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IELTS Writing Task 2

Many people claim that from now on we will no longer need to buy traditional mass
media such as printed newspapers or books since digital reading materials will
gradually stand in for them. While large numbers of people appreciate the
conveniences of online newspaper, I side with the books fans believing that being
immersed in books is more conductive to inspiring imagination and upgrading our
language skills.

To begin with, when it comes to sparking our vivid imagination, books are inherently
superior to online newspapers. The majority of information-packed books are likely to
let readers’ creativity runs wild thanks to the absence of illustrative images, which
are, however, abundant on online. To illustrate this, a book reader needs to picture in
his mind how the plots unfold, how the characters look like, how they develop, to
name but a few. Compared to online users, they have to combine all language skills
when reading books and thereby developing vocabulary range, grammar accuracy,
and applying in their essays or daily conversations.

On the other hand, it can’t be denied that books are trustful resources of information.
Unlike the internet, where everything can be post without censorship, books are
required to undergo editorial stages to remove improper contents before being
published. Therefore, readers are assured that what they read is not likely to be
fabricated. For instance, if you are looking for some information about certain things,
search it on the internet and it can bring you with 100,000 answers but most of them
are similar and unclear. Yet, book can give you the right one and related most to
your question.

To conclude, I firmly believe that printed newspaper and books can’t be replaced by
digital reading materials ahead owing to its educational potential in language skills
and trustful resources of knowledge.


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