo,Lagos State 2023.

From the above table, it was revealed that 76.0% of the respondents are female and 24.0% are

male. The table also revealed that 36.0% of the respondents range from 30-35 years, 24.0%

of the respondents are within the age of 36-40years, 16.0% of the respondents are 41-45

years, while 24.0% of the respondents are 46 and above. It also shows that 36.0% of the

respondents practices Christianity, 24.0% of the respondents practices Islam, while 40.0% of

the respondents practices African traditional religion. The education table shows that 32.0%

of the respondents have primary education, 28.0% of the respondents have secondary

education, while 40.0% of the respondents have tertiary education. 60.0% of the respondents

are Self-employed, while 40.0% of the respondents are Civil Servant.



This study tend to examine the historical transformation of Yoruba " isese" practices on how

Yoruba isese practices have changed and transform over time with the incorporation of the

Christian and Islamic elements into the practices.

How have Yoruba traditional religion changed over time?

The majority of the interviewed respondents claimed that Yoruba traditional religion have

changed over time with the introduction of Islamic and Christian element into Yoruba


A respondent stated :

That with the arrival of Christianity and Islam, some Yoruba people have

incorporated elements from these religions into their traditional practices.

And also, globalization and urbanization have also impacted the way Yoruba

traditional religion is practiced today.


Another respondent stated that:

Yoruba traditional religion has experienced shifts in beliefs and practices. For

example, there has been a greater emphasis on ancestor worship, as well as the

inclusion of new deities and rituals. Moreso,Yoruba traditional religion has

become more syncretic, incorporating elements from other religions while still

maintaining its core principles.

IDI,Female 34years

What are the factors that influence these changes?

This is to examine the factors that influence historical transformation of

Yoruba isese practices. Majority of the respondents agreed that factors like interaction

between the Yoruba people and other culture, internal development within Yoruba society

and colonialism.

A respondent stated that:

The historical transformation of Yoruba Isese practices has been influenced by

various factors such as the impact of colonization, which introduced

Christianity and Islam to the region and led to the blending of these religions

with Yoruba traditional practices.

IDI,32 years(Female)

Another response gotten from a respondent was that:

Urbanization and migration, which have brought about changes in social

structures and lifestyles, has influenced the way Isese practices are carried out.


Another respondent stated that:

Globalization and increased access to information have also played a role in

shaping the transformation of Yoruba Isese practices and it's a complex mix of

historical, social, and cultural influences.

IDI,30 years(Male)

What impact have these changes had on Yoruba culture and identity?

This tend to examine the impact of the changes of Yoruba traditional religion on Yoruba

culture and identity. The majority of the interviewed respondents claimed that the impact that

foreign religion has on Yoruba culture and identity, such as changes in the value system and

ethical teaching of Yoruba culture.

A respondent state that: The changes in Yoruba Isese practices have had a significant impact

on Yoruba culture and identity in such a way that some have embraced the syncretism of

Yoruba traditional religion with Christianity and Islam, others have chosen to preserve and

uphold the traditional practices. This diversity within Yoruba religious beliefs reflects the

richness and adaptability of Yoruba culture.

IDI,40 years(Female)

Another respondent said that:

The changes have also influenced the way Yoruba people express their identity,

as they navigate the complexities of their heritage in a modern world and it’s a

beautiful blend of tradition and innovation.

IDI 45years(Female)

How have these changes been perceived by the Yoruba people?

This study tend to examine how the introduction of foreign religion have been perceived by

the Yoruba people. Most of the interviewed respondents stated how these changes have been

perceived by the Yoruba people such as the educational opportunities, social mobility and

access to global network.

A respondent stated that:

Some Yoruba individuals embrace the evolving nature of Yoruba Isese

practices, seeing it as a way to adapt to modern times while still honoring

their cultural heritage. In other words,they perceived a way of adapting to

modernization and globalization.

IDI 38years(Male)

Another respondent stated that:

Some may have mixed feelings, as they navigate the complexities of

balancing traditional beliefs with the influences of Christianity, Islam,

and globalization and also its important to remember that perspectives

can differ among individuals based on experience.

IDI 47years(Male)



The study also tend to examine the reasons behind religion conversion from Yoruba isese to

foreign religion such as Christianity and Islam.

What are some of the reasons people are converting from Yoruba traditional religion to

Christianity or Islam?

The study examine the reasons why people are converting from Yoruba traditional religion to

Foreign religion as majority of the interviewed respondents claimed that lack of believe in

one religion and also have a better life.

