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Adam Firsta

Summary of The Adventure of Huckelberry Finn’s Story

Chapter 1:
Pharagraph 1: Common beginning of the story

Pharagraph 2: Tom and he (finn) found a lot of gold that hid by a robbers in the cave and the judge
(thatcher) took it and they got a dollar everyday all the year. Widow Douglas took he (finn) for her son,
and he (finn) stay at widow’s home. And for finn it was rough living in widow’s rough all the time. So he
(finn) decided to away from home, but Tom haunted him down and said he was going to start a band of
robbers if he (finn) back. And Finn went back

Pharagraph 3: when he (finn) arrived, it turned out that the widow was crying over him and calling him a
strange nickname, but she was very kind to me. She put him a new clothes. And when night fell she rang
the bell to signal him (finn) to eat. He couldn't argue and had to join in on that troublesome dinner.

Pharagraph 4: After he finish the dinner, the widow learned me out abou the muses and the Bulrushers.
And she tell that the muses has died

Pharagraph 5: Not long afterward, Finn asked the widow's permission to smoke but he wasn't allowed

Pharagraph 6: Describe a widow's sister. And Finn studied spelling books with him for hours. When Finn
starts to get restless, Miss Watson suddenly forbids him from doing normal things. Finn is confused and
Miss Watson tells him about the bad place, and when Finn says he wants to go there, Miss Watson looks
angry. but Finn actually didn't want to actually go there, he just wanted to try it. And Finn doesn't think
he'll go there, he says it wouldn’t no good

Pharagraph 7: Miss Watson starts telling a long story again and Finn can't stop her. She said all a body
would have to do there was to go around all day long with a harp and sing, forever and ever

Pharagraph 8: Miss Watson continued to teach Finn for an hour. occasionally they would pick up the
negroes and pray. Lonely Finn leaned into a chair near the window to observe and enjoy the
surrounding nature. Without realizing it, Finn was shivering with cold and he began to light the candle.

Pharagraph 9: In this quiet and still house, Finn started to light his cigarette. And an hour later he heard
a loud bell. Finn turns off the lights and leaves the house, and Tom Sawyer turns out to be waiting for

Chapter 2:
Pharagraph 1: They walked to the end of the widow's garden and they saw jimm (watson's big
nigger) was setting in the kitchen door. He got up and stretched his neck out about a minute,
listening. Then he says:
“Who dah?”
Pharagraph 2: Still in the same place and with the same person, they were still near him (Jim),
so close they could probably touch him. As the minutes passed, Finn started to feel itchy all
over his body but he couldn't scratch it
Pharagraph 3: Jim said “Say, who are you? How are you? Dog, my cat, because I don't hear
sumf'n. OK, I know what I have to do: I want to sit here and listen, say I hear it again.”
Pharagraph 4: He (Jim) sat between Finn and Tom, he leaned his back against the tree, also
extended his legs against the tree until one of his (Jim's) legs touched Finn. Finn started to feel
itching all over his body again, but Finn couldn't scratch it for maybe a few more minutes. Soon
Jim fell asleep and Finn was free again
Pharagraph: 5: When Jim was asleep, Tom remembered that he had to get a candle. They went
into the kitchen and stole the candle, but Tom put 5 cents on the table as a fee. and they went
from there
Pharagraph 6: Once Tom returned, we started the journey again until we reached the top of
another steep hill side of the house. Tom said that he stuck Jim's hat to a tree branch and Jim
almost woke up but didn't. After that, Jim told a lot of things which were the reason why the
Negroes came from miles around.
Pharagraph 7: Whenever the niggers talked about witches and their surroundings, Jim always
intervened and said, “Hm! What do you know about wizards?”. Jim always wore the five-piece
centerpiece around his neck on a string, and said it was a charm the devil gave it to him. The
niggers would give anything for Jim to see the necklace, but no one dared touch it because they
said it was cursed
Pharagraph 8: Returned again to Tom and Finn who had reached the edge of the hilltop. they
looked towards the village and could see three or four lights twinkling. As they go down the hill
they meet Jo, Harpen and Ben Rogers and his sons who were hiding in the old tanyard. And
they lowered the small boat until they reached land

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