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Name: Kevin Santiago Rodriguez Ballen Id: C.

c 10006129888

Date: 3rd November of 2023

1. Complete the next activity:

Is going to Is going to
Is not going to Is not going to
Is not going to Is going to
Is going to Is going to

Activity taken from:

2. Complete

Activity taken from: Activity taken from:

3. Choose the answer

Activity taken from: Activity taken from:

4. Write an e-mail talking about what are you going to do tomorrow (200 words)

Dear Katy

I want to invite you to my party, it is going to be tomorrow, we are going to celebrate with my friends and
my family, also I am going to prepare lunch for everyone, my mother is going to sing a song because
she likes to play the guitar, my father is going to play soccer with his friends, so if you want, you can
come with your father too. Just let me know.




Subject I can´t go tomorrow

Insert Attachments Photos Videos

Calibri 10 B I U

Good afternoon

How do you feel? I'm sorry, I can't come to your party because I have several plans. Tomorrow I'm
going to get up, I'm going to organize my room, I'm going to have breakfast, I'm going to shower
and get dressed, I'm going to do my homework, I'm going to do the laundry, I'm going to sweep the
house, I'm going to organize the living room, at noon I'm going to prepare lunch, and then I'm going
to take a nap, in the afternoon I'm going to go out with my mom, we're going to buy a refrigerator
and a dining room, then we're going to eat a hamburger, after shopping we're going to go to my

Thanks, good day to you

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