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Question 1:

Collecting data in areas like Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana and South Africa that have low Internet
or phone penetration can be much more difficult.

However require a significant investment in both time and money

Observation study: takes place in public places. For example, in urban areas, researchers can
observe household consumers at places like shopping malls or stores. In rural areas, there are
small villages, in which researchers can observe the daily activities, which are often
conducted outdoors, of households.

Face-to-face interview: After observing, researchers can identify who would suit best to be
the interviewee. Then, they can conduct an interview with those customers right at the place
or they can ask for contacts for a later interview.

-> Mixed method


The sources that we tend to use are:

- Restaurant review websites: Google Reviews, Google maps, these provide valuable
insights into customer experiences and preferences.
- Social Media: Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter can reveal what
restaurants people are talking about, sharing pictures of, and recommending.
- Food blogs: food blogs might offer opinions and insights on popular restaurants in
each city.
- Industry reports: Research firms often publish reports on restaurant trends and
consumer preferences in specific locations.
- Researches: on the some platforms like Research gate, Google scholar

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