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Name September 11th

QUESTIONS: 9-11 First Responders

Circle the correct answer.

1. On September 11th, 2001, the FDNY:

A. witnessed mass destruction in New York
B. recalled all off-duty firefighters for the first time in 30 years
C. hijacked passenger airplanes
D. staged multiple terrorist attacks on the United States

2. Which of the following did the FDNY NOT deploy on September 11th?
A. its Haz-Mat unit,
B. its mobile command center
C. its field communications unit
D. its field psychologists

3. How many first responders died in New York on September 11th?

A. 343 B. 150
C. 911 D. 27

4. Which of the following illnesses have first responders died of since 9/11?:
A. cancer
B. asthma
C. respiratory problems
D. all of the above

5. The 2010 James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act established:
A. a memorial for first responders who died on September 11th
B. a program that provides assistance for people whose illnesses can be
linked to the September 11th disaster
C. a new mobile command unit for the FDNY
D. a hospital wing named after a New York City police officer who died
from illness associated with his work at the World Trade Center complex


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