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Interview questions and answers for soc analyst

1. What are vulnerability, risk, and threat?

Vulnerability: A weakness in your defense, like an unlocked door.
Threat: Something that could cause harm, like a burglar or a virus.
Risk: The chance that a threat will exploit a vulnerability, leading to potential damage.

2. How do you report risks?

• Communicate clearly, avoiding technical jargon.

• Provide context on risks’ impact on strategic objectives.
• Align reported risks with the organization’s risk appetite.
• Conduct scenario analysis to explore potential outcomes.
• Track key risk indicators for early detection.
• Establish a regular reporting cadence.
• Offer actionable recommendations for risk mitigation.
• Engage stakeholders for insights and buy-in.

3. What is an incident and how do you manage it?

• Definition of Incident: An unexpected event that disrupts normal operations and poses risks to people,
property, or reputation.
• Approach to Managing Incidents:
a. Immediate Assessment
b. Establish Command and Control
c. Communication Management
d. Resource Mobilization
e. Containment and Mitigation
f. Risk Assessment and Decision-Making
g. Adaptability and Flexibility
h. After-Action Review and Learning

4. What is a use case?

A cybersecurity use case is like a playbook that helps us understand and respond to potential threats. It
outlines specific scenarios or situations, guiding us in configuring security tools and systems to detect and
prevent attacks. Use cases are important because they help organizations anticipate threats, configure
security measures effectively, and measure the effectiveness of their security controls. By monitoring for
specific behaviors outlined in use cases, organizations can quickly identify and respond to potential
security breaches, enhancing their overall security posture.

5. How do you do malware analysis?

a. Utilize static analysis to examine malware without executing it, dynamic analysis to observe its
behavior in a controlled environment, and behavioral analysis to understand its intent and impact.
b. Static analysis tools like PEStudio, dynamic analysis tools like Cuckoo Sandbox, debugging tools like
OllyDbg, and behavioral analysis frameworks like FLARE VM.
Best Practices:
c. Analyze malware in isolated environments, document findings meticulously, stay updated with tools
and threat intelligence, collaborate with the cybersecurity community, and continuously improve skills
through learning.

6. How to analyze attacks like phishing, malware...

• Phishing Analysis and Response:
• Check suspicious emails for signs like misspellings or strange sender addresses.
• Avoid clicking on unknown links or downloading attachments.
• If you suspect phishing, change passwords, report to IT, and educate yourself on spotting phishing
• Malware Analysis and Response:
• Be cautious of downloading files or clicking on suspicious links.
• Run antivirus scans if your computer behaves strangely.
• Disconnect infected devices, run scans, update software, and back important files.

7. Could you share some general endpoint security product names?

• CrowdStrike Falcon: Offers next-gen antivirus and endpoint detection and response (EDR) capabilities
for comprehensive threat protection with minimal system impact.
• Carbon Black (VMware Carbon Black): Provides advanced endpoint protection with machine
learning-based antivirus and EDR features, enabling proactive threat hunting and policy enforcement.
• Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP): Combines signature-based antivirus, behavioral analysis, and
firewall features for robust threat defense with centralized management and reporting.
• Microsoft Defender for Endpoint: Built-in antivirus and EDR solution integrated with Microsoft 365 and
Azure, leveraging AI and threat intelligence for real-time threat detection and response.
• Trend Micro Apex One: Offers advanced threat protection, EDR capabilities, and data loss prevention
(DLP) features for comprehensive endpoint security management and regulatory compliance.

8. What is the difference between EDR and Antivirus?

Antivirus software focuses on detecting and blocking known malware, while Endpoint Detection and
Response (EDR) solutions provide real-time monitoring and analysis of endpoint activities to detect both
known and unknown threats. Both are crucial in a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy: antivirus acts as
the first line of defense against known threats, while EDR provides deeper insights and response
capabilities to combat evolving cyber threats.

