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The Old and New Testament

The Word of God is essential to the soul. There are times that we feel
lost, weak, sad, and hopeless in life making us unsure in every action we
decided to take. With this, we seek guidance and vision from our Lord by
praying and opening our Bible, as we believe that everything on it, is
always applicable on our lives. Through His words, we found what are we
looking for, making us to be more hopeful and positive to conquer the
challenges of our lives. Bible is indeed an important weapon to win the
circumstances we are facing. As we open the book, the two division of
Bible will be shown which have differences and similarities in terms of
origin, characters, and teaching.
We always hear when we were kids how the world was made. We
enjoy reading and looking at the pictures of how the world begun. As we
grow, we learned about the story of Abraham, the origin of circumcision,
the Noah’s ark and what’s the meaning of rainbow, the ten commandments
and many others. These stories are originally from the Old Testament,
which is believe to take form at different times between about 1200 and
165 BC at ancient Near East, extending from Mesopotamia in the
northeast, down to the Nile River in Egypt in the southwest. It has 46 books
and most of them were written in Hebrew and some are Greek. On the
other hand, the New Testament wherein the journey of Jesus Christ started
is believed to be written around 50 CE containing 27 books and originally
written in Greek language. This part includes when Jesus Christ was born,
how He died for us and how He established His kingdom.
In the New Testament, the story focuses to Jesus Christ whereas the
Old testament talks about the prophets and their prophecies. Also, the old
covenant deals only to God’s chosen people which are the Jews different to
the new testament who is applicable to the whole church or everyone who
believes to the Lord.
The teaching is also different at each covenant. The old covenant
teaches commandments that difficult for people to follow. Most of the topics
tells the don’ts and do’s of the believers because once they didn’t obey,
there are consequences. In the side of the new covenant, it tackles the
grace of God, how God died for all of our sin, and what is the importance of
Christ in our lives. The revelation was revealed on the New Testament
stating the truth about Christ and His salvation for mankind.
Even though there are differences in each division, they still related to
each other due to following reason. First, the old testaments predicted the
Messiah which is later revealed in the New Testament as Jesus Christ.
Second, the laws in the old covenant were fulfilled by Jesus Christ in the
new testament. Lastly, at the old covenant, grace is bound mostly in
physical blessings from God while at the new covenant the blessings
evolved not just physically but also spiritually through faith and forgiveness
among sinners.
The Old and New testaments may have differences but still they both
include the Word of God which is sacred. Whether you read the old or the
new one, it still depicts the importance of God in our lives. That is why as a
human being, nothing will lose to you if you put your faith on God because
once you believe in Him, you will not just have a better life but you’ll also
gain more and more than you expected.

Submitted by:
Mark John B. Martin
BSA 1st Year
GEC1 Bible (H)

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