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Used tools and languages:

1. Code Style
variable Name, function Name, method Name : camelCase
Class Name, Module Name, Service Name : Pascal
Filenames, directory names : Pascal
formatter: prettier

2. E2E testing
 Cross-platform:
 Appium :
 Its UI testing is very useful to mimic real world
applications and helps in maintaining speed,
consistency, automation, and scale for the code.
 Compared to selenium, it supports android mobile
 It allows automation of all mobile applications and its
documentation support is good.
 Front-end:
 Cypress :
 It supports various types of testing, including E2E
testing, integration testing, unit testing, and
components testing.
 It allows programmers to use the real-time reloading
feature, which enables the programmer to see the
results of testing as they progress.
 Its documentation is designed to be very approachable.

3. Stress testing
 K6 :
 It has a very easy syntax compared to Apache JMeter.
 It utilizes JavaScript only, maintaining consistency in the
4. Browser testing
 Lambda Testing:
 It’s easier to learn compared to Browser Stack in terms
of UI.
 Provides more reliable solutions.

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