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Large Outsider (archfey, eternal, extraplanar)

A bright and ancient fire burns deep into his eyes, two infinite stars
that ignite the spirit.

Hd 60d10+840 (1440 hp)

Init +46/+26, dual initiative (+22 dex, +4 improved initiative +20

Senses blindsense 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., detect thoughts, greater

arcane sight, low-light vision, true seeing; Perception +77,
Aura Primal Aura (120 ft.),

Speed 60 ft, fly 180 (perfect)

ac 120 (10 +22 dexterity, +29 deflection, +16 dodge, +29 insight,
+14 natural)
Bab +60 Cmb +70 Cmd +102
Attack +11 vorpal evil outsiders dread brilliant energy holy sword
+123 (3d12+33/15-20/x3)
Full attack 2 +11 vorpal evil outsiders dread brilliant energy holy
swords +123/+123/+123 /+123 (3d12+33/15-20/x3)
Special attacks gaze, mythic power (43/day, surge +1d12) spells,
spell-like abilities, Swords of light
Special qualities alternate form, arcane prodigy, bardic talent,
dimensional travel, DR 30/cold iron vorpal artifact, darkvision 120
ft., fast healing 30, immunity to ability damage, ability drain, acid,
charm effects, cold, compulsion effects, death effects, electricity,
energy drain, fire, petrification, poison and disease, immortal, low-
light vision, regeneration 30 (deific), SR 69, superior two-weapon
fighting, telepathy, unearthly grace

Saves fort +82, ref +119, will +82

Abilities str 31 (+10), dex 55 (+22), con 39 (+14), int 43 (+16), wis 39 (+14), cha 69 (+29)

Skills acrobatics +85, bluff +92, diplomacy +92, escape artist +85, fly +85, intimidate +92, knowledge (arcanna) +79, Knowledge (history,
nature, religion, the planes) +77, perception +77, perform +92, ride +85, sense motive +77, spellcraft +79, stealth +85, use magic device +92

Feats agile defense, battledance, combat reflexes, dimensional agility, dimensional assault, dimensional dervish, dodge, empower spell (m)*,
fly by attack, greater spell penetration (m), greater vital strike (m), improved critical (m), improved counterspell, improved initiative (m),
intensified spell (m)*, maximize spell (m)*, neutral energy, power attack (m), quick draw, quickened spell (m)*, skill focus (knowledge arcana,
spellcraft), spell stowaway (heal, time stop), spring attack, twined spell, two weapon rend (m), weapon finesse (m), weapon focus (m), words of


Gaze (su) all creatures within 120 feet who meet arians gaze become affected as if by charm monster, this charm effect is so potent that even
a creature immune to charm or mind-affecting effects can be affected expending one use of a mythic power. A will save (dc 69) negates the
effect. Each opponent within range of a gaze attack must attempt a saving throw each round at the beginning of his or her turn. Arian can also
actively gaze as a standard action by choosing a target within range who must then attempt a saving throw. The active gaze can also slay
creatures with Arian’s half or less hit dices (will dc 69), those who save are affected by fear for one day

Light weapons (su) Arian carries two personal melee weapons that he manifests from his life essence. When not in combat the weapons
simply do not exist but he can draw them from nowhere as a free action. Arians weapons are considered light weapons for him, regardless of
size and function as +11 vorpal brilliant energy evil dread holly swords
Superior two-weapon fighting (ex) Arian fights with a light weapon in each hand. Because this weapons are extensions of its own life force,
Arian does not take any kind of penalty for attacking with two weapons

Bardic Talent Arian uses the bardic music ability and the bardic knowledge class feature as 60th level bard. He can use or maintain
concentration on one such ability per round as a free action, requiring no instrument other than his unearthly voice.

Unearthly grace (su) Arian ads his cha bonus as a bonus to his saving throws and as a deflection bonus to his armor class, his con as a natural
armor bonus his int as a dodge bonus and his wis as an insight bonus to ac. In addition hostile creatures must succeed on a will save (dc 69) or
become shaken and unable to take action against him (this is a mind affecting effect). Arian can use the weapon finesse feat with any weapon
he welds and his great agility grants him the evasion extraordinary ability

luminous form (su) arian can assume a luminous incorporeal form as a free action

Dimensional travel (su) As a move action arian can teleport to any point of space and time. As a standard action he can take up to seven
willing creatures in contact with him