A respondent state that:

Personally,it’s as a result of personal beliefs and spiritual experiences that

align more closely with the teachings of Christianity or Islam and another thing

that influenced me is family and societal pressures to conform to the dominant

religions in my community.

IDI 38 years(Female)

Another respondent stated that:

One of the things that made him convert was due to some factors such as

education, exposure to different cultures, and the desire for social acceptance

made him took the decision to convert.

IDI 49 years(Male)

Do you think people who convert fully abandon Yoruba traditional religion practices,

or do some practices remain part of their lives?

The study examine people who convert fully abandon Yoruba traditional religion practices to

other religion. Most of the interviewed respondents said that most people do not fully

abandon Yoruba traditional religion practices and customs to other religion.

A respondent stated that:

Some may fully embrace their new religion and let go of Yoruba traditional

practices, while others may still incorporate certain aspects of Yoruba

traditions into their lives. That it depends on individual’s decision or what they

believe in.

IDI 50years(Female)

Another respondent stated that:

Some individuals truly converts but still find their way into their traditional

practices to honor what they worship or honor their belief.For example, they

may continue to celebrate cultural festivals or maintain connections with their

ancestral heritage and besides its all about personal beliefs and how they

choose to express their faith and cultural identity.

IDI 42 years (Female)

In what ways do people who convert maintain a connection to Yoruba traditional


The study also examine that people who convert to other religion still maintain connection to

Yoruba traditional religion. Most of the interviewed respondents stated that people who

convert to other religion still maintain good connection with Yoruba traditional religion.

A respondent stated that:

Those individuals who convert to Christianity or Islam may maintain a

connection to Yoruba traditional religion in such a way that they might

incorporate certain rituals, such as pouring libations or offering prayers to

their ancestors, alongside their new religious practices. They may also

participate in cultural events and festivals that are rooted in Yoruba traditions.

IDI 47(Male)

Another respondent added that:

Some people may still seek guidance from traditional healers or use traditional

remedies for certain ailments because they are in one way or the other deeply

rooted in their beliefs. IDI 44 years(Male)

Do people who convert perceive any stigma or negative consequences as a result of

their conversion?

The study also examine that people who convert to other religion perceive any stigma or

negative consequences as a result of their conversion. Majority of the interviewed

respondents revealed that the unbeliever are the ones who perceive stigma or negative

consequences as a result of their conversion.

A respondent state that:

To some extent,some individuals who convert from Yoruba traditional religion

to Christianity or Islam experiences stigma or negative consequences as a

result of their conversion. This varies depending on the specific community or

family dynamics and in some cases, there are social pressure or judgment from

those who view the conversion as a rejection of cultural traditions and this in

turn leads to strained relationships or exclusion from certain cultural events.

IDI 33 years(Female)


The study examined the core beliefs, values and cultural norms of Yoruba isese as there

are ifa and other divination and Yoruba traditional way of healing sick people, the Yoruba

people believe in these practices.

What are some of the core beliefs and values of Yoruba traditional religion?

A respondent stated:

One of the core beliefs and values is that the Yoruba people believe in a

supreme deity known as Olodumare, who is the creator of the universe and all

living beings. They also believe in the existence of various deities or Orishas,

who serve as intermediaries between humans and Olodumare. These deities are

associated with different aspects of life, such as nature, fertility, and wisdom.

Another key value is the concept of "Ase," which represents the life force and

spiritual power that flows through all things. It is believed that by aligning

oneself with the divine energy of Ase, one can achieve balance, harmony, and

success in life.

IDI 43 years(Male)

How are these beliefs and values expressed in Yoruba culture and society?

The majority of the interviewed respondents claimed that the Yoruba beliefs and values are

significantly expressed in Yoruba culture and identity in terms of dressing, greeting and


According to a respondent :

Yoruba traditional religion expresses beliefs and values in everyday life. For

example, the concept of respect is deeply ingrained in Yoruba culture. Respect

for elders, ancestors, and community members is emphasized. There are

specific greetings, gestures, and etiquette that reflect this value of respect.

In addition to that,rituals and ceremonies play a significant role in honoring

the deities and ancestors. These rituals often involve prayers, offerings, music,

dance, and storytelling. They are performed at sacred sites, shrines, and during

important cultural events and festivals.

How are these beliefs and values reflected in Yoruba art, music, and literature?

According to a respondent:

Yoruba art, music, and literature serve as powerful mediums for preserving and expressing

the rich spiritual heritage of Yoruba traditional religion. They provide a deeper understanding

of the beliefs and values that shape Yoruba culture and society.

