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Prof Issues φ(* ̄0 ̄)

1. What were the ethical responsibilities that Christoph lacked?
Answer: Two (2) ethical responsibilities of Christoph were not met, namely
avoiding harm and being honest and trustworthy. Because he could not consider
what might go wrong, he lacked the principle of avoiding harm. It could result in
the company's operations being halted. Secondly, be honest and trustworthy. As
an IT professional, Christoph should have demonstrated transparency from the
start. Informing the company of what is really happening with the system

2. What professional responsibilities did Christoph fail to accomplish?

Answer: Educate the public about computing and its consequences. It is
Christoph's responsibility as the operations manager to share any technical
knowledge and difficulties with the general public, particularly the company in
which he is employed, rather than make rash decisions with ad hoc approval. The
company must have a thorough understanding of the systems to operate
3. Christoph’s action displayed carelessness, putting harm to the company. How
would such behavior affect a successful company?
Answer: Christoph's negligence in this case would affect not only the
employee's information but also the company's dispute within its operations
and clients. This would result in Miscommunications and general perplexity
in the workplace.
4. If the company investigated the situation and traced it back to Christoph, how
would they ensure that this behavior is not repeated in the future?
Answer: In terms of the company's policies and regulations, any employee who
commits such violations and carelessness must face disciplinary action and be
reported to ensure that the employee is held accountable. aware of the
consequences of their actions in this case, the incident will serve as a lesson to
those employees while also preventing similar incidents from occurring in the

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