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What life skills can we learn from theatre?

Theatre came from a Greek word, theasthai, which refers to the English word
“behold!” Theatre is essentially the actual play production as a whole itself, instead of
just the script. It is a collaborative form of performing art that uses live performers,
usually actors or actresses, to present the experience of a real or imagined event before
a live audience in a specific place, often a stage. We can learn many things in theatre –
from its performers to the story they portray up until to the whole theatre itself.

In theatre, we can learn the communication skills – be it oral or the other way
around. It shows how important communication is. When you act as a performer, it is
essential to communicate the message effectively to the audience for a success
performance. Just like in real life, communication is very important as it connects people
and unite as one. Without proper communication, we could not understand each other
well and the world may not be as organized as it is today.

Another life skill we can learn from theatre is cooperation and connectivity. Actors
and actresses need to cooperate to be able to perform the play well. Everyone must
connect to each other. In real life, we need to be connected and be cooperative. It is not
good to be selfish. As what they said, ‘no man is an island’. We cannot live alone and in
order for us to survive, we need to walk arm in arm without seeing each and every one
as an issue.

We can learn also how to accept and respect authority. In theatre, there is a
director that will lead and guide the whole team. In order to portray the play effectively,
everyone must respect each other and follow the rules and guidelines of the director.
Just like in real life, we need to accept and respect the authority within our own home.
Our parents serve as the director and we are the actor and actresses.

Self-discipline. It is one of the life skills we can learn from theatre. As an actor,
you must have that discipline within yourselves. When you act, you need to be
disciplined enough to perform your task effectively and accordingly. In life, we need to
act responsibly with all our decisions.

In order for the whole play to succeed, everyone must need to concentrate.
Concentration is essential as it teaches people to focus on their task very well. Just like
in our own endeavors in life, we need to concentrate and set our mind about our goals
and aspirations in order to succeed.

Adaptability and Flexibility. During a play, not everything will go as we planned it

to be. There will be unexpected adjustments and changes whilst performing. It is
important to adapt and be flexible as to how we find solutions to the existing problem.
With the unexpected blows and turns of life, we may have that courage to continue and
move forward in life. No matter how unexpected the blow is, let us stay tuned to our
goals and continue walking until we succeed.

Life is like a theatre. We need to responsible, cooperate and collaborate, accept

and respect authority, communicate effectively, adapt and be flexible, and focus. If we
want to succeed in life, learn it from theatre.

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