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Navigating the complexities of crafting a thesis on the Juvenile Justice System is no easy feat.

subject matter is multifaceted, requiring in-depth research, critical analysis, and a comprehensive
understanding of legal frameworks, societal dynamics, and psychological factors. From exploring the
historical evolution of juvenile justice to examining contemporary policies and practices, the scope of
such a thesis is vast.

One of the primary challenges lies in synthesizing a diverse range of sources and perspectives into a
cohesive argument. Whether delving into the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs, the impact of
socioeconomic factors on juvenile delinquency, or the ethical considerations surrounding juvenile
sentencing, each aspect demands meticulous attention to detail and rigorous investigation.

Moreover, formulating a compelling thesis statement that encapsulates the essence of the research
while offering a clear direction can be daunting. It requires not only a deep engagement with the
subject matter but also the ability to identify gaps in existing literature and propose innovative
insights or solutions.

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The notion that youth in trouble with the law may just be misguided, has the youth courts not
treating these matters strictly as criminal issues, but helping to divert the juvenile from a potential
adult life of crime. Since the mid-1990s, the legislatures of Connecticut, Illinois, New Hampshire,
and Wisconsin, all redefined the original jurisdiction of their juvenile courts, either raising the
boundary for entire age groups (Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Wisconsin) or raising it for
certain classes of offenses (Illinois). Transforming juvenile justice from a compliance-driven to a
hope-driven culture could further reduce the negative outcomes associated with juvenile justice
system involvement. Youth may be assigned to the probation department at the front end as a
pretrial alternative to formal adjudication or as an alternative to detention. There are too many other
factors involved, some of which stem from the youth’s behavior, but others originate in bureaucracy,
fiscal and political issues, and cultural definitions of social problems. Youth of color are more likely
to become involved with the juvenile justice system, and suffer worse outcomes in sentencing,
during incarceration, and after release. The system encompasses all of the organizations, institutions,
and individuals responsible for handling acts of juvenile delinquency, from the moment a juvenile
offense is observed or reported to the final delivery of services, sanctions, and follow-up super-. To
those who favour consistency in sentencing over the discretion of welfarist approaches, a sentencing
structure is available; to those who favour strictly punitive justice over child-oriented welfare
approaches, 'swift and sure punishment' is guaranteed; and to those who favour the more welfarist
approach, the justice model, while providing many alternatives to custody, offers to imprison only
the most serious of offenders. They found that the likelihood of contact with the juvenile justice
system increased with repeated. The increase resulted in 1,200 more placements in 2008 compared
with 1985. The UCR data represent reported crimes and the arrests made by police in thousands of
cities and towns across the country. If the defendant is guilty, they will either face the consequence
of probation supervision, or secure or nonsecure confinement. Youth under age 10 are juveniles in the
legal sense but their law violations are not defined as delinquency. However, lawyers in juvenile
courts are often under-resourced and overburdened by high caseloads. Not all jurisdictions use the
term “status offense.” Some states refer to these youth simply as “nonoffenders.” Other states use
names that imply that a young person has not been charged with criminal violations but may be still
subject to court intervention—such as “children in need of supervision” or “persons in need of
supervision.”. Large increases in out-of-home placement were experienced by youth adjudicated for
obstruction of justice, simple assault, drug law violations, violent crime index offenses, and
vandalism. Estimates for 2010 calculated directly using data from Federal Bureau of Investigation
(2011). Similar to the adult system, the juvenile justice system operates like a funnel with only a
fraction of cases referred to juvenile court ending up being formally processed and adjudicated.
Frequently, the court responsible for handling young people accused of law violations is a division of
the trial court with general jurisdiction (Butts, 2002). There is no convincing evidence, however, that
confinement of juvenile offenders beyond the minimum amount needed for this purpose, either in
adult prisons or juvenile correctional institutions, appreciably reduces the likelihood of subsequent
offending. Referral can be made by the police, parents, schools, social service agencies, probation
officer, or victims. Generally police are the primary referring agents, but, in approximately 20 percent
of the arrests, referral will come from a source other than the police (Snyder and Sickmund, 2006).
