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- Leukocytosis
- Leukopenia
- Decreasing of hemoglobin level
- Anemia
- Thrombocytopenia
- Thrombocytosis
- Increasing of EST count
- Hypercholesterolemia
- Dyslipidemia
- Hypertriglyceridemia
- Increasing of ureum level
- Increasing of creatinine level (GFR: mL/min, CKD-EPI 2021,adjusted for body
surface area)
- Hyperuricemia
- Hyperbilirubinemia (kalau ketiganya total, direct, indirect naik. Kalo salah satu
tulis satu2 aja)
- Increasing of total bilirubin level
- Increasing of direct bilirubin level
- Increasing of indirect bilirubin level
- Increasing of SGOT, SGPT, and Gamma GT level
- Increasing of fasting blood sugar level
- Increasing of two hours after meal blood sugar level
- Hyperglycemia
- Hyperglycemia, suspect prediabetes
- Hyperglycemia, suspect type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Hyperglycemia with history of controlled type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Hyperglycemia with glucosuria (+2) and ketonuria (+2)
- Increasing of HbA1C level
- Reactive HBsAg (kalo HBsAg reaktif, anti HBs non reaktifnya jangan dimasukkan,
krn nnt dikasih saran vaksin sedangkan ga boleh vaksin kalo hbsag reaktif)
- Non reactive anti HBs
- Vitamin D deficiency/insufficiency
- Leukocyturia (+2), Hematuria (+1), Ketonuria (+1), Proteinuria (trace), Epithels
squamous in urine (24-26), Cylindruria (hyaline 0-1/LPF), Crystalluria (Ca Oxalate
+2), Bacteriuria (+1)

- Decreasing of visual acuity of both eyes
- Decreasing of visual acuity of right eye
- Decreasing of visual acuity of left eye
- Uncorrected previous glasses
- Uncorrected previous glasses of right eye
- Uncorrected previous glasses of left eye
- Partial colour blindness

- Chest X-Ray: Elongation and calcification of aorta
- Chest X-Ray: Both lungs tuberculosis

- Abdominal USG: Fatty liver, cholelithiasis
- Breast USG: FAM on right breast

- Spirometry: Mild restrictive and mild obstructive

- Decreasing of hearing acuity on low and high frequency of both ears
- Decreasing of hearing acuity on high frequency of both ears
- Decreasing of hearing acuity on high frequency of right ear
- Decreasing of hearing acuity on high frequency of left ear
- Decreasing of hearing acuity on low frequency of both ears
- Decreasing of hearing acuity on low frequency of right ear
- Decreasing of hearing acuity on low frequency of left ear
- Decreasing of hearing acuity on low frequency of right ear and on low & high
frequency of left ear
- Mild hearing disoder of
- Mild conductive hearing loss of


- ECG: Incomplete RBBB
- ECG: Incomplete RBBB, Treadmill exercise test: Positive ischemic response
- Treadmill exercise test: Uniterpretable

- Overweight
- Class I obesity
- Class II obesity
- Class III obesity
- Underweight
- Prehypertension
- First grade hypertension
- Second grade hypertension
- Hypertensive urgency
- Hypertensive emergency

- Lhermitte test: Positive, Suspected radicular pain syndrome
- Spurling test: Positive, Suspected radicular pain syndrome
- Neers test: Positive on left/right/both shoulder, Suspected subacromial
impingiment, rotator cuff impingiment
- Yergason test: Positive on right/left hand, Suspected lesion of the biceps tendon
- Tinel test: Positive on right/left hand, Carpal tunnel syndrome suspected
- Phalen test: Positive on right/left hand, Carpal tunnel syndrome suspected
- Finkelstein test: Positive on right/left hand, Tenosynovitis suspected,
inflammation of the abductor policis longus and extensor policis brevis tendons
- Straight leg raise test: Pain on left/right lower back area, Suspected low back
pain/herniated nucleus pulposus
- Straight leg raise test: Pain on left/right knee, Suspected osteoarthritis,
femoroacetabular impingiment

- Romberg test: Negative
- Patrick test: Negative
- Schober's test: Normal
- Jakarta cardiovascular score: -1 (low risk)
- Framingham risk score (ATP-III): 2% (low risk)
- VO2 max (from treadmill test): 42,2 ml/kg/min (good)
- SRQ-20: Normal
- Fatigue test: Mild on noise stimulation, Mild on light stimulation

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