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Crafting a thesis statement can be a daunting task, especially when dealing with complex literary

works like "The Crucible" and its central character, John Proctor. Delving into the nuances of
Proctor's character and the themes explored in Arthur Miller's play requires a deep understanding of
the text and critical analysis skills.

The process of formulating a strong thesis statement involves extensive research, careful
consideration of the text, and the ability to articulate a unique perspective or argument. It's a task
that demands time, effort, and expertise to ensure the thesis effectively captures the essence of the
topic while providing meaningful insights.

For those who find themselves struggling with this task, seeking assistance from professionals can
be invaluable. ⇒ ⇔ offers a reliable solution for individuals grappling with the
complexities of crafting a thesis statement on "The Crucible," particularly regarding John Proctor's

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statement that meets your specific requirements. By entrusting your academic needs to ⇒ ⇔, you can ensure that your thesis statement reflects depth of analysis, clarity of
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Don't let the challenges of writing a thesis statement on "The Crucible" overwhelm you. Trust ⇒ ⇔ to deliver the support and expertise you need to succeed. Order now and take
the first step towards crafting a stellar thesis statement that does justice to John Proctor and the
timeless themes of Miller's masterpiece.
The typical hero as seen today and many years before us have always thought that for a person to be
heroic, they have to be alive, but Miller has shown that, no a person can be a hero even if they are
dead. If you agree that The Crucible is a cautionary tale, identify what it cautions the reader against,
and how it suggests that society avert or prevent such a fate. David is passionate about quality-
focused journalism and has worked in the publishing industry for over 10 years. At the end of the
play 'The Crucible' by Arthur Miller, John Proctor goes t. As an affair is more likely to have happened
in the 20th century, the audience sympathise with him as the play is set in the late 17th century, so
Proctor is a man ahead of his time. The character can be seen as an outright villain or as a figure of
ridicule. Several months before the start of the play: Abigail Williams, a teenage girl, works at John
and Elizabeth Proctor’s farm as a servant. Their love is now stronger than ever, and no one can take
that away. When proctor was taken away, both Parris and Hale, both plead Elizabeth to go and stop
Proctor, to plead with him and stop him, but instead of doing so she told them, “he have his
goodness now. Proctor, throughout the whole play has had to tackle his conscience, wondering
whether it was right to tell the truth. Suggesting Proctor may be a man hard to please and even
before we have met Elizabeth we feel this pity for her. More importantly, it illustrates his obsession
with his good name. However, proctor knew that this was his final choice and he did take the
decision after a long thought and struggle with his conscience. He wants to make sure that the people
he donates to really deserve it, he tests them “Are you blind. He chose the end of his life to stay true
to himself and wife more than a continued life of a lie, as he could not really feel as though he was
a righteous man. The main themes of The Crucible are deception and fraud. He was also a husband,
father, and reluctant witch trial participant. In the play, it becomes evident that Proctor has already
confessed his infidelity to Elizabeth and has dismissed Abigail. It gives the impression that he is
using her, acting falsely to convince her. These people were charged with being witches and wizards,
and were later arrested and imprisoned, which then lead to a number of hangings, if they did not
confess. To them it seems almost unreal, like they didn't think they would see each other again. It is
enough!' (Proctor, Act IV) If he doesn't give it back, or sign the confession, he will be hanged, he
will be killed. From the moment Proctor and Abigail are left alone dramatic irony fills the scene and
we know that soon fate will take over revealing their shameful secret. State whether you agree that
The Crucible is a timeless tale, or whether you think the relevance of The Crucible will fade over
time. This leads to his downfall and ultimately his death. Abigail even stuck a needle into her own
stomach to represent evidence. He says with a grin: 'I mean to please you, Elizabeth.' (Proctor, Act
II) Elizabeth replies, although hard to say, which suggests denial or disbelief: 'I know it, John.'
(Elizabeth, Act II) Proctor and Elizabeth fear each other, and this illustrates the feature of the play-
fear. Similarly, during the McCarthy trials, if a person was accused, and they gave another person’s
name then they would be free to go and if they didn’t, then they were put into prison. The audience
is also astonished; Proctor's confession to knowing Abigail is the peak of dramatic climax. He knew
that this would immediately bring about his death and that there would be no other way in which he
could stay alive and not lie.
