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Matanguihan, Kyla Mae L.
Lescano, Christopher Bryle
Aldovino, Nino Emmanuel
Involve the transition from one phase to another.

For example, a solid changes to a liquid during melting.

A phase change entails either absorption or release of

heat, represented by a change in the latent heat of
1. Melting (Solid→ Liquid)

2. Vaporization (Liquid Gas)
3. Sublimation (Solid→ Gas)


1. Freezing (Liquid→Solid)
2. Condensation (Gas → Liquid)
3. Deposition (Gas →Solid)

Phase change occurs when a substance is subjected to

different temperature and pressure conditions.

For example, Earth receives radiation flux from the sun, which
causes the warming of Earth. At elevated temperature conditions,
water from the oceans and from other bodies of water tend to
evaporate, changing its phase from liquid to gas (water vapor).

This phase change is very critical as it prevents solar radiation to

completely warm Earth. Water acts as a coolant due to its very
large heat of vaporization.

Similarly, the vaporization of water from your bodies through

perspiration causes your body to cool down.
Similar to liquids, solids also undergo phase changes.
A solid may turn into liquid if it is heated. This process
is called melting.
Take ice as an example. The energy that flows into the ice
causes the random motion of water molecules. This random
motion disrupts the intermolecular forces of attraction
between the water molecules. Thus, water molecules break
loose from the solid lattice of the ice.
The temperature at which a solid changes to a liquid is called
the melting point.
Melting point can also be defined as the temperature at
which the melting rate of a solid is the same as its freezing
rate at a given pressure. This implies that the solid and liquid
phases of the solid are in equilibrium.

The latent heat of fusion (AH) is the energy required to melt

I mole of a solid at its melting point.

The latent heat of fusion is highly dependent on the nature

of the intermolecular force of attraction. Usually, solids
with high melting points have also high values of latent
heat of fusion.

The various processes

undertaken by a
substance as a function
of energy added (at a
constant rate) are
illustrated through a
heating curve. The
heating curve is a plot of
temperature versus time
at which a constant rate
of energy is supplied
onto the substance.
A broader term that includes The change of a liquid into its
the change of a solid or a gaseous form
liquid into a gaseous state.
Involves the complete Only transforms a portion of
transformation of the the substance into a vapor.
substance into a gas
Takes place at the liquid’s Occurs at a temperature below
boiling point. the boiling point of a liquid
A heat source may or may Does not require the use of a
not be required. heat source.

Continuing the heating process will eventually cause

the liquid to boil and eventually vaporize, or turn to gas.
The temperature further increases and the liquid boils
at 373 K (100°C). This temperature remains constant
until the liquid has been completely vaporized.

The melting and boiling points of substances are

affected by their vapor pressures, with the vapor
pressure of ice being much more dependent on
temperature. The vapor pressure of ice increases
rapidly with an increase in temperature, as compared
to the vapor pressure of liquid water. Thus, at melting
point, liquids and solids have the same vapor
The process at which a solid is vaporized at
atmospheric pressure without transforming to a
Solids with high vapor pressures easily sublime.
Household products such as mothballs and deodorizers
undergo sublimation. Occurrence of such a phase change
is marked by the distinct odor these products give off.
Note that all phase changes are physical changes, which
means that no chemical bonds are broken during these
A phase diagram represents pressure-temperature
relationships at equilibrium, as the pure substance undergoes
phase changes in a closed system.

In an open system,
A closed system is a
matter goes into the
system in which no
system and goes out into
exchanges of matter
the surroundings, or vice
take place.
The phase diagram of water represents the conditions at
which the solid water (ice) is less dense than the liquid water,
as indicated by the negative slope (slanting to the left) of the
solid-liquid equilibrium line AB.

The phase diagram of carbon dioxide illustrates the

conditions at which the solid carbon dioxide is denser than
the liquid carbon dioxide, as suggested by the positive slope
(slanting to the right) of the solid-liquid equilibrium line AB.
The solid-liquid equilibrium line AB in the phase diagram of
water is also its melting curve. This implies that the most stable
form of water to the left of the AB line is solid. Moreover,
regions near the AB line indicate that ice is less dense than
liquid water. This is demonstrated when ice floats on water.

As shown in the phase diagram of water, water boils at different

temperatures at different pressure conditions. At higher
elevation, the atmospheric pressure is low, causing the water to
boil at a lower temperature.
The triple point represented by point A is the point at which all
phases of a substance (in this case, water) can coexist at
equilibrium. The triple point for water is achieved at 273.14 K (0.01°C)
and 607.95 Pa (0.006 atm). Pressures and temperatures among the
sublimation curve AD indicate that solid and gas are in equilibrium,
and that below the sublimation curve, solids tend to sublime or vice
In the case of carbon dioxide, the triple point is at 216 K (-57°C) and
5.20x10^6 Pa (5.1 atm). This condition is at 5.20x10^6 Pa is above
the normal atmoshperic pressure (101 325 Pa), which explains why
dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) sublimes at atmospheric pressure.
Supercritical Fluid
Formed when the temperature of a substance is above its critical

Critical Temperature
The temperature in which the vapor cannot be liquified regardless of
the pressure applied.

Water Carbon Dioxide

647 K (374°C) 304 K (31°C).
Critical Pressure
Pressure at which liquefaction occurs at the critical temperature.

Critical Point

Gives the combination of the critical pressure and the critical


Water Carbon Dioxide

647 K and 2.21x10^7 Pa 304 K and 7.40x10^6 Pa
(218 atm) (73 atm)
Matanguihan, Kyla Mae L.
Lescano, Christopher Bryle
Aldovino, Nino Emmanuel

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