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Title: "Eternal Serenade"

In the realm where dreams softly reside,

Where hearts entwine on love's gentle tide,
There blooms a song, forever played,
In the garden of the Eternal Serenade.

Each note a whisper, each chord a vow,

As love's symphony unfolds, here and now.
In moonlit whispers and sunlit gleams,
Two souls dance within love's endless streams.

Through laughter and tears, through joy and pain,

Their love, an eternal, unbreakable chain.
In every echo, in every sigh,
Their bond grows stronger, reaching the sky.

For love's melody knows no end,

It carries on, around the bend.
In the harmonies of each passing day,
Their love story forever finds its way.

So let us listen to this wondrous tune,

Underneath the radiant, starlit moon.
For in the music of hearts so true,
We find the beauty of love's eternal view.

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