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INSTRUCTIONS: Read each item carefully, write the letter of the correct answer in your ½ sheet of paper.
1. This punctuation mark signals the full stop or the end of a complete sentence.
a. colon b. comma c. period d. semicolon
2. This punctuation mark is used to separate parts of a sentence to make the meaning clear.
a. colon b. comma c. period d. semicolon
3. This punctuation mark signals the reader that the statement is supposed to be continued or has ended abruptly.
a. ellipsis b. exclamation point c. period d. semicolon
4. This punctuation mark signals a break within a sentence. It is stronger than a comma but less than a full stop like
a period.
a. colon b. ellipsis c. quotation marks d. semicolon
5. This punctuation mark is used at the end of an interrogative sentence.
a. Exclamation mark b. hyphen c. period d. question mark
6. This punctuation mark signals to the reader of the writer’s emotions or strong attitude to something.
a. comma b. ellipsis c. exclamation mark d. quotation marks
7. This punctuation mark is used to introduce a list, to indicate a ratio or time, and to separate two major parts of a
a. Colon b. ellipsis c. hyphen d. quotation marks
8. This punction mark is like a parenthesis or ellipsis, may signal a breaking away from a sentence.
a. em dash b. en dash c. hyphen d. parentheses
9. This punctuation mark specifies any kind of range or distance.
a. em dash b. en dash c. hyphen d. parentheses
10. This punctuation mark indicates explanations or qualifying statements within sentence.
a. apostrophe b. colon c. hyphen d. parentheses
11. This punctuation mark indicates an omission of some letters from a combination of two words.
a. apostrophe b. colon c. hyphen d. parentheses
12. This punctuation mark connects two things that are intimately related. It is used to show words that function
together as a single idea.
a. apostrophe b. colon c. hyphen d. parentheses
13. These punctuation marks are used in direct speeches to relay what was said or written.
a. colon b. hyphen c. parentheses d. quotation marks
14. This punctuation mark is sometimes used to emphasize an idea or word and it is indicated in different literary
a. colon b. hyphen c. parentheses d. quotation marks
15. This punctuation mark is used to separate one part of the sentence from another to indicate a break or an
abrupt change in the thought flow.
a. apostrophe b. dash c. hyphen d. parentheses

For items 16-27, kindly supply the correct punctuation marks used in the sentence. Write the letter of the correct
answer in your ½ sheet of paper.

16. I danced like a monkey in class yesterday__ it was very embarrassing.

a. period b. exclamation marks c. colon d. semicolon
17. Bill Gates is a self__made billionaire.
a. Apostrophe b. dash c. hyphen d. parentheses
18. These are my Christmas lists__ end of the pandemic, healing of the sick, and world peace.
a. period b. exclamation mark c. colon d. semicolon
19. __She likes my bag__ Carol said.
a. colon b. hyphen c. parentheses d. quotation marks
20. We are invited to attend the wedding this Saturday__ October 24, 2020.
a. comma b. ellipsis c. exclamation mark d. quotation marks
21. Where do you think the comma belongs? The rains poured hard last week so many streets were flooded.
a. poured hard last week so,
b. the rains poured hard,
c. poured hard last week, so
d. last week so many streets, were flooded
22. "Today___ we vetoed the bill."
a. comma b. ellipsis c. exclamation mark d. quotation marks
23. Im planning to write a book someday.
a. apostrophe b. dash c. hyphen d. parentheses
24. Wow I can't believe I ran into you here.
a. period b. exclamation mark c. colon d. semicolon
25. Rihanna said that her favorite short story was Guy de Maupassant’s The Necklace.
a. colon b. hyphen c. parentheses d. quotation marks
26. His name is Miguel Cruz
a. period b. exclamation mark c. colon d. semicolon
27. What does Ellipsis mean?
a. It indicates a page break.
b. It tells you something that should be done.
c. It tells you a journalist is misquoting his sources.
d. It indicates something is missing from a sentence.
28. Which of the following sentences is accurately punctuated?
a. We are now fully implementing our technology based-packaging system for our products.
b. We are now fully implementing our technology based packaging-system for our products.
c. We are now fully implementing our technology-based packaging system for our products.
d. We are now fully implementing our technology based packaging - system for our products.
29. Which sentence below uses quotation marks appropriately?
A. Rey said, “I love cats.”
B. Rey said, “i love cats”
C. Rey said, “I love cats”!
D. “Rey said I love cats?”

30. Which sentence uses comma correctly?

A. Bantay my pet dog loves to walk with me every morning.
B. Bantay, my pet dog, loves to walk with me every morning.
C. Bantay, my pet dog loves to walk with me every morning.
D. Bantay my pet dog loves to walk, with me every morning.

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