IDI 39 years(Male)

Another respondent stated that:

Musical expressions are often used in religious ceremonies and festivals to

invoke the presence of the deities and create a spiritual atmosphere. The

rhythmic beats and melodic patterns reflect the energy and vibrancy of Yoruba

traditional religion.

IDI 36years(Female)

How are these beliefs and values reflected in Yoruba traditional medicine and healing


The study also examined how the Yoruba beliefs and values reflected in Yoruba traditional

medicine and healing practices

A respondent stated that:

In Yoruba culture, health is seen as a balance between the physical, spiritual,

and emotional aspects of an individual.

Yoruba traditional medicine incorporates various herbal remedies, rituals, and

spiritual practices to promote healing. It is believed that illness can be caused

by spiritual imbalances, ancestral influences, or external forces. Therefore, the

approach to healing involves addressing these underlying spiritual and

metaphysical factors alongside the physical symptoms. IDI 41 years(Male)

According to another respondent:

Practitioners of Yoruba traditional medicine, known as "Babalawos" or

"Iyanifas," possess extensive knowledge of medicinal plants, rituals, and

divination techniques. They use divination tools, such as the "ifa" oracle, to

determine the root cause of an illness and prescribe appropriate remedies.

Healing rituals often involve prayers, incantations, and offerings to the deities

and ancestors. These rituals aim to restore harmony and balance within the

individual and the community. IDI 43years(Male)


The study looked at the impact of foreign religion Christianity and Islam) on Yoruba isese.

How have the values and practices of these religion influenced Yoruba traditional


According to the respondent:The practices and values had influenced the Yoruba traditional

religion in a way that Yoruba rituals, songs, and dances are combined with Christian or

Catholic elements, creating a unique and vibrant religious expression. The Yoruba concept of

divination, using tools like the "ifa" oracle, has also been adapted in these syncretic religions

and also blending of traditions allows practitioners to maintain their Yoruba spiritual beliefs

while outwardly practicing a different religion. IDI 36years(Female)

How have these influences affected the status of traditional priest and priestesses?

According to a respondent:This has affected the priest and priestesses in such a way that the

introduction of Christianity and Islam has made some individuals shifted their religious

practices and beliefs, leading to a decline in the number of people seeking guidance from

traditional priests and priestesses.

In addition to the response of the respondent,the influence of foreign religions has brought

changes, but traditional priests and priestesses remain an integral part of Yoruba society,

preserving and passing down the rich cultural and spiritual heritage of the Yoruba people. IDI


What challenges have these influences presented for Yoruba traditional religion?

A respondent stated that:Due to the majority of conversion to foreign religions,there has been

a decrease in the number of individual practicing Yoruba traditional religion

Also,there has been confusion and dilution of the original beliefs and practices.

IDI 52years(Male)

Another respondent seconded that there’s marginalization of Yoruba traditional religion and

this has resulted into lack of recognition and support for traditional rituals and practices. IDI


How have Yoruba traditional religion practices changed in response to these influences?

A respondent stated that:

Yoruba traditional religion has adapted to the modern world by embracing new

forms of expression and outreach. Traditional rituals and ceremonies are still

performed, but there is also a recognition of the need to engage with younger

generations who may have been influenced by foreign religions or modern


IDI Female 36years

Another respondent stated that:

There has been a renewed interest in the study and documentation of Yoruba

traditional religion, both within Nigeria and internationally. Scholars and

practitioners are working together to research and preserve the knowledge,

rituals, and customs of Yoruba traditional religion, ensuring its continuity and

relevance in the face of external influences. IDI 32years(Female)


The general aim of this study is the point of convergence on the influence of foreign religion

(Christianity and Islam) on Yoruba "isese" practice in Ijanikin Community,Ojo,Lagos.

According to the objectives of the study, the findings of the study revealed that majority of

the respondents revealed that Yoruba traditional religion has changed over time with the

incorporation of the foreign religion which is Christianity and Islam. The finding of the study

also revealed that most of the respondents claimed that foreign religion has changed the value

system and ethical teaching of Yoruba identity and culture.

In addition to the findings of this research, it shows that majority of the interviewed

respondents claimed that people do not fully abandon their religion to other religion but in

one way or the other still honor their beliefs and practices.

Furthermore, It examined how foreign religions changed the way Yoruba people practices

"Isese", as majority of the respondent claimed that the foreign religions(especially the

Christian)preach to people to stop worshipping idols and believe in one God and this changes

how Yoruba people practices "Isese".

The last objective is that it showed how the Yoruba traditional practitioners believes that the

first religion to ever exist before the emergence of foreign religion was their own religion and

can’t go into extinction.