Primal Aura (su) within he’s aura arian has absolute control over any supernatural or magical effect. He can dispel or suspend any
supernatural ability, magical effect or magic item (except divinely created artifacts), alter its durations, modify areas and redirect their effects at

Arcane prodigy (ex) Arian cast spells as a 60th level sorcerer with charisma based dc (69 + spell level). Any spell level increase that a
metamagic feat may add is always 1 and never modifies casting time. He can cast an unlimited number of spells per day as if they were spell
like abilities and is considered to know all all magic item creation feats and all spells from al spell lists (in their mythic version when possible,
which he casts without spending mythic power and spending one use to cast any augmented version). He adds his mythic tier to the
maximum spell level he can cast and when applicable, die cups of any spells he casts go to the next upper category (d4 to d6, d6 to d8, etc).
He can maintain any spell with duration greater than instantaneous as long as he wants and he can negate any spell or spell like effect within
line of sight as an immediate action. By spending mythic power points when casting a spell Arian can overcome any one immunity the target
might have per point spent and whenever he casts a spell that targets one or more creatures, each of those creatures must roll any saving
throws against the spell twice and take the lower result.

The following spells are always active on arian ś person: detect thoughts, foresight, freedom of movement, globe of invulnerability (m),
greater arcane sight, mind blank, moment of prescience and true seeing. These spells may be dispelled but Arian can reactivate them as a
free action.

Eternal traits ability damage, ability drain, banishment, charm, compulsion, death effects, disease, disintegration, energy drain, mind affecting
effects and poison immunity; dimensional travel, positive energy affinity, remote communication, remote sensing, telepathy

Immortal (Ex) If a arian is killed, its body vanishes away into light or some other manifestation of fading existence while it is immediately
restored to life (as per true resurrection) in a location of its choice. Arian can’t use this ability again for 1 year. If killed by unusual methods
(such as by a true deity or an artifact created for this purpose) within that year period, arian is slain forever.

Class features (20th level sorcerer, 5th level grand archmage) arcana bloodline powers (arcane bond (gem of creation), metamagic adept,
school power (evocation), arcane apotheosis), high arcanna (arcane fire, mastery of counterspelling, mastery of elements, mastery of shaping,
spell power)

Archmage path features arcane surge, channel power, crafting mastery, deep understanding, eldritch breach, legendary item (scepter of
fate, major artifact*), mirror dodge, true archmage

Champion path abilities always a chance, critical master (2), ever ready, fleet warrior, legendary champion, perfect strike, precision (3),
sudden attack

Mythic abilities amazing initiative, beyond morality, dual initiative, force of will, hard to kill, immortal, legendary hero, mythic power, mythic
saves, surge +1d12, recuperation, unstoppable

* dedicated bond, eternal bond, flexible bond, foe-bitting, rejuvenating, powerful, returning (x2), unstoppable strike, symbiotic (it merges with
arians light weapons)

As an arcane prodigy arian has acces to mythic metamagic feats

Mythic empower spell: increase spell value by 100%

Mythic intensified spell: increase the maximum number by damage dice by 10 levels
Mythic maximize spell: +1 to each die of damage
Mythic quickened spell: can cast another spell as a free action
Magic items gem of creation, moon blade luck, gleamered cloak of epic charisma +11 (not included on stats), +11 graceful mithral shirt of
heavy fortification (not included on stats), mighty bracers of physical perfection +10 (not included on stats), staff of eldritch sovereignty, ring of
universal elemental immunity, belt of dimension

Moon blade Luck

+11 Vorpal keen evil outsider bane holy great sword
Purpose guard the kosmos
Int 30 Wis 30 Cha 30
Senses telepathy 120 ft.
Bidimensional edge bypasses any damage reduction, +3d6 damage, 2 to critical threat and +1 to critical multiplier Can cast weapons storm at
Can smite evil or good by spending one mythic power point as a swift action (hd as level)
Can manifest the brilliant energy special ability that ignores any kind of armor and deal an extra 7d12 silverfire damage on command
Foe-bitting and unstoppable strike legendary item special abilities
Dedicated powers
Use brilliant inspiration at will
The sword is bonded to arians life force and he can summon it from anywhere as an immediate action

Arcane Fire (Su) The archmage gains the ability to change arcane spell energy into arcane fire, manifesting it as a bolt of raw magical energy. The bolt is a ranged
touch attack with long range (400 feet + 40 feet/level of archmage) that deals 1d6 points of damage per class level of the archmage plus 1d6 points of damage
per level of the spell used to create the effect. This ability costs one 9th-level spell slot.

