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Title: How does height affect track and

field athletes?

Group Members: Ainsley McGregor, Gary

Card and Jalon Riley

Candidate Number:

Year of Exam: 2024

Table of Contents

Cover Page 1

Table of Contents 2

Objectives 3

Introduction 4

Method of Data Collection 5

Presentation of Data 6-8

Analysis of Data 9

Discussion of Findings 10

Conclusion 11

How does height affect track and field athletes?

The objectives for this research are: Firstly, to analyze the relationship between height and

specific track and field events; Identify and examine various track and field disciplines such as

sprinting, high jump, long jump, and hurdles to determine how height impacts performance in

each event. Secondly, to collect and analyze empirical data: Gather height measurements of track

and field athletes participating in different events and statistically analyze how these heights

correlate with their performance metrics (e.g., race times, jump distances).Lastly, to present

findings effectively: Communicate the results and analysis clearly through appropriate

mathematical representations, graphs, charts, and a comprehensive written report, showcasing a

deep understanding of mathematical concepts applied to sports science.

The impact of physical attributes, notably height, on athletic performance has long intrigued

sports scientists and enthusiasts alike. In the realm of track and field, where speed, agility, and

strength intertwine, the influence of height on an athlete's capabilities becomes a subject of

fascination and investigation. Historically, the connection between height and sporting prowess

has been a topic of debate and exploration dating back to ancient civilizations.

From the earliest Olympic Games in ancient Greece to the modern era of professional athletics,

the interplay between an athlete's height and their performance in track and field events has been

a subject of curiosity and study. While some events, like the high jump, might seem intuitively

correlated with height due to the mechanics involved, others such as sprinting or hurdles pose

intriguing questions about how height affects stride length, acceleration, and overall speed.

Over time, advancements in sports science, technology, and statistical analysis have offered new

avenues for exploring this relationship. Despite anecdotal evidence and general perceptions, a

comprehensive understanding of how height impacts different aspects of track and field

performance remains a complex puzzle, requiring a meticulous examination of empirical data,

mathematical modeling, and statistical analysis. This investigation aims to delve deeper into this

intricate relationship, unraveling the role that height plays in shaping the performance of track

and field athletes across various disciplines.

Method of Data Collection
The Researchers recorded the performance of athletes in various track and field disciplines. In

this observation, we recorded two tall athletes and two short athletes that are around the same

level in quality and see how it affects their performance. The disciplines that were used are Long

Jump, 100m sprints, 400m dash, 1500m dash and Discus. The data will be presented using

histograms, bar charts and line graphs.

Presentation and Analysis of Data

Figure 1: Graph showing long jumpers recorded jumps at different heights

Does height affect long jumpers?




Tall #1 Tall #2 Short #1 Short #2

Jump 1 Jump 2 Jump 3

Figure 2: Graph showing times recorded by 100m sprinters at varying heights

Does height aff ect 100m sprinters

Small #2

Small #1

Tall #2

Tall #1

9.65 9.7 9.75 9.8 9.85 9.9 9.95 10 10.05

Run 3 Run 2 Run 1

Figure 3: Graph showing times recorded by 400m runners at different heights

Does height affect 400m runners?







Tall #1 Tall #2 Small #1 Small #2

Series 1 Series 2 Series 3

Figure 4: Graph showing times recorded by 1500m runners at varying heights

Does height affect 1500m runners?


Tall #1 Tall #2 Short #1 Short #2

Run 1 Run 2 Run 3

Figure 5: Graph showing throw distances by discus athletes recorded at varying heights

Does height affect discus throwers?









Tall #1 Tall #2 Short #1 Short #2

Throw 1 Throw 2 Throw 3

Analysis of Data

Does height affect long jumpers? Yes it does in the table it is shown that jumpers that are shorter

are not able to clear as much distance as the taller athletes. Does height affect 100 meter sprinter?

Yes it does it is shown that shorter 100 meter sprinters have an advantage when it comes to that

distance. Does height affect 400 meter runners? Yes it does it is shown that taller athletes are at

an advantage to run faster in the 400 meters. Does height affect 1500 meter runners? Yes it does

it is shown that the taller runners have the advantage in the 1500 meter as well. Does height

affect the discus throwers? Yes it does it is shown that the shorter discuss throwers are able to

throw farther. This is due to their better Centre of gravity when throwing. So from this it is

shown that height plays a big role when it comes to certain events in track and field.

Based on the analysis of the data, it is evident that height significantly impacts performance in

various track and field events. The observations indicate that:

Shorter long jumpers tend to cover less distance compared to taller athletes.

Shorter 100-meter sprinters have an advantage in this event.

Taller athletes perform better in the 400 meters and 1500 meters.

Shorter discus throwers are able to achieve greater distances.

In conclusion, the data strongly supports the notion that height plays a vital role in determining

performance outcomes in certain track and field events. The findings demonstrate a clear

correlation between an athlete's height and their success in specific disciplines, highlighting the

importance of considering physiological attributes when analyzing athletic performance.

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