Child welfare officials may welcome the intervention of the juvenile justice system when resources
for older youth in foster care and group homes become strained. The judge determines whether the
youth is competent to stand trial (which may lead to a separate hearing), reviews the youth’s due
process rights, and addresses the youth’s right to a jury trial if one is available under state law. Drug
courts, gun courts, teen courts, and mental health courts were organized within the juvenile justice
system because they were seen as better able to focus on each youth’s circumstances and to provide
more treatment options. More than two-thirds reported serious substance abuse problems, and 59
percent said that they had been getting drunk or high several times per week (or daily) in the months
leading up to their arrest (Sedlak and McPherson, 2010a). Current surveys measure how long
youthful offenders have been in a facility at the time of the survey. Scholars who have studied
juvenile courts typically describe the gap between the intent of due process requirements (the ideal)
and actual practice (Feld, 1991, 2012; Binder, 1997; Mears, 2012). Youth referred to these programs
may have no further involvement with the juvenile justice system (Bureau of Justice Statistics,
1997). Experimentation and novelty-seeking behavior, such as alcohol and drug use, unsafe sex, and
reckless driving, are thought to serve a number of adaptive functions despite their risks. Numerous
issues may be handled: appointment of counsel, the youth’s admission or denial of allegations, a
determination of the youth’s detention status or condition of release pending trial, and a
determination of the need for additional services.
In conclusion therefore, the juvenile justice standards are subject to change with change in modern
minor crimes. Justice systems are likely to bring greater agreement to the decision-making process.
Zerotolerance policies are increasing the number of suspensions and expulsions from schools, leading
to increased risk of drop-out and juvenile justice involvement. The largest discrepancy was for drug
cases, in which black youth were significantly more likely to be handled formally than were white
youth (70 versus 54 percent). Teenage criminals should be subject to adult sentences for the adult
crimes they commit (Reynolds). However, no national inventory exists of these arrangements or
intake practices (Mears, 2012). Evidence of significant changes in brain structure and function
during adolescence strongly suggests that these cognitive tendencies characteristic of adolescents are
associated with biological immaturity of the brain and with an imbalance among developing brain
systems. This imbalance model implies dual systems: one involved in cognitive and behavioral
control and one involved in socio-emotional processes. Youth of color are more likely to become
involved with the juvenile justice system, and suffer worse outcomes in sentencing, during
incarceration, and after release. Similar to the adult system, the juvenile justice system operates like a
funnel with only a fraction of cases referred to juvenile court ending up being formally processed
and adjudicated. There is a variety of subsystems that make up the larger juvenile justice system, and
each of these subsystems has its own set of goals and values. Through the act, states were offered
grants to develop community-based programs as alternatives to institutionalization. And when more
grownups were faced with this inquiry of whether or non striplings should be tried as grownups they
said they didn’t fell that they had the “POWER” or right to judge whether person should decease or
non. Government organization in the juvenile justice system formal processing can be a of. After
fluctuating for several years, the violent crime arrest rate dropped below 230 per 100,000 in 2010.
