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The changes occurring in the organization that affect HRM are as follows:

 Impending retirement of five long-term employees: The retirement of these employees

will result in the loss of their unique historical perspective on the company. HR will
need to plan for knowledge transfer and succession planning to ensure a smooth
 Diverse age demographics: The workforce consisting of employees of diverse ages
requires HR to manage intergenerational dynamics, address different needs, and foster
an inclusive work environment.
 Potential shift to remote work: Jennifer is considering allowing employees to work
from home or transitioning the company into a virtual organization. This change
would require HR to adapt policies, procedures, and communication channels to
support remote work and maintain productivity.
 Considerations regarding healthcare costs: Jennifer is contemplating cutting benefits
and moving employees to contract-based employment. HR will need to assess the
impact of these changes on employee morale, retention, and overall well-being.

Considerations for the company and HR when making changes related to this case study:

 Succession Planning: HR should identify potential successors for the retiring

employees, create development plans, and ensure knowledge transfer to avoid
 Workforce Planning: HR needs to analyze the skills and competencies required for
future roles, assess the availability of talent in the market, and develop strategies to
attract and retain skilled employees.
 Remote Work Considerations: HR should evaluate the feasibility of remote work,
address concerns about productivity, establish clear guidelines and expectations, and
provide necessary resources and support for remote employees.
 Communication and Motivation: HR should devise strategies to ensure effective
communication and collaboration in a virtual organization, foster a sense of belonging
and motivation among employees, and maintain a strong company culture.
 Healthcare Cost Analysis: HR needs to assess the impact of cutting benefits on
employee satisfaction, recruitment, and retention. Consideration should be given to
alternative cost-saving measures, such as negotiating better insurance rates or
implementing wellness programs.

The initial steps to start planning for these changes would involve:

 Conducting an HR audit: Assess the current HR policies, practices, and procedures to

identify areas that need to be revised or developed to support the proposed changes.
 Gathering data and conducting analysis: Collect information on the retiring employees'
roles, skills, and knowledge, as well as the skills and competencies needed for future
roles. Analyze the workforce demographics, market trends, and industry best practices
related to remote work and healthcare benefits.
 Engaging stakeholders: Collaborate with Jennifer, senior management, and other
relevant stakeholders to understand their goals, concerns, and expectations regarding
the proposed changes.
 Developing an action plan: Based on the findings from the audit and analysis, create a
comprehensive plan that outlines specific steps, timelines, and responsibilities for
implementing the changes. Consider the sequencing of activities and any dependencies
between different initiatives.

My role as HR in implementing these changes would include:

 Advising and consulting: Provide expertise and guidance to Jennifer and senior
management on HR strategies, best practices, and potential risks associated with the
proposed changes.
 Developing policies and procedures: Work with HR team members to develop or revise
HR policies, procedures, and guidelines to align with the changes, such as remote work
policies, succession planning procedures, and revised healthcare benefit plans.
 Communication and change management: Develop communication plans to inform
employees about the upcoming changes, address their concerns, and ensure clarity on
expectations. Collaborate with managers to support them in communicating and
managing the changes within their teams.
 Talent management and succession planning: Collaborate with managers and HR team
members to identify potential successors for key roles affected by the retirement of long-
term employees. Develop development plans, mentorship programs, and knowledge
transfer mechanisms to ensure smooth transitions.
 Monitoring and evaluation: Establish metrics and mechanisms to track the progress and
effectiveness of the implemented changes. Continuously evaluate the impact of the
changes on employee satisfaction, productivity, and overall organizational performance.
Make adjustments as needed to improve outcomes.

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