John Proctor had been a man of God who had taken a stumble off of his (intended) heavenly path.
All the time he seems very fierce. “You need to relax.” (Gabriele Muccino, 1:25:00 min). If you do
not agree that The Crucible is a tragedy, or if you feel that it is a hybrid, then defend your position
with evidence drawn directly from the text. Then, Miller presents Proctor as a lecher who abused the
love of a 14 year-old girl, Abigail Williams, who would, later on, charge on the court Proctor’s wife,
Elizabeth, of witchcraft imagining to get her out the way to Proctor. This leads to his downfall and
ultimately his death. He doesn't want to blacken his name anymore: 'God knows how black my sins
are. Proctor's Contribution to the Effectiveness of Arthur Miller's 'The Crucibl. Click here for an
analysis of how characters represent themes and thematic issues in The Crucible by Arthur Miller. In
the end, Proctor’s courage and integrity are what save Salem from descending into complete chaos.
She is constantly looking back to Proctor so he can give her clues about what she must say. This
scene is said to portray john proctor as a heroic figure because he confesses to something that is false
and wants to live his life with his wife and children. Even she wanted him to live, so indirectly she
was going to lead him onto the path of lies, something that was strictly forbidden in the Puritan
society of Salem at that time in history. Danforth is doing almost anything he can to get a confession
from Proctor. The Crucible - Write two diary extracts- one from the point of view of Abig. At this
crucial and most important part of the play, both Elizabeth and John Proctor have changed very
much and so has their behaviour towards each other. Several had questioned him for this and his
absence to church a lot of instances, and believed he did not care for God as strongly as he portrayed
himself to. But Parris came, and for twenty week he preach nothin’ but golden candlesticks until he
had them. The road from Beverly is unusually busy this morning and he has passed a hundred
rumours that make him smile at the ignorance of the yeomanry in this most precise science. Proctor
was finally taking the path of truth, even if it meant taking his own life for it, to show as an example
to the others of the village. We can prepare a unique paper on The Misjudgment of John Proctor in
The Crucible by Arthur Miller for you from scratch. READ: Arthur Miller’s The Crucible: Abigail
Williams Analysis That John Proctor is brave, is obvious but ha can also be very extreme at some
times. Arthur Miller truly portrayed the character John Proctor extremely well and was very
successful in showing him as a heroic figure. Although, the society as a whole is to be blamed for
the eventual chain of events that occurred in Salem, Proctor is still partially faulted. He is
questioning about the pretence that Mary Warren has confessed. From the moment Proctor and
Abigail are left alone dramatic irony fills the scene and we know that soon fate will take over
revealing their shameful secret. Take him and Corey with him to the jail!' (Danforth, Act III) Hale
realises what is happening and quits the courts. He knows what Abigail is up to, yet no one will
believe him. Although he was later denounced, he promoted unfounded accusations and suspicions
of communism in many quarters, and is best known for his investigation of communists in the United
States Army. Much has been made, however, out of the historical moment in which Arthur Miller
wrote the play—the Mc. She is extremely deceptive always question her reliability Search for a
hidden motive in her words.