Put simply, the brain plays an enormous role in determining behavior, but individual development is
affected strongly by the interplay between the brain and an adolescent’s environment. It was in the
hands of the Local Education Authority to inquire into the possibility for care orders, and this was
considered to be beneficial to the young person in that a partnership was required in order to meet
the best interests of the child. It featured a panel of youth, parents, and professionals who all have
had direct experience with the juvenile justice system in the county. Juvenile and family courts
provide the Archive with demographic. However, I tend to support this policy since it properly
specifies the extent to which crimes committed will lead to its implementation. They include the
detention hearing, the waiver or fitness hearing, the adjudicatory hearing, the dispositional hearing,
and the postdisposition review. Recent legislative changes and the underlying assumptions which
have influenced them will then be discussed. Whether transfer is mandatory or discretionary under
the terms of state law, the court must determine whether there is probable cause to believe the youth
has committed the alleged offense. Even within the juvenile court, various subsystems and even
separate, specialized courts or dockets have emerged as alternative arenas for deciding the most
appropriate services and sanctions for youth (Butts, Roman, and Lynn-Whaley, 2012). During the
1990s, many states closed their residential facilities for youth and cut back on community-based
treatment services. Probation departments are generally responsible for screening cases, making
detention decisions on some of them, preparing investigative reports on most of them, providing
supervision to more than a third of all cases processed by the juvenile court, and delivering aftercare
services to many youth released from out-of-home placement. In short, it must be remembered that
juvenile delinquency (i.e., conduct for which a juvenile is subject to a delinquency adjudication) is a
legally defined concept that varies substantially from state to state. (See the “Terminology” section in
Chapter 1 for the committee’s definitions.). Estimates for 2010 calculated directly using data from
Federal Bureau of Investigation (2011). Justice for teens. She told authorities that she was afraid that
she would get into trouble. Court processes are also shaped by due process requirements although it
is difficult to generalize about their implementation and impact. Recently states have relaxed these
confidentiality laws (Sanborn, 1998) for a number of reasons, including a desire to increase the
collateral consequences of a juvenile adjudication (Feld, 2012); to hold youth accountable for public
scrutiny, contrary to the founders’ intent; and to ensure public safety by putting the public on notice
about the risk of harm (e.g., schools, public housing authorities, victims) (National Research Council
and Institute of Medicine, 2001).
A total of 34 states and the District of Columbia have no statutory age limit for when children may
face delinquency charges in juvenile court, but it is often assumed, based on common law principles,
that the minimum age for juvenile court jurisdiction in these states is age 7. The first step in using this
information for analyzing juvenile crime is to create national estimates of juvenile arrests. When
Americans hear media stories about changes in the official “crime rate,” they are probably
encountering the latest figures from the UCR. See Candace Hopkins, 14-Year-Old Charged with
Felony after Throwing Rocks at Police in Trump Rally, KRQE 13 News, June 3, 2016. In affluent
communities, there may be diversionary programs that are not available to youth in impoverished
communities. Other youth are held in detention following court disposition while awaiting placement
in a long-term youth correctional facility. Depending on state and local law, youth may be detained
prior to adjudication to protect the community, to ensure their appearance at subsequent court
hearings, or to secure the juvenile’s own safety. One, who was incarcerated as a teenager and went
on to earn a law degree, pointed. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. The system
encompasses all of the organizations, institutions, and individuals responsible for handling acts of
juvenile delinquency, from the moment a juvenile offense is observed or reported to the final delivery
of services, sanctions, and follow-up super-. Easy Access to Juvenile Court Statistics: 1985-2008.
Online. Available:. Data source: National Center for Juvenile Justice (2011). With few exceptions,
juvenile arrest rates for the most serious property offenses (i.e., those included in the FBI Property
Crime Index) have been falling since the 1990s (see Figure 3-3 ). The couples 12-year-old daughter
was missing from the home, so the first inclination for law enforcement was to think an abduction
occurred. A prosecutor’s office is loosely connected to the probation department, but prosecutors
have an interest in advocating a particular disposition that might conflict with the preferences of
probation officials. Scholars can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their
writing assignments. The charges against them are reviewed for legal sufficiency, and a formalized
court process may be used to establish their culpable commission of a criminal act. The total
probability of placement did not change substantially. In this hierarchical juvenile justice system, the
judge may render the ultimate decision about the status of an individual juvenile, but many decisions
affecting the final outcome are made before the judge has even reviewed the case (Hagan, 1975).
