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Activity: Create a video featuring a combination of fundamental movement (w/ locomotor, non-
locomotor) that correspond with the movement concepts activities for a minimum of 5 min. and
maximum of 10 minutes. Contact or meet your assign group members and you may have an agreed
schedule of practice together with your group members.

1. Record your individual or group activity output and edit your videos.
2. Upload your videos using Google drive, or your YouTube channel (just choose the unlisted).
3. Then get a copied link of your video.
4. Paste the copied link in MS Word document & save it as a file.
5. Submit the file in eLearn.

Your performance will be assessed in the following criteria:

Criteria Beginning Developing Proficient Advanced Score

Movement Recognizes the Applies the concept of Combines spatial Creates open space
Concepts concepts of open open spaces to concepts with by using locomotor
spaces in a movement combination skills locomotor and non- movements (e.g.
Space context. involving traveling. locomotor movements walking, running,
in gymnastics, dance, jumping) in
Applies the concept of and games combination with
closing spaces in small- environments. movement (e.g
sided practice tasks. varying pathways;
change of speed,
direction or pace.

Movement Recognizes locomotor Combines movement Combines movement Creates open space
Concepts skills specific to a wide concepts with skills in concepts with skills in by using the width and
variety of physical small-sided practice task, small-sided practice length of the
Pathways, Shapes, activities. gymnastics, and dance tasks in game field/court on offense.
Levels environments. environments,
gymnastics, and dance
with self-direction.

Movement Combines movement Applies the movement Analyzes movement Transitions from
Concepts concepts (directions, concepts of speed, situations and applies offense to defense by
levels, force, time) with endurance and pacing for movement concepts recovering quickly.
Speed, Direction, skills directed by the running. (e.g force, direction, Varies application of
Force teacher. speed, pathways, force and direction.
extensions) in small-
sided practice tasks in
game environments,
dance, & gymnastics.
Performs with poor Performs with Performs with great Performs with
Participation interest. Just doing it adequate interest interest throughout enthusiasm & great
for compliance. throughout the the exercise. interest throughout
exercise. the exercise.
Overall Performer showed no Performers have Performer Performer showed
performance concentration and difficulty in maintaining showed concentration concentration and
energy. Movement and energy and and energy, energy.
timing are non-existent. concentration. movements & timing Movements and
Movements and timing are well executed timing are extremely
are off. throughout. well executed through
Sample video clip online for locomotor and non-locomotor movements combination

1. Locomotor and Non-locomotor movements

2. Locomotor, Non-locomotor & Manipulative skill

3. Locomotor and Non-locomotor Movements through dance

4. Locomotor and Non-locomotor dance

5. Pathfit I | Physical Fitness Test Video Guide | Part I

6. Locomotor and Non Locomotor Dance (PE 1)

7. Locomotor and Non-locomotor Dance

8. Locomotor & Non-Locomotor Dance | Physical Education

Submit your assignment activity by encoding it or attaching the video link in the ‘word’ document,
with your name & PE11 section in eLearn.

Please use the following format when uploading your assignments:

Filename: Assignment1_surname (Example: Assignment1_delaCruz)

Paper: Legal, Portrait
Font: Arial, 12

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