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Activity No. 7


Poverty in Latin America. The Quest for Social Justice

Activitty 7
Week 7 From November 29th to December 5th (Submit on Thursday 5th)
Time 2 hours
MICEA Strategy Individual work
I. What is the purpose of the text: to persuade, to inform, or to entertain?
 This text is a combination. The author is informing, but in some parts,
he/she is trying to persuade us of the reasons for poverty in Latin

II. Organize the following sentences in the chart by the main idea and its
detail or secondary idea.


Poverty in Latin America thrives on badly, It can take months and months of hardly
shabbily designed administrative procedures understandable paperwork and bribes to set
to register a business. up a business.
The biggest characteristic of poverty in Mostly huge income inequalities and also
Latin America is inequality. inequality of access to basic services.
Poverty has a negative effect on economic Bringing down levels of human capital and by
growth. increasing crime.
The heart of the problem today is the distribution You can be a fairly rich country like Mexico and
of income. still have an amazing low GDP.

III. external trade liberalization did create lots of jobs in Latin America but the
conditions of the trade agreements signed are strangely systematically in
favor of the US and rich countries. What does it have to do with poverty in
Latin America? Everything. It’s about a country’s capability and right to
develop its economy in all fairness, rather than being taken advantage of
by other nations that do not have in mind the improvement of local living
conditions (or send international aid as a way to apologize). Because if
they did then poverty in Latin America would have been wiped out for
decades.i agree with the text.

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