Danforth, though very strong-minded is overpowered by Abigail and gives way to her on several
occasions. The character uses a wide range of language which at times is blunt and down to earth, at
times full of imagery and sensuality; all of which means the actor has to have much confidence and
versatility. This makes the audience uneasy as the tension rises and the audience waits impatiently for
Proctors final answer. He believed he was being persecuted wherever he went, despite his best
efforts to win people and God to his side. She knows that she is the main witness and without her
the court will crumble. However, we are disappointed, except, we are shortly evoked with pity and
ambivalence: on one hand we think that Proctor deserves every bit of punishment he gets for being
unfaithful to his loyal wife, and on the other hand we feel a bit sorry for him as he takes all the
blame for what has happened. A period of atonement soon occurred in which Samuel Sewall, one of
the judges, issued a public confession of guilt and apology, and Reverend Parris admitted errors in
judgment. Tim: “ There's been a suicide.” 911: “Who?s the victim?” Tim: “I am.” (Gabriele Muccino,
0:30 min and 1:42:00min). When Proctor tried to convince everyone that the girls were lying, was an
instance of bravery because children were thought of as the voice of God and they were pure of
blemishes. Someone having a really hard time that needs help, but may be too proud to ask for a
handout.” Holly: “ Connie Tepos. First, Proctor may have wanted to discredit Abigail in the eyes of
the court. At the court, Abigail accused Elizabeth of witchcraft, by planning a way to look like
Elizabeth watched Mary Warren make a doll and then she would have put a needle in the stomach of
it, with the intention that the puppet would represent Abigail, herself. She adamantly denies any
involvement in hurting the children.. Her husband bursts into the courtroom shouting that he has
evidence of her innocence, accompanied by Francis Nurse. What Miller is writing in these “essays” is
like extended stage directions. When Proctor sees Elizabeth again, it creates a tragic atmosphere.
Nevertheless, he was constantly misinterpreted and misjudged, leading several to falsely think he
had no intentions of doing good for the village. John Proctor is the main character in the play and
stands out in Salem as one of the few rational individuals who can see through Abigail's false
witchcraft accusations. I forbid you leave the house did I not?' (Proctor, Act I) This comment
suggests he likes to be powerful and in control, in this case, by being forceful. Miller shows through
the play, how people would comment on this fact referring to witchcraft, leading everyone to believe
in the false accusations. Warren, he becomes convinced that they, not Abigail, are telling the truth. In
the. These thesis statements for “The Crucible” by Arthur Miller offer a short summary of different
elements that could be important in an essay but you are free to add your own analysis and
understanding of the plot or themes to them. We'll assign you an expert who has experience in this
topic free of charge. Because I am not worthy the dust on the feet that hang. Danforth does believe
that he is doing the right thing and acting for god to bring the witches to justice. Danforth is a grave
man in his sixties, of some humour and sophistication that does not, however, interfere with an exact
loyalty to his position and his cause. Due to being ethical, he is also brave, extreme, and dignified.
Whilst he is being questioned he is also asked if there was anybody else he saw with the Devil - this
links to the McCarthy trials. This I shall prove beyond doubt, so that she is given the freedom to
return home to her family. John “ off the earth ” and his voice “hollow” he cries “ I want my life!”
We now see a sudden change in role between John and Elizabeth. In The Crucible Miller uses a lot of
references to the Bible.
His only evidence of this is in a conversation between himself and Abigail. Danforth and Parris were
looking for someone popular in the crowd to confess, to encourage some of the prisoners to do the
same. John Hale, the intellectual, naive witch-hunter, enters the play in Act I when Parris. This was
the start of inspiration for his play The Crucible. State whether you agree that The Crucible is a
timeless tale, or whether you think the relevance of The Crucible will fade over time. The road from
Beverly is unusually busy this morning and he has passed a hundred rumours that make him smile at
the ignorance of the yeomanry in this most precise science. He is not a likeable character and often
speaks as if he is in the pulpit. But Elizabeth is having none of it, she has forgiven him “ and yet
you’ve not confessed till now. He gained his respect because he was loyal to his friends. He wasn’t
trying to save himself, blackening his name did no good for him. Suggesting Proctor may be a man
hard to please and even before we have met Elizabeth we feel this pity for her. Proctor redeems
himself and provides a ?nal denunciation of the witch trials in his. Because I am not worth the dust
on the feet of them that hang. The actor playing the part of Elizabeth has to ensure that, in the
relatively short time she appears on stage, she createsa character that the audience will believe has
undergone quite radical self development. In act 2, we can see that Elizabeth has a very cold attitude
towards John. ” I do not judge you. I heard it said from her own mouth the day Mr Hale came that
there is no witchcraft afoot in Salem just the silliness of dancing girls. He is a man who is very set in
his ways and, although he believes strongly that he is doing the right thing, his opinion might be
biased towards the witchcraft allegations. Do you understand my meaning?’ Danforth’s question to
Proctor is warning him that these are his views on the matter and he will not be inclined to change
his mind. He reaches to a cupboard, takes a pinch of salt, and drops it into the pot. John undoubtedly
speaks his mind he shows his opinion of Parris and Putnum. To remind him of what he did and to do
not lose focus on the aim, he repeats the name of the six victims in the other car. “ Ken Anderson.