9. What is IOC?

Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) are like red flags in cybersecurity—they’re signs that something might
be wrong. These could be unusual activities, like strange files or unexpected network connections.
Detecting IOCs quickly is crucial because they help us identify potential security threats, like hackers or
malware, so we can respond and protect our systems before any damage occurs.

10. What is IOA?

Indicator of Attack (IOA) is like a warning sign indicating that someone might be trying to attack a
computer or network. Unlike Indicators of Compromise (IOCs), which show that an attack has already
occurred, IOAs provide clues that an attack is happening in real-time. By detecting these signs, we can
catch attackers early and prevent damage.

11. What is an IPS and how does it differ from IDS?

An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is like a security camera that alerts you when it detects suspicious
activity on your network. An Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) takes it a step further by not only detecting
but also blocking these threats in real-time. Both are crucial for network security as they help detect and
respond to potential threats, providing a layered defense against cyber attacks.

12. What is XSS, and how will you mitigate it?

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is a type of cyber attack where hackers inject malicious scripts into web
applications, which can then be executed by unsuspecting users’ browsers. This can lead to theft of
sensitive information, unauthorized access to accounts, or other malicious activities.

To mitigate XSS attacks:

Input Validation: Ensure that all user inputs are validated to prevent malicious scripts from being

Output Encoding: Encode user-generated content to prevent it from being executed as code when
displayed on web pages.

Content Security Policy (CSP): Implement strict rules to specify which resources can be loaded and
executed by the browser, preventing unauthorized scripts from running.

13. How do you keep yourself updated with the information security news?

To stay updated in information security:

Subscribe to industry news websites and blogs.

Follow security-focused forums and social media accounts.
Attend security conferences and webinars.
Join professional associations and online communities.
Utilize threat intelligence feeds and platforms.
Pursue relevant certifications and continuous learning opportunities.

14. What is port scanning?

Port scanning is like checking all the doors (ports) in a network to see which ones are open. It’s important
in cybersecurity because it helps identify potential entry points for attackers and vulnerabilities that need
to be addressed to secure the network.

15. Tell us about your Personal achievements or certifications?

In a cybersecurity interview, I would succinctly highlight my achievements and certifications by

emphasizing key points such as:

Holding relevant certifications like CISSP, CEH, or OSCP.

Demonstrating successful projects or contributions that improved cybersecurity posture.
Discussing relevant work experience and responsibilities in the field.
Emphasizing a commitment to continuous learning and professional development.
Articulating how my expertise can positively impact the organization’s cybersecurity goals and objectives.

16. What is DDoS and how you will mitigate the DDOS Attack?

DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks flood websites or networks with excessive traffic, causing
them to slow down or crash. To mitigate such attacks, effective strategies include traffic filtering, scalable
infrastructure, content delivery networks (CDNs), rate limiting, and anomaly detection systems. These
measures help distinguish legitimate traffic from malicious ones and ensure the availability of online
services for users.

17. How do you handle AntiVirus alerts?

When handling antivirus alerts in a corporate environment:

Prioritization: Quickly assess the severity and criticality of each alert based on factors like the affected
systems, the nature of the threat, and potential impact on the organization.

Investigation: Conduct thorough investigations into each alert to determine the root cause, including
analyzing relevant logs, endpoint data, network traffic, and any other pertinent information.

Remediation: Take appropriate action to mitigate the identified threats, which may include isolating
infected systems, removing malicious files or processes, applying patches or updates, and implementing
security controls to prevent future incidents.

Documentation: Document all actions taken in response to antivirus alerts, including findings, remediation
steps, and any lessons learned, to facilitate knowledge sharing and improve incident response

Continuous Improvement: Continuously assess and refine incident response procedures based on
lessons learned from handling antivirus alerts, emerging threats, and changes in the threat landscape to
enhance the organization’s security posture.

18. What is three-way handshake?

The three-way handshake is a process computers use to establish a connection over a network. It
involves three steps:

The initiating computer sends a SYN (synchronize) message to the receiving computer, indicating it wants
to connect.
The receiving computer responds with a SYN-ACK (synchronize-acknowledge) message, acknowledging
the request and indicating it’s ready to communicate.
Finally, the initiating computer sends an ACK (acknowledge) message back to the receiving computer,
confirming the connection is established.

