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1. a. Recall What changes did the new western states make that allowed more people to vote?

b. Draw Conclusions How did nominating conventions allow the people more say in politics?
c. Explain How did the policies and philosophies of the Jacksonian Era represent a move toward
greater democratization? How were voting rights expanded during the Jacksonian period?
d. Predict How might changes to the voting process brought about by Jacksonian Democracy
affect politics in the future? What were the key ideas and influences of Jacksonian Democracy?
2. a. Recall What two new political parties faced off in the election of 1828? Which candidate did
each party support?
b. Analyze What leadership qualities helped Andrew Jackson become president of the United
c. Evaluate Do you think the spoils system was an acceptable practice?

It gave the womens the right to vote.

where party members choose the party’s candidates instead of the party leaders.

The Jacksonians thought that all white men should be granted the right to vote.

participated more in voting.

National Republican Party

His strength, his everyday people person and support

The system it was an acceptable practice

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