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University of the Philippines Diliman College of Education




Submitted to: Jose Q, Pedrajita,, Ph.D.

Submitted by: Robert C. Aquino I.

Şemşek, Mirzeoğlu, Çoknaz (2017) stated that Sports is a social movement with collective

value that contributes to the establishment of a more peaceful and better world. Society uses

sport to support a variety of basic social values such as equality for all, friendship, justice, and

international peace and understanding. Meanwhile, teaching is a tedious task. Some may find

it fulfilling and rewarding, but not with an extra workload. Teachers’ familiarity about the

change is not enough to effectively implement it. Thus, the desirable learning outcomes cannot

be achieved. Teachers’ deep-seated beliefs, negative attitudes, or inadequate skills impede

the curriculum implementation of change (Wang, 2006). Vizek-Vidović, Vlahović-Štetić,

Rijavec, & Miljković (2003) claimed that teachers’ personal development and character are the

key determinants of their professional development. Multifaceted studies have clearly shown

the role of teachers’ personality in the delivery of change. However, the impact of personality

within the educational process has not yet been discussed. Díaz-Larenas, Rodríguez-Moran, &

Poblete-Rivera (2011) stated that a large number of studies have pointed out the significance

of the teachers’ personality in the context of their teaching style towards achieving the desired


Meanwhile, Hasırcı (2013) elaborated that in recent years, a frequently asked question has

been, “How does sport contribute or in some other ways affect one’s development and

personality formation?” Or, “Is there any significant relationship between sport and

personality?” However, there are no conclusive results yet in the studies about the field of

“personality and sport”. Some scientists, meanwhile, suggest that individuals may often choose

sports that fit their personality, then assume success. While others hypothesize that individuals

emulate personality traits that gear towards their chosen sport (Bayer, 2003). Soğat (2007)

claimed that sporting activities play a role in the physical development of 11–12 year olds,

significantly affecting height and weight development.

Another study assessing the effect of physical education training on 11–13 year olds, one

factor that deemed to influence student status was personality (Brock, Rovegno & Oliver,

2009). A meta-analysis by Poropat (2014) showed a relationship between personality and

academic success. Similar studies and findings appeared to support that sport has an effect on

personality development in adolescents and children.

Background of the School

Montessori De Sagrada Familia (MDSF) is a private education institution offering quality basic

education. Established in 1997 by a couple who at that time wanted to provide quality

education for their four fine ladies, catering more or less 200 learners in its first year of

operation with more than 2,000 enrolees at present. Montessori De Sagrada Familia adheres

to constructivism as a paradigm for teaching and learning. The school posits that quality basic

education is characterized by its students’ adequate preparation for tertiary schooling,

responsive social awareness, high moral and ethical standards, sound physical and socio-

emotional health, strong sense of family and most importantly ability to construct their own

understanding and knowledge of the world. Montessori De Sagrada Familia envisions to be a

learning hub for creativity and innovation that will produce graduates endowed with the

Sagradan attributes of nationalism, service orientation, critical thinking, problem solving,

effective communication, media and information literacy and transformative collaboration

strengthened by the core values of the Holy Family of Nazareth, with Jesus Christ at its center,

and Mary and Joseph as caring and discerning guides. Statement of Areas of Improvement

Being at Montessori De Sagrada Familia (MDSF) for almost four years now, the researcher

has seen how some of his co-workers resist change, both in the management and in the

curriculum. Change in the institution contributed to greater turnover of teachers in the recent
years. Last year, S.Y. 2018-2019, more than 30 teachers resigned according to the information

given by the management. In a private interview with some of those who opted to leave the

institution, the researcher found out that most of them would associate their resignation to the

change in leadership as the 20-year principal filed her resignation last year due to anonymous

reasons as well as the overwhelming feeling brought about by multifaceted changes in their

workplace. In line with this, the researcher, backed by pertinent literatures, has realized the

importance of incorporating the personal development course and sports training in the in-

service training of teachers in dealing with the organizational leaders, sudden changes in the

curriculum, and even as part of teachers’ professional development.

Research Questions:

1. Is there a significant relationship between teachers and personal development courses in

adapting to changes in the workplace?

2. Is there a significant relationship between teachers and sports training in adapting to

changes in the workplace?

3. Is there a significant relationship between sports training and personal development courses

in supporting teachers to adapt to changes in the workplace?

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