Nicole Anderson. 3 Allie Anderson. Ed Rice. Steven Phillips. Monica Freeman. Sarah Jensen.” (
Gabriele Muccino, 5:00min). In the opening of Act One of “The Crucible”, Arthur Miller clearly
establishes that this play is about the period in American history known as the Salem witch trials. The
Crucible is a tragic play that examines the theme of mass hysteria by incorporating real historical
events of witchcraft trials in 17th-century America. These thesis statements for “The Crucible” by
Arthur Miller offer a short summary of different elements that could be important in an essay but you
are free to add your own analysis and understanding of the plot or themes to them. Reverend John
Hale can be considered a good man due to his embodiment of the ideals of an exemplary citizen in.
The most serious of these was his failure to recite the 10 commandments. A crucible has three
meanings, each of them link in to the actual plot of the play. Several had questioned him for this and
his absence to church a lot of instances, and believed he did not care for God as strongly as he
portrayed himself to. Entertaining question: John Proctor Sacrificial In The Crucible. Indeed, a good
deal of the information in the play misrepresents the literal events of the trial: John Proctor was not a
farmer, not a tavern owner, and during the time of the trials he was sixty years old and Abigail
Williams only eleven.
He says with a grin: 'I mean to please you, Elizabeth.' (Proctor, Act II) Elizabeth replies, although
hard to say, which suggests denial or disbelief: 'I know it, John.' (Elizabeth, Act II) Proctor and
Elizabeth fear each other, and this illustrates the feature of the play-fear. Proctor was finally taking
the path of truth, even if it meant taking his own life for it, to show as an example to the others of
the village. Many of these come about as a result of the strict puritan society, in Salem,
Massachusetts, in the 1660’s witch trials. Show honor now, show a strong heart and sink them with
it.” (Arthur Miller, pg. 240). Tim Thomas is an aerospace engineer and lives together with his wife in
a house at the beach. It shows us that Danforth mirrors McCarthy in the way that he questions the
people and also in the way that he is very strict and stern. The most serious of these was his failure to
recite the 10 commandments. Take this opportunity to get a plagiarism-free paper that will perfectly
meet your requirements. The village did not see the good intentions in his efforts to shed light on the
reality of witchcraft in court, but chose to believe he had a compact with Lucifer. This character
feels great responsibility for his actions and wants to achieve good. When all they girls begin to
shiver and look up into the sky, dramatic irony springs into our minds as we know sooner or later
Proctor must confess to being a lecher, so that the community knows that it was all pretence and so
that he is able to free his wife. By accusing Elizabeth of witchcraft, Abigail is taking her revenge,
and if my wife hangs for these charges her aims will have been accomplished. With some hesitation
Proctor says almost all of them correctly, although in the end he forgets one. She cannot forgive him
until he has forgiven himself inside. Tim: “ There's been a suicide.” 911: “Who?s the victim?” Tim: “I
am.” (Gabriele Muccino, 0:30 min and 1:42:00min). But I will cut my hand before I’ll ever reach for
you again. These people were charged with being witches and wizards, and were later arrested and
imprisoned, which then lead to a number of hangings, if they did not confess. The actor has to be
able to portray the subtleties and range of guilt, anger and frustration, but should also be able to take
the audience with him in terms of support for the stand he has taken and a belief in his development.
