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One of the things we can’t live without in our daily lives is SCIENCE.
Thus, it can be claimed that science has altered the world in unimaginable ways.
Humanity has advanced in many aspects of life thanks to the advancement of
science, from agriculture to medical, communication technology to space
technology throughout the world.

Science has been improved in all medical departments, research which gives
us wonderful medicines to overcome many dangerous and dreadful diseases.
Many vaccinations and medicines have discovered to save people from different
diseases. Now, almost every part of the human body can transplanted by surgery.

Apart from the medical field science has been improved in various other
departments like communication, Transportation, Space exploration, Agriculture,
Energy conservation, Daily life and entertainment.

In conclusion, the wonders of science are omnipresent, continuously

shaping and improving every aspect of our modern lives. Through continuous
exploration and innovation, who knows what other wonders await us in the future!


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