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HEC-RAS 1D modeling Guide

1. Create new project

2. Create geometrie
2.1. Sketch the river, specify name and reach
2.2. Add cross section
For that, go to cross section → options → Add a new cross section
This is station 0 and set the description to Downstream
Enter stations and elevation based on the chanel configuration
Fill Manning value field, over banks and set the LOB ,Chanel∧ROB ¿ 0
Now you just finished the downstream cross section, now create Upstream cross
section by copying current cross section

For that , go to options → copy current cross section

Fill the river station as the chanel length
Set the LOB ,Chanel , ROB equaltho theChanel length
Finaly, increase the elevation by adding a constant equal to + slope ×chanel length
2.3. Interpolate cross section, the save geometrie data
3. Create steady flow analysis data
3.1. Enter the discharge value into the profile field.
3.2. Set the reach boundary conditions, as critical depth at the downstream
4. Perform steady flow analysis
5. View the result
6. Calibrate the model (manning’s n)

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