19. What is WAF?

A Web Application Firewall (WAF) is a critical cybersecurity tool that protects web applications from
various online threats. It acts as a barrier between the web application and the internet, filtering and
monitoring incoming traffic to block malicious requests and prevent attacks such as SQL injection,
cross-site scripting (XSS), and DDoS attacks. By implementing a WAF, organizations can enhance the
security of their web applications, comply with regulatory requirements, and mitigate the risk of cyber

20. What all log sources will provide you the SQL Injections attack?

potential log sources for detecting SQL injection attacks include:

Web server logs: for detecting suspicious HTTP requests.

Database server logs: for monitoring SQL query and error logs.
Network traffic logs: for identifying abnormal communication patterns.
Web Application Firewall (WAF) logs: for blocked requests or alerts.
Web application logs: for anomalies during request processing.
Authentication and authorization logs: for failed login attempts or privilege escalation.
System logs: for suspicious activity related to servers and applications.
Analyzing these logs helps detect SQL injection attempts and prevent security breaches.

21. what is SQL injection

SQL injection is a type of cyber attack where hackers input malicious SQL code into web forms or URLs
to manipulate a website’s database. This can lead to unauthorized access to sensitive data, modification
of data, or even deletion of data. It’s like a digital break-in where attackers exploit vulnerabilities in
websites to steal or tamper with information.

22. What is brute force attack?

A brute force attack is when hackers repeatedly guess passwords or codes until they find the correct one.
It’s like trying every key on a keychain until one unlocks the door. This type of attack can give hackers
access to sensitive information or accounts. To prevent it, use strong, complex passwords and enable
additional security measures like multi-factor authentication.

23. What is password spray?

Password spraying is a cyber attack where hackers try a few commonly used passwords against many
accounts, aiming to gain unauthorized access. Unlike brute force attacks, this method is stealthy and less
likely to trigger detection. It poses a security risk because many users reuse weak passwords, allowing
attackers to compromise multiple accounts easily. To prevent such attacks, organizations should enforce
strong password policies and implement multi-factor authentication.

24. Explain OWASP Top Ten?

Understanding and addressing the OWASP Top Ten is crucial for organizations to prioritize security
efforts, reduce attack surface, enhance security posture, protect sensitive data, maintain compliance, and
build trust with stakeholders. It provides a prioritized list of critical web application security risks, helping
organizations focus on addressing the most significant vulnerabilities first and improving overall

25. What is cyber kill chain?

The cyber kill chain is a concept that outlines the stages of a cyber attack, from initial reconnaissance to
achieving the attacker’s objectives. It helps cybersecurity professionals understand and defend against
attacks by breaking down the process into distinct steps, allowing for better detection and mitigation of

26. What is Mitre Framework

The MITRE ATT&CK framework is a widely used resource in cybersecurity for understanding and
categorizing adversary tactics and techniques. It helps professionals analyze cyber threats, align defense
strategies, and improve incident response by providing a standardized language and taxonomy. By
mapping observed adversary behavior to specific tactics and techniques, organizations can better detect,
prevent, and respond to cyber attacks.

27. What is the key difference between IDS and IPS?

an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) detects and alerts about potential security threats in a network,
acting like a security guard that watches for intruders. Meanwhile, an Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
not only detects threats but also actively blocks or prevents them from compromising the network,
functioning like a security guard that not only spots intruders but also takes action to stop them.

28. if there is a sql injection attack where will you get the logs?

