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We lie awake in love and in fear in turmoil and in tears we stare at the walls until they speak back we
twist in our self-made cages and pray that we aren’t right this moment about to make some life
altering mistakes a journey through terrors and sweet dreams the floors we pace and the demons we
face for all of us who have tossed and turned and decided to keep the lanterns lit and go searching
hoping that just maybe when the clock strikes 12 we’ll meet ourselves castle’s crumbling a collection
of questions answered and hurdles faced a collections of joys and losses to make it to tomorrow.

Chapter one castles crumbling

The metaphor of crumbling castles has always resonated deeply with me it’s a poignant illustration of
the delicate nature of dreams and gradual erosion of the walls we construct for protection touching
upon the themes of vulnerability and the inevitable decay of structures we build around ourselves
weave together to create an emotional landscape mirroring the storms within.

I often find echoes of my own life and the intricate structures we create the castles representing
ambitions the protective walls around our heart each seemingly on the brink of collapse it’s a
concerting realization yet there’s a peculiarity laid bare by the crumbling towers.

All the king’s horses all the king’s men couldn’t put me together again even the worst formidable
fortresses may yield to the unrelenting passage of time the admission that there might be no simple
reconstruction no magical remedy to mend fragments hangs in the air.

Delving into the complexities of love and loss painting a poignant picture of the aftermath of
shadowed moments we sense the ache in every word the weight of unspoken sentiments and the
echoes of what once was despite its enchanting allure the world emerges as a force capable of
dismantling the structures we hold dear.

We find solace in the shared experiences in the quiet moments of reflection your acknowledgement
that sometimes it’s acceptable for castles to crumble perhaps in the ruins there exists a space where
something new to emerge something resilient and beautiful in its imperfection.

Chapter two roots and branches

In the Grand Tapestry of my life the threads of family and friends are woven seamlessly creating a
vibrant and intricate pattern that defines the very essence of who I am this is where we delve into
the roots from which I draw strength and the branches which extend into my world shaping my

My family the bedrock of my existence forms the first layer of their tapestry from the laughter that
echoed through the walls of our home every emotion has been etched into the fabric of our
collective memory the unique dynamic of sibling relationships the unspoken language the fierce
loyalty and the occasional squabbles that ultimately strengthen my bones through the lens of the
family I explore the lessons learned the traditions upheld and the values passed down.

As I venture beyond the confines of blood ties, I shine a spotlight on the constellation of friends that
orbits my life these chosen relationships diverse dynamic have added vivid hues to my life’s palate
from the childhood playmates who shared the innocence of viewed to the confidants who
weathered storms of adolescence each friend has left an indelible mark.
I recount the adventures and misadventures the late-night conversations that stretched into the wee
hours and shared dreams that fuelled our inspirations the camaraderie formed in the crucible of
shared experiences as a testament to the power of friendship in shaping identity.

Chapter three mind of mine: childhood

This chapter delves into the labyrinthine corridors of my mind the early strokes were painted with
the hues of childhood in as a child each thought was a whimsical adventure and imagination knew no
bounds it was a time when the world was a playground for my burgeoning intellect and each
discovery felt like unlocking a hidden treasure chest.

Childhood is a time and friendship’s blossom like wildflowers in spring in one neighbourhood a
motley crew of Playmates became some of my closest friends each day spent with them was an
escapade of joy the playground was where we lulled the art of Kong premise and the thrill of victory
as the sun dipped below the horizon we would reluctantly head home it was during these early years
the seeds of Curiosity were planted and the importance of kindness and resilience was ingrained.

As I reflect upon the pages of my childhood I see a mosaic of experiences that shaped the person I
am today the memory tucked away in the recesses of my mind continue to illuminate my path
forward the journey through childhood is not just a tale of the past it is a timeless odyssey that
reverberates to the corridors of my heart reminding me that in every moment the child within
continues to whisper tales of innocence and possibility.

Chapter four visual verse

Chapter five unconditional love

If you’re lucky a dog will come into your life and your life will change this chapter belongs entirely to
my 4-leg companion Leo his arrival mark returning point introducing a new level of joy loyalty and
unwavering companionship into my world.

I remember the day we brought Leo home a fluffy bundle with eyes that sparkled with curiosity his
antics brought laughter into the mundane and his presence turned ordinary moments into
extraordinary memories our morning walks became the corner stone of our daily connection as his
enthusiasm breathed life into me.

There were nights when he became by most attentive listener and stayed up to memorize hundreds
of notes with me his presence was a bomb for my soul and the weight of my worry seemed to lift if
only for a while.

The imprint of a pet on one’s life is indelible Leo with his unconditional love and unwavering loyalty
shaped my narrative in ways I could have never anticipated this chapter is not just about a pet it’s a
celebration of a friendship that transcends worlds a bond that will forever be etched into my life.

Chapter six dance of chaos

The butterfly effect a concept rooted in chaos theory posits that a butterfly’s wings flapping in one
part of the world can set off a chain reaction of events leading to significant consequences in other
the decision that created a ripple effect throughout the years was none other than not getting
selected as a prefect in grade 5.

At the time I was heartbroken trying to eulogize why I didn’t get selected now that I look back I am
ecstatic about the fact that I was not selected dealing with that failure caused me to introspect and
bring about whatever changes were required however the hurdles did end there come grade nine
when I stood for the position of housewives captain and lost I was placed in the editorial team.

This led me to discovering the talent and passion I had for writing thus when I applied to be the
editor in chief I did get it this made me realize that in fact everything does happen for a reason and
to me I would like to thank whichever butterfly flapped its wings which led to this dance of chaos
curiosity and learning.

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