The research demonstrates that, if designed and implemented in a developmentally informed way,
procedures specifically designed for holding adolescents accountable for their offending can promote
positive legal socialization, reinforce a prosocial identity, and. Residential programs may serve
general populations with standard services or special groups of youth with services that are specific
to their problems, such as substance-abuse or sex-offender treatment. Short of transfer to the criminal
court system, the most restrictive form of disposition for youth in juvenile court is placement out of
the home in some form of residential setting, including foster homes and group homes, residential
treatment centers, and juvenile correctional facilities. Add Links Send readers directly to specific
items or pages with shopping and web links. Large increases in out-of-home placement were
experienced by youth adjudicated for obstruction of justice, simple assault, drug law violations,
violent crime index offenses, and vandalism. Even though they are juveniles because of their
Proponents for trying juveniles as adults believe that a crime is a crime, even if the person who
committed it was very It treats teens who are almost adults as part of the adult system for the
purpose of justice. Although welfare elements contained within the 1969 Children and Young
Persons Act were never implemented, the intentions - which were mainly of a social compensatory
nature - reflected the general feeling that the justice model was not working. Moving a child into the
adult court system exposes them to the mandatory sentencing guidelines which exist in most
jurisdictions. The bias in favor of white youth returned at the dispositional stage with that of black
youth is more likely to end in out-of-home placement. The workloads of law enforcement agencies
and courts are partly the result of the scale and intensity of illegal activity by youth, and partly a
function of how likely it is that citizens report crimes and how likely it is that police and courts
decide to intervene. Together, these offenses accounted for more than half (54 percent) of all
delinquency cases processed by juvenile courts nationwide. The ACT OF 1993helps this by avoiding
labeling the individual as a juvenile delinquent or criminal.
The research demonstrates that, if designed and implemented in a developmentally informed way,
procedures specifically designed for holding adolescents accountable for their offending can promote
positive legal socialization, reinforce a prosocial identity, and. There are no national data to examine
trends in the lengths of stay in out-of-home placements. Juvenile courts nationwide report that they
handled just 36,600 delinquency cases in 2008 involving 15-year-old juveniles charged with drug
offenses (Puzzancheraet, Adams, and Sickmund, 2011). Most states consider people to be adults for
the purposes of criminal prosecution as of their 18th birthday, but some jurisdictions use the 17th
birthday as the cutoff (e.g., Georgia, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, and Texas) and
a few prefer the 16th birthday (e.g., New York and North Carolina). At some points the courts were
directed to deal harshly with young offenders. Evidence of significant changes in brain structure and
function during adolescence strongly suggests that these cognitive tendencies characteristic of
adolescents are associated with biological immaturity of the brain and with an imbalance among
developing brain systems. This imbalance model implies dual systems: one involved in cognitive and
behavioral control and one involved in socio-emotional processes. There are many precautions and
laws that are enacted to protect a child even in jail. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with
our cookie policy. Transforming juvenile justice from a compliance-driven to a hope-driven culture
could further reduce the negative outcomes associated with juvenile justice system involvement. The
youth is now considered an “adjudicated delinquent.” The youth may be found not guilty and the
case dismissed, or the case may be continued in contemplation of dismissal. Race appears to play a
part in arrests and juvenile court processes. The theories fall under three major groups: sociological,
psychological and biological. If there is plenty of residential space, for example, more offenders will
be viewed as appropriate for out-of-home placement. The first step in using this information for
analyzing juvenile crime is to create national estimates of juvenile arrests. There are no national data
to examine trends in the lengths of stay in out-of-home placements. So are there effects on
incarcerated young adults' Experts say that incarceration influences development and that
adolescents would suffer, not only from physical detachment from their families and social
environment, but emotional detachment as well. Some youth are treated harshly and receive severe
punishments, including long periods of confinement, and others are handled informally and even
diverted from the process without any legal record of the encounter. The juvenile legislature has been
modified a great many times over the last 30 years, but the actual foundations of the system which
was essentially a system aimed at adults - have never been explored. States may also set a lower
boundary for the age of original juvenile court jurisdiction (Snyder and Sickmund, 2006). Upload
Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel
Next What is Scribd. Prosecutors may have little use for this kind of assessment and instead present
a narrative based on rational choice and the need for punishment. The Committee, which pointed out
the differences between the delinquent and the deprived, suggested that the age of criminal
responsibility should be raised to 14, and that below this age any proceedings to do with juvenile
offenders should be taken in a welfare setting. Accordingly, adolescents lack mature capacity for
self-regulation because the brain system that influences pleasure-seeking and emotional reactivity
develops more rapidly than the brain system that supports self-control. Even if one cannot identify
the number of school-based arrests from nonschool-based ones, the same Texas study identified large
numbers of students with repeated disciplinary actions, ending up in the juvenile justice system
(Fabelo et al., 2011). A congressional report found that, in 33 states, detained youth with mental
health needs were being held in detention with no charges but were awaiting mental health services
(Waxman and Collins, 2004). As a result, we are often left with the uncomfortable dilemma f not
knowing whether we are doing something to a youth in order to do something for that youth (Allen,
1964) or whether we are doing something to a youth for justifiable retribution and deterrence.
