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1)Difference between Webapi and normal Cntrls

2) for each loop logic adding data to table using append and prepend
3)Difference between Angular.js and Jquery
4)Uses of angular.js
5)HTML features (symantic tags (nothing but HTML5 features))
6)use of slice in Jquery
7)why angular.js introduced
8)Is normal cntrl and webapi cntrl are class or not
9)JSON Full form (JavaScript Object Notation)
10) How can we filter data form objects --use grep function
11)How to reverse the object using jquey
12)anonymous function
This is an example of a function:
function helloWorld() {
alert('Hello World');
This is an example of an anonymous function:
var helloWold = function() {
alert('Hello World');
13)call back function

JavaScript statements are executed line by line. However, with effects, the next
line of code can be run even though the effect is not finished. This can create
To prevent this, you can create a callback function.
A callback function is executed after the current effect is finished.

Call back Example:

$("p").hide("slow", function(){
alert("The paragraph is now hidden"); --here alert rise after ptag hiding

with out call back

alert("The paragraph is now hidden");--here alert rise before ptag hiding
14)HTML 5 Validations
15)OOPS in javascript
17)async,stop propagation
18)media queries syntax
19)kendo UI ,how to add contrl in grid --using template we can do this (Syntax)
20)kendo grid datasource syntax
21) if we have individual 4divs how to get selected previous div -- $
<div>1</div> <div>2</div><div>3</div> <div>4</div> if i click on 4th div we get
selected 3rd div
22)How many indexs we can create in sql server (--Cluster index or non cluster
23) routing and mvc routing
24)Adv of mvc
25)what static cls
26)diff SP and func
27)self join
28)why use index and types of indexs
29)lamda expression
30)rank and dense rank
31)restfull services
33)how to convert wcf to restful services
34)3rd highest sal

httphandler vs httpmodule
Indexs ,Joins diff
Indexs uses and drawbacks
String ,Stringbuilder diff and is this value type are references type
Alige vs water fall method
serialization and deserialization
where you used N-unit testing in your project
Execption Handlings
Inline query storeprocedeure diff
Function and sp difference
can we call function in sp
can we call sp in function
can we call sp in sp
How u perform unit testing in ur project
Throw vs Throw ex
�Throw� propagates the full stack information to the caller,
while �Throw ex� excludes stack information from the point where you called �Throw

Httpclient uses
What is use of set count in sp
Dirty state in entity framework
How can u Handel exception
How can u Handel exception at production level
How can u done Unit testing
How to call services from client side and server side
How can u maintain performance in sps
What is the challenge faced in project
Is any service used in project
How session used project both in jquery and controller
Who can u Handel exceptions in sp
What is use of partial views and can we render multiple views
Jquery Debugger
How can u identify at which action exception occurs if we dont have error logs
Types of debuggers in visual studio

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