Mastery of Counterspelling (Su) When the archmage counterspells a spell, it is turned back upon the caster as if it were fully affected by a spell turning spell. If
the spell cannot be affected by spell turning, then it is merely counterspelled. This ability costs one 7th-level spell slot.

Mastery of Elements (Su) The archmage can alter an arcane spell when cast so that it utilizes a different element from the one it normally uses. This ability can
only alter a spell with the acid, cold, fire, electricity, or sonic descriptor. The spell’s casting time is unaffected. The caster decides whether to alter the spell’s
energy type and chooses the new energy type when he begins casting. This ability costs one 8th-level spell slot.

Mastery of Shaping (Su) The archmage can alter area and effect spells that use one of the following shapes: burst, cone, cylinder, emanation, or spread. The
alteration consists of creating spaces within the spell’s area or effect that are not subject to the spell. The minimum dimension for these spaces is a 5-foot cube.
Furthermore, any shapeable spells have a minimum dimension of 5 feet instead of 10 feet. This ability costs one 6th-level spell slot.

Spell Power (Su) This ability increases the archmage’s effective caster level by +1 (for purposes of determining level-dependent spell variables such as damage
dice or range, and caster level checks only). This ability costs one 5th-level spell slot.

Arian ś spells description

Initiative (3)
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 immediate action Range: personal

Targets: you
Duration: 1 round/level (D)

You gain + 1 per every 2 caster levels (max 20) insight bonus to initiative

Magic missile, greater (6)

Evocation [Force]
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Targets: Up to 20 creatures, no two of which can be more than 15 ft. apart Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell functions like magic missile except that it can fire up to 20 missiles
Invisible Blade (7)
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: No
Spell resistance: no

This spell creates an invisible, silent, long sword-shaped construct of force that attacks a chosen target creature with the caster highest attack bonus + cha
modifier, inflicting 3d8 + caster level (max 20) points of damage on a successful strike. An invisible blade cannot be seen unless or until it is blooded or marked
with some other substance. It strikes twice per round until the spell expires or the caster chooses a new target creature. Because a target concentrating on
detecting (and parrying) the blade can see disturbances in the air as the edges of the force move, there is no Armor Class penalty when fighting an invisible
blade after its initial attack, unless the attacks are made in complete (or magical) darkness. All attacks made upon the blade in such darkness invoke the standard
penalties for striking at an invisible foe. The blade is detectable only by creatures within 10 feet of it. Onlookers see only a creature fighting apparently empty air.
The magical blade fights by itself, and does not require the caster ś attention once created, except when the caster desires the sword to switch targets as a
standard action. The new target must be a being within spell range of, and visible to, the caster at the time the choice is made. An invisible blade can follow a
being anywhere on the same plane, though long-distance teleportation causes the magic to expire before the pursuing sword reaches its target. An invisible
blade flies at 360 ft (perfect). Magical attacks have no effect on it at all, save that a successful dispel magic, or a properly worded limited wish or wish spell, can
make it vanish. Contact with any detection spell, regardless of its normal function, causes an invisible blade to become clearly visible.

Telekinesis, greater (7)

Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: will negates
Spell resistance: yes

Sustained Force: A sustained force moves an object weighing no more than 50 pounds per caster level (no maximum) up to 120 feet per round. Violent Thrust:
You can hurl one object or creature per caster level that are within range and all within 30 feet of each other toward any target within 10 feet per level of all the
objects. You can hurl up to a total weight of 50 pounds per caster level

Nightfall ray (8) (Abjuration/Evocation)

Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: see below
Spell resistance: see below

When this spell is cast one to five rays of pure energy forth from the caster fingertips. Each one of this rays affect only one creature in the following ways if the
caster succeeds with a ranged touch attack:
•Dispel magic over the victim (maximum caster level check +30)
•Victim must succeed on a will save or be exhausted

•Victim takes 8d8 hp (fort half) at the beginning of his turn

To overcome spell resistance the caster adds his relevant ability modifier to the caster level chek, if he fails the spell is destroyed but if he succeeds the victims
spell resistance is reduced by half minus the caster level and the target suffers all the previously mentioned effects for the duration of the spell

Blade in the Soul (9) (Enchantment/Charm)

Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 standard action Saving Throw: Special
Spell resistance No