Carthy era—and it has been argued that The Crucible was Miller’s attempt to come to terms with and
understand contemporary social dynamics. Married 3 times: First wife Mary Slattery was his college
sweetheart. Just click on the Order button, provide details, and pay for essay when you are ready. I
got lung cancer, and I needed a double- Iobe transplant. Proctor chose the latter, accepting his
penalty with the belief that he was doing the right thing. I believe. He is also a man with a tragic
past, which gives him empathy for those who are being accused of witchcraft. Abigail is an orphan
and an unmarried girl; she thus occupies a low rung on the. Proctor also fought the court trying to
keep them from convicting his spouse even though nobody else would dare to do. John tells Elizabeth
how she “forgets nothin’ and forgives nothin ” and “an everlasting funeral marches round your
heart.” Proctor asks Elizabeth to “look sometimes for the goodness in me, judge me not.” Miller uses
the very powerful line using a metaphor for Elizabeth’s response “The magistrate that sits in your
heart that judges you” she tells him she thinks of him as a “good man” John can only judge himself
and Elizabeth will not. In The Crucible Miller uses a lot of references to the Bible. However, the
scene at the end of Act Four with Proctor shows some measure of panic and anger in his frustration
at John’s actions. In the beginning, Proctor that was such a selfish person, who did not care about
anyone but himself, turned into an honest man. The fear escalates to such a dramatic degree that the
dominant class must respond by quashing the supposed witches with extreme strategies: the trials
and subsequent burnings of witches.
Suspicion of witchcraft and an association with the Devil had arisen in the s in Salem,
Massachusetts. The father of Betty Parris and the uncle of Abigail Williams. A greedy, self-centred
man, who is more interested in how people see him and how much money he has, than how to help
the townspeople of Salem. He knew that this would immediately bring about his death and that there
would be no other way in which he could stay alive and not lie. That statement implied to the court
that Proctor worshipped the Devil and committed perjury. This changes his attitude towards life and
he wants to give his life a meaning again.” About a year after the accident, I got sick. Soon, the
educated elite of the colony began efforts to end the witch- hunting hysteria that had enveloped
Salem. The actor playing the part of Abigail has to create a wide range of emotions, even in very
short scenes showing both violent cruelty and personal charm co-existing. His morality proves
unrivalled, after several hints at its strength earlier in the play, such as his earlier converses with his
wife upon his affair with Abigail, in which he becomes irritable at his wives judgment, despite her
making almost no mention of it. We'll assign you an expert who has experience in this topic free of
charge. He is questioning about the pretence that Mary Warren has confessed. He had intentions to
bring the wrongdoers of the circumstance (the young girls who connected with Abigail Williams) to
justice, and wipe clean the names of those wrongly accused. Like almost all men of learning, he
spent a good deal of his time pondering the invisible world, especially since he had himself
encountered a witch in his parish not long before. The harmatia of John Proctor is that he was once
attracted to Abigail Williams; this being the seed of his destruction, as he is already married, and if
people found out, could lead to him being accused of lechery and adultery. Abigail starts all the
witch fixations because of her desire to get rid of Elizabeth. He is a sinner, a sinner not only against
the moral fashion of the time, but against his own vision of decent conduct. Elizabeth is proud of
John and supports his decision for he wants to live for his children and wife. Is your husband a
lecher!' (Danforth, Act III) 'No, sir.' (Elizabeth, Act III) Proctor gets taken into jail for perverting the
course of justice: 'Marshal. Upon subsequent testimony before the Senate Committee on Foreign
Relations, Mc. Print: 44 Example image John Proctor in the Crucible is the Tragic Hero A tragic hero
can be deemed as virtuous character who makes a lapse of judgment, in turn, bringing on their own
demise. However Abigail thinks that John is just playing around with her and speaks of how he
clutched her back behind his house and sweated like a stallion. 'I may have looked up.' (Proctor, Act
I) This quotation suggests that Proctor is still interested and this brings across a message that people
don't change, in this case Proctor a sinner, but then the strong. His goal, is light, goodness and its
preservation and he knows the exaltation of the blessed whose intelligence, sharpened by minute
examinations of enormous tracts, is finally called upon to face what may be a bloody fight wit the
fiend himself.” Reverend Hale Physically: late 30’s (38 or 39), appears youthful, quick paced,