This study focuses on a small sample size drawing its focus on a population section

that are characterized by people of Ijanikin of Ojo local government area, as the study is

focused on Ijanikin in people in Ojo local government area.

Thereby objectives were leveled to the achievement of this study, each objective were also

represented and carried out through the help of a research instrument in form of In-depth

interview. The in-depth interview were used to collect data from the sample size of just 25

respondents in Ojo local government area.

The study also examined the factors that are associated with "Isese" in Ijanikin as most of the

respondents replied that divination, rituals and offerings are common elements associated

with " Isese" in Ijanikin culture. The research helps to understand how "Isese" practices have

changed over time among the Ijanikin people, as most of the respondents said that

there is changes in the way of their culture, and also conversion to foreign religion. The study

examined the role of elders and traditional leaders in preserving and promoting " Isese"

practices, majority of the interviewed respondents claimed that the elders play their in

transmission of knowledge, stories and tradition from one generation to another.

Further, it examined the Ijanikin people are still divided in their acceptance of Christianity

religion and Islam, as most of the respondents claimed that they are still

some divisions between the Christian ,Muslim and the Yoruba Traditional Religion, some

fully embrace the Foreign religion while other still hold on to the Yoruba traditional religion.

The study also examined the how the Ijanikin people have been able to adapt their "Isese"

practices to accommodate foreign religion, most of the respondents said that they have been

able to adapt in terms of diet, dressing and interaction with one another.

In addition to this,the study revealed the foreign religion ,especially Christianity has led to

the abandonment of traditional religion, and some of the respondents opposed that

Christianity religion has not lead to the abandonment of "Isese" practices, while some Yoruba

people still practice both.

Finally, the objective examined the effects of Christianity religion on Yoruba "Isese". It

showed how Christianity religion have changed the "Isese" practices, majority of

the respondents claimed that the Christian preach to people that worshipping of idol is a sin

and believe in one God.


The background of the study was focused on the influence of Foreign religion

on Yoruba "Isese” practices in Ijanikin,Ojo local government area, as the opinions and views

of the Ijanikin people are limited to the small sample size of that population.

The study examined the historical transformation of Yoruba "Isese" practices in Ijanikin

community. The "Isese" is the practices, tradition, and custom that are common among the

Yoruba people, as "Isese" practices is passed down from one generation to another.

It also examined the core beliefs ,values and cultural norms of Yoruba “Isese” and as well

and the impact of foreign religion on Yoruba “Isese” Furthermore,it examined the reasons

behind religion conversion from Yoruba “Isese “ to foreign religion and how this might have

brought a stigma to the priests or priestess and those who believe in the Yoruba Traditional


Finally, the study examines the effects of Christianity religion on Yoruba "Isese" practices, as

Christianity religion has a significant impact on Yoruba "Isese" such that it changes the mode

of dressing, food and interaction with one another.


In the light of the findings of the survey conducted, the following recommendations are


1 The advancement of Yoruba traditional way of life such as dress, art, and literature

will aid to promote cultural appreciation and understanding.

2 There is need to increase public awareness and understanding of Yoruba indigenous

religious practices. This can be achieved through educational initiatives, such as

workshops, seminars, and online resources.

3 There should be dialogue and cooperation between practitioners of different religions

and this can help to reduce misunderstanding and promote mutual respect as well as


4 Preservation of traditional languages ,beliefs and culture is also a way of honoring

cultural heritage and practices.

5 Encourage inter-religious dialogue and collaboration on social issues.


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How have Yoruba traditional religion changed over time?

What are the factors that influence these changes?

What impact have these changes had on Yoruba culture and identity?

How have these changes been perceived by the Yoruba people?

What are some of the reasons people are converting from Yoruba traditional religion to

Christianity or Islam?

Do you think people who convert fully abandon Yoruba traditional religion practices, or do

some practices remain part of their lives?

In what ways do people who convert maintain a connection to Yoruba traditional religion?

Do people who convert perceive any stigma or negative consequences as a result of

their conversion?

What are some of the core beliefs and values of Yoruba traditional religion?

How are these beliefs and values expressed in Yoruba culture and society?

How are these beliefs and values reflected in Yoruba art, music, and literature?

How are these beliefs and values reflected in Yoruba traditional medicine and healing


How have the values and practices of these religion influenced Yoruba traditional religion?

How have these influences affected the status of traditional priest and priestesses?

What challenges have these influences presented for Yoruba traditional religion?

How have Yoruba traditional religion practices changed in response to these influences?


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