Strengthening the legislation will send a strong message regarding the need for state, local, and tribal
jurisdictions to assume greater responsibility for complying with the requirements and achieving a
developmentally appropriate juvenile justice system. Moving a child into the adult court system
exposes them to the mandatory sentencing guidelines which exist in most jurisdictions. Depending
on each individual case, the system that responds to the illegal behaviors of juveniles. Thus, the pool
of 15-year-old violators for weapon charges (not even counting other types of weapons) in 2008 was
perhaps 168,000 of the nation’s 4.2 million 15-year-olds.
Traditionally, much of the system was hidden from public view. A survey show that when compared
with immature grownups kids ages eleven to thirteen were more than three times are likely to be
found “Seriously impaired” in understanding the judicial procedure and helping their ain defence.
Automatically within the jurisdiction of adult criminal court, regardless of the children in
exceptional. Serious delinquents do commit more offenses and in many cases more violent offenses,
but that is because they experience a greater accumulation of risk markers, in comparison with. Gault
also established the rights to a speedy trial, timely notice, cross-examination of witnesses, and to
remain silent at adjudicatory hearings when there is a possibility of incarceration (Binder et al., 1997)
(see Chapters 2 and 7 ). Unfortunately with young adults, their moral belief system may not just be
slow in developing, but ultimately be completely reversed to the societal norms. Adolescents struggle
to deal with the changes in themselves and their environment, while along the way searching to
establish their identity and find values to guide their lives. Recidivated sooner and more frequently
Territories Financial Support Center ( TFSC ), Financial. After the War, along with Acts to disperse
the 'Five Giants' came another Criminal Justice Act. The professionals, including several probation
officers, observed that watching youth realize their potential gives the officers the energy they
needed to continue working in a broken system. Based on feedback from you, our users, we've made
some improvements that make it easier than ever to read thousands of publications on our website.
Once it hits adjunction, the defendant will either be found guilty or not guilty. However, as Mears
points out, no consensus exists as to how diversion should be defined (2012), with the consequence
that generalizations about them or their effect on youth outcomes are difficult to make (National
Research Council and Institute of Medicine, 2001, p. 169). (Also see Chapter 6 for a discussion of
the community-based programs.). The judge determines whether the youth is competent to stand trial
(which may lead to a separate hearing), reviews the youth’s due process rights, and addresses the
youth’s right to a jury trial if one is available under state law. Current, the rate of recorded youth
crime continues to be on the rise hence becoming an outstanding issue within the society. We use
cookies to create the best experience for you. A 15-year-old who steals using a threat of force,
however, may be charged with robbery and in some states that offense will fall automatically under
the jurisdiction of the criminal court, depending on the youth’s age at the time of the offense. Adobe
Express Go from Adobe Express creation to Issuu publication. In terms of actual numbers of cases,
however, property. In one study, youth with child welfare involvement were much more likely to
penetrate further into the juvenile justice system. Finally, most juvenile courts allow young offenders
to waive those rights; others have been noted for their aggressiveness in encouraging waivers (Binder
et al., 1997). The juvenile legislature has been modified a great many times over the last 30 years, but
the actual foundations of the system which was essentially a system aimed at adults - have never
been explored. Short of transfer to the criminal court system, the most restrictive form of disposition
for youth in juvenile court is placement out of the home in some form of residential setting,
including foster homes and group homes, residential treatment centers, and juvenile correctional
facilities. Arrests then fell dramatically, reaching a 30-year low of 1.6 million in 2010. The direction
and scale of change varied significantly by offense. Property offenses in general fell generally
consistently through 2010. Probation departments are generally responsible for screening cases,
making detention decisions on some of them, preparing investigative reports on most of them,
providing supervision to more than a third of all cases processed by the juvenile court, and delivering
aftercare services to many youth released from out-of-home placement. However, over the past two
decades, as a by-product of school zero-tolerance policies, discussed further in Chapter 4, schools
appear to have lowered their threshold for misbehaving students (Wald and Losen, 2003; Kim,
Losen, and Hewitt, 2010). SOURCE: Estimates calculated using data from Federal Bureau of
Investigation (2011). Juveniles who fail in these diversionary courts often find themselves back in
juvenile court. Several kinds of hearings occur during these stages. In the end, the youth processed
by the juvenile justice system are merely a sample of all young people involved in illegal behavior.