careful tread, swift gait, kind; thoughtful; sincere and serious facial expressions, strong. She is happy
enough that Proctor made his own decision without any input from her, and that’s why she is letting
him be. It were a cold house I kept!’ (Elizabeth, Act Four). Themes representative of: individual in
society, (victim of) abuse of power, (victim of) hysteria Elizabeth Proctor Purpose: representative of
main themes, generator of conflict, creates a turning point in John’s decision-making process, builds
mini and main climax Motivation: to regain her dignity and the love of her husband Main Objective:
to keep her family together, to have her old way of life back: to have harmony in her relationship
with John and feel like she pleases him. Nevertheless, he was constantly misinterpreted and
misjudged, leading several to falsely think he had no intentions of doing good for the village. Only
John and Elizabeth could see this at the time. She was in love with John and when he choose his
wife, Abigail goes for blood not only rooted towards Elizabeth, but the rest of Salem. John Proctor is
the protagonist of the play 'The Crucible', written by Arthur Miller. Act I: The entrance of John
Proctor to the entrance of Reverend Hale. McCarthyism was the public accusation of communist
Proctor chose the latter, accepting his penalty with the belief that he was doing the right thing. I
believe. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. The man who once deceived
his wife and was cold and dark seems to disappear, while a compassionate and radiant man emerges,
desperately pleading for the lives of his friends. But Elizabeth is having none of it, she has forgiven
him “ and yet you’ve not confessed till now. He need not have been a partisan of any faction in the
town, but there is evidence to suggest that he had a sharp and biting way with hypocrites. Title
Length Color Rating: The Crucible’s John Proctor As A Tragic Hero - The Crucible by Arthur Miller
is set in Salem in a Puritan community. Deputy-Governor Danforth Physically: Looks older but
sophisticated, in his sixties, wrinkled yet alert and contemplative, slow, careful looks and gestures,
composed, stern, makes continuous eye- contact, perfectly presented Personality: Blinkered, harsh,
self-assured, confident, egotistical Characteristics: Full of his own achievements, proud, intellectual,
ambitious, hypocritical. How far do you agree with Proctors analysis of himself. Many times there is
one word that can single-handedly describe the character’s reaction or behavior toward some other
anomaly. This transformation is a crucial element of the story. Proctor, respected and even feared in
Salem, has come to regard himself as a kind of fraud. He stood up for the innocent people that were
wrongly accused and died leaving the message that for him, truth was more important than his own
life. She provides a focus for the central concerns of the play. In The Crucible, Abigail is the teenager
who accuses people of communicating with the devil and convinces others that she is telling the
truth. Over three hundred other entertainers were placed on a blacklist for possible communist views
and were thus forbidden to work for major Hollywood studios (many of these were writers who
worked under pseudonyms at the time, including Dalton Trumbo and Michael Wilson). She is happy
enough that Proctor made his own decision without any input from her, and that’s why she is letting
him be. He is a sinner, a sinner not only against the moral fashion of the time, but against his own
vision of decent conduct. As the play describes, the witchcraft trials began because of the illness of
Betty Parris, the daughter of the Salem minister, Reverend Samuel Parris, a former merchant in
Barbados. The actor playing the part of Abigail has to create a wide range of emotions, even in very
short scenes showing both violent cruelty and personal charm co-existing. Think you be so mighty
that the power of hell may not turn your wits. It is enough!” what these two quotes say is that god
has seen his confession and so has Danforth, so what is there to question about. Miller shows through
the play, how people would comment on this fact referring to witchcraft, leading everyone to believe
in the false accusations. He is proud of himself for not being tempted to do the wrong thing. But
when he saw how the trials were tearing apart his community, he decided to take action. Is your
husband a lecher!' (Danforth, Act III) 'No, sir.' (Elizabeth, Act III) Proctor gets taken into jail for
perverting the course of justice: 'Marshal. However on Act Three, Proctor changes to a stronger
spirited man that just wants his wife back. Arthur Miller himself came under suspicion during this
time, and like Proctor he refused to give anybody else’s name but his. The two of them were alone
eat the time so there are no witnesses to verify this. First, Proctor may have wanted to discredit
Abigail in the eyes of the court. He realises he has ruined his reputation from the affair, and that the
courts in Salem were finished.

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