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People Aren’t Thinking About You

the Way You Are Thinking About
Mada Hayyas · Follow
Published in Raising a Beautiful Mind · 2 min read · Aug 19, 2023

17.9K 353
‘Tess if the D’urbervilles’ 2016

There is a term in social psychology called the ‘spotlight effect which refers
to our tendency to overestimate how much other people think about us or
notice us. The reality is that everyone is so concerned about their own
problems/life that they rarely, if ever, spend much time thinking about ours.

How many times have you shrunk yourself because you fear being judged or

I have a folder in my laptop where I keep encouraging and uplifting

messages for myself. They keep me grounded and focused. I wanted to share
one I come back to often because it’s relevant: Don’t let others stand in the
way of your success. There will be many people who will decide you can’t do
something. These people are everywhere, and they may feel impactful in
the present moment, but they will not matter soon enough as you progress
in your journey. This is your life so stop letting other people decide it for

A lot of us tend to play it safe because we fear failing or being rejected. We

tell ourselves” I can’t do this” or” I am not good enough” or” there is too
much competition”. I think it’s a sign of courage and confidence to go for
something that is scary, uncertain, and difficult. So, If your heart is set on
doing something that you truly believe in- go for it. If it doesn’t work, at least
you tried. Don’t be afraid to take up space. Find the strength to really believe
that you belong in every room you walk into. What you have to say is just as
important as anyone else in that room. Most importantly, remind yourself
that confidence is a skill. It doesn’t happen in leaps. It is slowly learned in
small baby steps. There is no shame in asserting yourself in small ways.
Consciously do the work every day until you truly believe that you belong in
every room you walk into.

Do the same for yourself as you do others-reflect on your best qualities,

celebrate your strengths, make yourself laugh, treat yourself to things,
nurture your own happiness. Your positive light helps those around you feel
cared for. Just remember to serve yourself from time to time the same
selfless way that you serve others. To truly give the world your best, you must
also treat yourself as your best self.

Mindfulness Self-awareness Culture Inspiration Productivity

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