Once adjudicated, most cases (57 percent) resulted in a final disposition of probation, accounting for
195 of every 1,000 delinquency referrals, whereas 50 of every 1,000 referrals ended with other
dispositions (referral to an outside agency, community service, restitution, etc.). This percentage
breakdown in days because admission has been fairly constant across the biennial survey since 1997.
Probation departments are generally responsible for screening cases, making detention decisions on
some of them, preparing investigative reports on most of them, providing supervision to more than a
third of all cases processed by the juvenile court, and delivering aftercare services to many youth
released from out-of-home placement. Others will be adjudicated as delinquent and will proceed to
juvenile corrections programs or other dispositions. The department intends to continue pursuing
these claims in litigation. The department has opened or released f indings in four juvenile justi ce
administration cases. Add Links Send readers directly to specific items or pages with shopping and
web links. The committee’s charge was to review recent advances in behavioral and neuroscience
research and draw out the implications of this knowledge for juvenile justice reform, to assess the
new generation of reform activities occurring in the United States, and to assess the performance of
OJJDP in carrying out its statutory mission as well as its potential role in supporting scientifically
based reform efforts. The Arizona workshop featured panels of nationally and locally. Put simply,
the brain plays an enormous role in determining behavior, but individual development is affected
strongly by the interplay between the brain and an adolescent’s environment. In affluent
communities, there may be diversionary programs that are not available to youth in impoverished
communities. The juvenile justice system is more tightly coupled around serious violent offenses, but
such charges account for only 1 in 20 arrested juveniles (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2011).
Beginning in 1983, the total number of juvenile arrests grew more than 40 percent, from 1.9 to
nearly 2.9 million arrests in 1996 (see Figure 3-1 ). We then explore the changes with respect to the
united States and conclude with an overview of the issues discussed in this analysis of juvenile
delinquency and the reform movement during the middle half of the 19th century (Lawrence, 2007;
Roucek, 1958). The result was that parents began to seek help for their children from the juvenile
justice system (Grisso, 2006, 2008; Skowyra and Cocozza, 2006). The purpose of this research
article is to show that most of the crimes committed by juveniles are co- offending crimes. Youth
may be assigned to the probation department at the front end as a pretrial alternative to formal
adjudication or as an alternative to detention. The combined effect of these factors can be profound.
When Americans hear media stories about changes in the official “crime rate,” they are probably
encountering the latest figures from the UCR. Click here to buy this book in print or download it as
a free PDF, if available. This whole assignment was should you test teenage as grownups. In
Pennsylvania, for example, children below age 10 are not brought into juvenile court for delinquent
charges. Everyone wants to protect a child, but what if that child broke the law. Sign up to get
breaking newsfrom Juvenile Law Center. Figure 2:d shows the extent to which case numbers
decrease as youth progress through the juvenile justice system. Justice for teens. She told authorities
that she was afraid that she would get into trouble. The specific aims of juvenile courts and affiliated
agencies are to hold youth accountable for wrongdoing, prevent further offending, and treat them
fairly. The 'Borstal Philosophy' was based on the regimes of public schools, advocating discipline
and work training. Some believe that labeling eighteen year olds as juveniles in the criminal justice
system can aid in their transformation into productive citizens, as they may not completely
comprehend the repercussions of their actions. Punishment helps reduce chances of acting in a given

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