This spell enables the caster to compel a being to do something specific or be harmed. The target creature must be within range of the caster. The target must
be a specific individual known by sight or name to the caster, but need not be visible to the caster at the time of casting. The caster holds aloft a bladed metal
weapon of any sort (a dagger is most often used, as it is consumed by the magic) and says the incantation. The target feels a chill in its vitals (in humans, typically
in the heart) and hears the casters voice in its mind, whispering the deed that must be done. The deed can be as intricate, involved, and specific as the caster
desires, including having multiple steps. The target being is given an immediate choice: Follow the caster ś commandment or die. In the case of NPCs and
monsters, the DM must decide which course is followed given alignment, temperament, and situation. If the target being accepts the task and becomes a
bladed one. The spell empowers the caster to observe the target from afar whenever desired until the deed is done. A round of mental concentration is
necessary to establish contact. The caster can then see and hear all the target creature can for as long as the caster concentrates on doing so. When the deed is
done, the spell ends, and the caster has no further control over the actions of the bladed one. At any one time before the deed is completely fulfilled, the caster
can by silent act of will teleport without error into the presence of the bladed one without casting that spell. (The blade in the soul spell fuels this transportation.)
If the target being refuses the task and fights the spell, the victim must succeed on a fort and a will save. If it succeeds, the target suffers 1d12 points of damage
per level of the caster and If it fails, instant death is the result. The person on whom the spell was cast may then be resurrected or raised normally.
Juggernaut (9)
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1 standard action Saving Throw: No
Spell resistance: no

This spell calls into being an enormous, mobile humanoid form similar to a featureless, genderless, naked human. The form seems to rise up out of the ground in
front of the caster, facing away from its creator. Despite the spell name, it is not a juggernaut golem. The juggernaut can be up to 100 feet in height, with a reach
of up to 80 feet. It is AC is its caster level, has speed 60, has 333 hp, hardness 33 and attacks targets (chosen by silent will of the caster) with its fists. It can strike
once with each fist in a round, with an attack bonus two points better than its creator. It deals 9d12 points of damage per successful blow. It can grasp and carry
items, including foes. It inflicts 6d12 points of damage with its grab, plus constricting damage of 5d12 points per round thereafter until the victim makes
successful Dexterity, Constitution, and Strength ability checks (DC 49) all in the same round. (Check all three each round.) A fall from a juggernaut ś hand results
in normal falling damage of 1d6 points per 10 feet fallen. A being thrown by a juggernaut suffers double falling damage on impact and receives no saving throw
(unless the thrown being can fly or use magic to slow his or her flight) A juggernaut cannot wield magic, even wands or worn items such as magical rings, and
the caster cannot east spells through its body. A juggernaut looks like a bald-headed human with no recognizable features except a mouth. It seems to be made
of the same substance as the ground it appears from, although it is in actuality purely a spell manifestation. It can roar out a word or a phrase of up to six words
that are whispered by the caster during the spell.s casting, as often as desired. These words cannot be a spell incantation, and they do not issue forth if they are
words that trigger or activate any magic. A juggernaut within 60 feet of its caster draws into itself all magical attacks specifically meant for the caster, such as
magic missiles, feeblemind spells, and so on. The spell effects are then visited on the juggernaut, not the caster. Spells that normally rebound from solid forms or
burst, such as fireball and lightning bolt, are drawn into the juggernaut.s body so that they do no harm to the surroundings.

When the spell expires or the juggernaut is destroyed by accrued damage, it simply fades away.

Spell Sequencer (9)

(Alteration, Conjuration, Evocation) Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 366 days
Casting Time: see below
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

When casting this spell, a mage must select one to five other spells of 1st to 9th levels. The number of spells is at the discretion of the wizard, though the
maximum cannot be exceeded, and the spells can be of the same level or even be identical for example, five death spells. The selected magics must be cast
immediately after the spell sequencer, employing the usual material components, but preceding each casting with the event that will later unleash the spell
sequencer. (when the event occurs the spell sequencer is cast.) The spells need not be cast by the wizard casting the spell sequencer, or even by a wizard; priest
spells can be linked to a spell sequencer. The spells have no effect at the time they are cast, but when the triggering situation is meet, all of them take effect in
the same round, one after the other, in the order in which they were cast, until all the spells have taken effect. Spell damage is always the maximum possible, and
targets are selected by the will of the sequencer caster when the triggering conditions are meet. The sequencer caster must be able to see all intended targets
when the spell trigger is cast. Per every 10 levels above 20 the caster may have one additional spell sequencer active

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