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Schindler’s List

USA History

Emilio Páez


Schindler’s List

This movie in a few words is about a man called Oskar Schindler, he was an

entrepreneur that saved around 1200 jews with his factory giving them jobs, thos got

very complicated basically because of the other german militaries that were the ones

that killed the jews even though they worked for Oskar, this caused that a lot of

people got separated from their families when translating to other places, he

falcificated a certificate for a jew that was an accountant, and this accountant helped

him, but there were big problems, obviously, and the main problem was this

commander called Amon Goth I will explain more about him later.

I like how the movie showed like the two sides of people that lived there, the ones

that were Nazis and didnt care about people, and this bussines man that valorated

the life of other people, well, at least he didnt killed them without any repentence. I

think the point the movie wanted to show is that there were people that at least

weren't happy for killing jews and wanted to help them, for me it’s the first time that

i’ve heard about someone that helped jews in that way, even if that meant his life.

I think it was important or good that they were explicit, because there, we can really

see how they suffered, for example the girl with a red coat that hid under the bed,

later in the movie she was seen on those carts that carried dead bodies to be burnt

causing the raining ash. It is very important to remember all this things that

happened because this shows that people commit things that are inhuman, like this

concentration fields to work for them and then kill them, no matter how much we

evolve we don't know how far other people will go for power and domination,
ambition sometimes is good, but I think there are some things that can't be even

considered for gaining “respect”, that will make you live longer, like Hitler, he is

mainly remembered for being this war leader that killed a lot of people, rather than,

for example, his public speaker skills, there are other ways for getting power, but

while the obtaining methods are very important, how we think and make our

decisions is as important as that, because with power we can save a nation, or we

can kill a lot of innocents.

I think the movie is attached to the reality mainly because of the crude scenes, reality

isn't beautiful, and showing the expressions, the bodies, the despair of people gives

like a more graphic experience of learning, also it shows the cruelty of some people

like some commanders, and at the end it shows the contrast of other soldiers that

decided not to kill those jews, showing that they were following orders and obviously

being “controlled” by the power, when this power gets defeated, it’s freedom, and

that's what Oskar proposed to the soldiers, hey could kill all the jews turning into

killers, or leave like soldiers that just followed the bigger power. Even though the

movie was long I enjoyed it, it really helped me to learn how some people were, and

they were really heartless, just killing because they wanted, people that I couldn't

imagine they existed, that could be anywhere, maybe not at that level, well,

nowadays I don't know what could happen, looking at Russia they are not at the level

of germany on those times, but they are really doing things that goes against

humanity, we all deserve to live, and that someone that is like more powerful comes

and decides to give you orders or kills you it’s like unthinkable, but something that is

sure is that we don’t know what could happen, and something we don't really know

and we will never know is what are the truly intention of those leaders, even normal
people, we don't know who could be a criminal, or a dictator, or a massive killer, so i

think we should be very careful in how we treat other people, and mainly how we

manage the power we have, no matter how small it is, we should learn to control

ourselves and find a way all get what they worked.

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