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\ CC 3 (4) )


Chi Nei Tsang

Internai Organ Chi Massage (Pg 73)
Healing Hands Meditation (Pg 76-82)
1. Grow the Feellng: Breathe in & out - Focus out of Left
Eye Comer to Left Hand - Head Still & Straight.
2. Focus with lhe Right Eye Comer to lhe Right Hand. (See
Heallng Energy & Llght grow around Figures)
3. Then put Hands facing each other feeling Aura.
4. Continue feeling Aura growing by Opening Hands.
5. Seeing Aura: One ai a lime focus on lndex Finger, Middle
Finger, Thumb, Ring Finger, Pinky Finger. Then Point
each Finger ai each other & see lhe Aura.
6. Placa Palms up on Knees focusing with Mldeye on Left
Hand (Thumb & lndex Flnger connected) & Right Hand
(Thumb connected to Pinky & Ring Fingers).
7. Absorb Cosmlc Energy thru Left Fingers-Oraw it up &
blend it with Universal Energy ai Crown, then down Right
Arm out thru Fingers back to Left Fingers (9x).
Fanning Hot Sick Energy (Pg 110-112)
1. Exhale - Use Heart Sound simultaneously lower Hands
from Chest drawing Heat down to Feet Soles.
2. lnhale Cool Blue Earth Energy through Soles.
3. Palms on Knees & Relax awhile - Resume (18-36x).
Ventlng Hot Slck Energy (Pg 112-115)
1. Sit - Hands on Knees - Fingers spread toward Toes. Feet
Parallel - Toes polnted up - Be Aware of 20 Tips.
2. Do Tripie Warmer Sound (hee) down to Navel & Toes.
Feel sound vibration move out Finger & Toe Tips as a
Steaming,Dark,Cloudy, Chilly Sick Energy emerges.
3. Be aware: Liver becomes Bright Green - Spleen/
Yellow-Lungs/White-Heart/Red-Kidneys/Blue (9x).
CC 3 (5)

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õl ..
Feei -~~~~d-~i-b~~lio~-~~;e,-~~t'Fi~g~~ &;-;~ TiPs ·;;~
Steaming,Dark,Cloudy, Chilly Sick Energy emerges.
3. Be aware: Liver becomes Bright Green - Spleenl
Yellow-Lungs/White-Heart/Red-Kidneys/Blue (9x).
CC 3 (5)


CC 3 (5)

Opening Wind Gates (Pg 148-159)
(Use Chart of Wind Gates for Day & Count Points)

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