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what's your best friend like I have lots

of best friends actually there's I've

got nine in total yeah we've got it like

a big group of friends so we were kind

of we know each other inside out but I

think my best best best friend is very

much like me

I mean she's basically the other half of

me which is very good they like football

of the same as me but they support

different clubs

her name's Reina and she's really really

funny and but she's always really caring

and she tries to tell me what to do and

give me help when did you meet her in

year six just before I came to Spacey

when she moved from India to England

what do you have in common and well we

both like music and we both find the

same things funny we all play football

football that lots of things you have

the same sense of humor we both like the

same subjects and we both like the same

TV programs could you tell me what are

her best qualities her best qualities

being I mean she's always open for

listening so when have you got a problem

you can always go to her she makes me

laugh and also she's like really nice

when I'm upset what qualities do you

think are important in a friend apart

from playing football well right so you

can go out and like they if you want

something and you don't have the money

they will get you it to be funny and to

be loyal as well they have to understand

you they have to be able be able to be

there for you whenever you're in need do

you think that boys and girls can be

just friends

yes yeah I have several boy boy kind of

friends which is there you get on with

them I mean whenever you want to laughs

you could always go to them and they'll

always cheer you up yeah I have lots of

friends that are boys

they'll just fringe

it's important to like you could love

each other are you in love at the moment

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