In responding to a SQL injection attack, cybersecurity analysts would analyze various logs to understand
the incident’s scope and prevent future breaches:

Web Server Logs: Check for suspicious HTTP requests and errors related to SQL injection attempts.
Database Server Logs: Examine query and error logs for unusual SQL activity.
Network Traffic Logs: Monitor for unusual patterns indicating SQL injection attempts or data exfiltration.
IDS/IPS Logs: Look for alerts triggered by SQL injection signatures.
WAF Logs: Analyze blocked requests or alerts indicating SQL injection attempts.
Application Server Logs: Review for anomalies during request processing.
Authentication/Authorization Logs: Check for unauthorized access attempts.
System Logs: Look for indicators of compromise or suspicious activity.
Thorough analysis of these logs helps identify the attack vector, compromised assets, and necessary
remediation steps to prevent future attacks

29. list down some sample ransomware?

Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts files or systems and demands payment (ransom) from
victims in exchange for decryption keys. Some prevalent variants include WannaCry, Ryuk, Sodinokibi
(REvil), Maze, Conti, Locky, DoppelPaymer, and NetWalker. Each variant uses different distribution
methods and tactics, such as phishing emails, exploit kits, or targeting specific sectors like healthcare.
Ransomware attacks can cause significant disruptions and financial losses for organizations, making
prevention and mitigation strategies crucial in defending against them.

30. What is XSS and how XSS can be prevented?

XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) is a cyber attack where malicious scripts are injected into web pages viewed
by other users. To prevent XSS attacks:

Validate and sanitize user input.

Encode output before rendering.
Implement Content Security Policy (CSP).
Use HTTPOnly cookies.
Enable X-XSS-Protection header.
Keep software updated.
Follow secure coding practices.

31. What are differences between SSL and TLS?

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and TLS (Transport Layer Security) are cryptographic protocols that secure
internet communications. SSL was the older protocol, while TLS is its successor and more secure
version. They both encrypt data transmitted between devices and servers, but TLS is considered more
advanced and is the current industry standard for securing internet connections.

32. What is data leakage? How will you detect and prevent it?

Data leakage refers to the unauthorized transmission or exposure of sensitive information from within an
organization to external entities. To detect and prevent it:

Classify and inventory sensitive data.

Implement access controls and user permissions.
Deploy Data Loss Prevention (DLP) solutions.
Strengthen network and endpoint security.
Conduct employee awareness training.
Monitor user activity and network traffic for signs of unauthorized data access.
Regularly audit and review security controls and procedures.
33. What are your thoughts about the Blue team and the red team?

In cybersecurity, the Blue team focuses on defense, implementing security controls and monitoring for
threats, while the Red team acts as the offense, simulating attacks to identify weaknesses. Both teams
collaborate to ensure robust cybersecurity measures, with the Blue team defending against threats and
the Red team testing defenses to improve resilience.

34. what is difference between ransomware and malware?

Malware is a general term for any malicious software that can harm your computer, while ransomware is
a specific type of malware that encrypts files or locks you out of your system until you pay a ransom.

35. What is the difference between static and dynamic malware analysis?

Static malware analysis involves examining a suspicious file’s characteristics without running it, while
dynamic malware analysis involves running the file in a controlled environment to observe its behavior.
Both methods are crucial for identifying and combating cyber threats, providing insights into the nature
and risks of malicious software.

36. list down one incident where you have done analysis for one high priority incident and escalated to

In response to a high-priority security incident, I conducted detailed analysis on unusual network activity
originating from a critical server. By examining logs, performing memory and disk forensics, and isolating
the affected server, I identified evidence of a sophisticated rootkit. I promptly escalated the incident to the
Level 2 team, providing them with comprehensive findings and recommendations for remediation.
Through collaboration with other SOC members, we successfully contained the incident and strengthened
our organization’s cybersecurity posture.

37. Provide the details of reports you share with client on daily, weekly and monthly?

I provide clients with daily, weekly, and monthly reports to keep them informed about security events and
trends. Daily reports offer real-time updates on security incidents, weekly reports highlight trends and
effectiveness of security controls, while monthly reports provide strategic insights and recommendations
for improving overall security posture. These reports include key metrics, such as the number of alerts,
incident response metrics, threat intelligence insights, and compliance status, to help clients make
informed decisions and prioritize security efforts.

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