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Rahmat Juliadi (2130104052)

Class TBI-B

Task Literature for ELT

Here are some characteristics of young learners and how they relate to language learning:

● Energetic and Physically Active: Young learners have a lot of energy and learn best through
movement and hands-on activities. Language learning activities that incorporate games, songs,
and movement can help them stay engaged and learn new concepts more easily.

● Curious and Receptive to New Ideas: Young learners are naturally curious and eager to learn
new things. This makes them receptive to learning a new language. Language learning activities
that tap into their curiosity and introduce them to new cultures can help them stay motivated.

● Short Attention Spans: Young learners have short attention spans, so it's important to keep
language learning activities short, varied, and engaging. Use a variety of activities and games
to keep them focused and prevent them from getting bored.

● Learn Best Through Doing and Interaction: Young learners learn best by doing and
interacting with others. Create opportunities for them to use the language they are learning in
real-world situations, such as role-playing games or conversations.

● Benefit from Positive Reinforcement: Young learners thrive on positive reinforcement. Praise
their efforts and celebrate their successes, no matter how small. This will help them stay
motivated and confident in their ability to learn a new language.

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