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FT3113 – Milk and Dairy Technology Laboratory

“Comparison of Stabilizers in the Production of
Soft-Serve Ice Cream”

By Group 6
Name ID
Andrea Natasha Candra 21010034
Andrew Leonard Hartono 21010035
Cynthia Gabrielle Dermawan 21010058
Joshia Mikhael Djuharto 21010104
Novita Tjahjono 22010003
Rachel Blessia 21010155

Jakarta, Indonesia
27 November 2023

FT3113 – Milk and Dairy Technology Laboratory


TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................................................... 1
LIST OF FIGURES, TABLES, AND ILLUSTRATIONS................................................................................1
MATERIALS & METHODS................................................................................................................. 3
Materials.......................................................................................................................................... 3
Equipment........................................................................................................................................ 3
Methods........................................................................................................................................... 3
Cooling Step Preparation........................................................................................................... 3
Sample Preparation Procedure.................................................................................................. 4
Cooling/ice making procedure...................................................................................................4
Overrun Analysis........................................................................................................................ 4
Melting Rate Analysis.................................................................................................................4
Sensory Analysis.........................................................................................................................4
RESULTS.......................................................................................................................................... 5
DISCUSSION.................................................................................................................................... 8
REFERENCES.................................................................................................................................. 11
APPENDICES.................................................................................................................................. 13


Table 1. Formulation of Ice Cream..........................................................................................................3

Figure 1. Effect of Different Stabilizer towards Brix................................................................................ 6
Figure 2. Effect of Different Stabilizer towards Overrun......................................................................... 7
Figure 3. Effect of Different Stabilizer towards Melting Rate..................................................................7
Figure 4. Effect of Different Stabilizers towards Sensorial Properties (JAR)............................................8
Figure 5. Effect of Different Stabilizers towards Overall Preference (Hedonic).......................................8

FT3113 – Milk and Dairy Technology Laboratory

Ice cream is one of the popular frozen dairy desserts that is mainly made out of fat,
stabilizers, sweeteners, emulsifier, and water. Moreover, ice cream products include all whipped dairy
products which are produced through the process of freezing and consumed during its frozen state
(Goff, 2013). According to Kigozi et al., (2014), one of the key determinants for ice cream product
success is its textural properties. Moreover, it is also explained that the main factors which affect the
texture of ice cream comes from a complex physicochemical and colloidal system that are made out
of complex ingredients. Related to this, Milliatti and Lannes (2018) mentioned that ice cream
complex structure is mainly unstable which leads to the short shelf life of ice cream. Due to this
reason, a stabilizer agent is needed in ice cream production in order to increase the ability of ice
cream to maintain its structure longer.
A stabilizer agent is a food ingredient which is classified as food additives that is frequently
added to a food product in order to maintain its original texture (Wu et al., 2022). According to
BahramParvar and Goff (2013), some of the commonly used stabilizers in ice cream production are
carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), guar gum, and other types of protein and gums. Stabilizers could
enhance the textural properties of ice cream products as it has a very high water binding capacity
which could increase its viscosity and inhibit the movement of free water molecules inside the
mixture (Syed et al., 2018). Due to this inhibition, the main texture of ice cream would be thicker and
prolong for a longer duration before it starts to melt. Based on a research conducted by Mahdian and
Karazhian (2013), types and amounts of stabilizers added towards ice cream products would result in
a variety of ice cream final textural properties. Therefore, it is important to determine the proper
formulation of stabilizers in order to achieve an optimum quality of ice cream.
In this study, various stabilizers will be added with the same amount towards a soft ice cream
product. The main objective of this study is to analyze the effect of different stabilizers agent towards
the textural properties, and stability of an ice cream product. Moreover, consumer acceptability
towards the ice cream formulation would also be assessed through a sensory evaluation.

In this experiment, there are some hypothesis of the results which are:
H0 (Null hypothesis): There is no difference between various types of stabilizer agents
towards the stability, and sensorial properties of soft ice cream.
H1 (Alternative hypothesis): There is a difference between various types of stabilizer agents
towards the stability, and sensorial properties of soft ice cream.

FT3113 – Milk and Dairy Technology Laboratory


In this experiment, there were several ingredients used for making the ice cream which can
be seen below.
Table 1. Formulation of Ice Cream

Materials Test Recipe (mL) Final Production Recipe (mL)

Target Volume 500 mL Target Volume 3000 mL

1. Cold Water 33.04 198.25

2. Whole Milk 259.05 1554.32

3. Sugar 105.74 634.42

4. Vanilla Extract 2.64 15.86

5. Salt 0.66 3.96

6. Rough Salt Sufficiently -

7. Cream 96.36 578.18

8. Stabilizers: (Gelatin, 2.5 15

Gum arabic, CMC,
Xanthan gum, Sodium

On the other hand, the equipment used for this experiment were cooking pots, stove,
bowls/beaker, 12 mason jars, fridge, blast freezer, refractometer, cheese cloth, measuring cylinder,
analytical scale and mixer (stand/hand/whisk).

A. Cooling Step Preparation
First, two large aluminum bowls were utilized to create an ice and salt mixture, after the ice
cream mixture was ready. At the same time, a jug of cool water was prepared and stored in the
refrigerator. Mason jars serve as the vessels, having been meticulously washed and sanitized. The
sanitation process involved placing the cleaned jars in a UV sanitizing cabinet, which was activated at
80°C with UV and Ozone functions engaged for a thorough 30-minute cycle. This comprehensive
Cooling Step Preparation sets the stage for the subsequent phase in crafting the perfect homemade
ice cream.

B. Sample Preparation Procedure

Before starting the experiment, the assigned stabilizer was activated prior to the lab session.
Then, the dry ingredients, excluding the stabilizer, were blended in one bowl using a whisk. Next, the
wet ingredients were mixed in a separate bowl, with a small sample taken for Brix analysis before

FT3113 – Milk and Dairy Technology Laboratory

introducing the dry components. Once both mixtures and the stabilizer were activated or prepared,
they were combined in a pot and subjected to pasteurization at a temperature of approximately
72-75°C for 20 seconds. Another Brix analysis was conducted on a small sample before heating.
Following successful pasteurization, the mixture was carefully transferred into sanitized jars.

C. Cooling/ice making procedure

First, the aluminum bowls filled with ice and salt were made and placed on a table. A clean
jar, housing the ice cream mixture, takes center stage within the frosty ensemble. If the ice
surrounding the jar remains solid, cool water was judiciously added. With precision and care, the ice
cream mixture within the jar was set into motion, stirred diligently with a whisk or hand mixer. The
mixture gradually solidifies, reaching the desired consistency. Upon achieving this delightful state,
the jars containing the newly formed ice cream samples were transferred to the freezer, allowing for
a momentary pause while analytical assessments take place.

D. Overrun Analysis
Firstly, a 250 mL beaker was meticulously prepared and cleaned. Following this, the empty
beaker was dried and weighed for reference. Subsequently, the beaker was filled with the ice cream
mix or ice cream until it reached the 100 mL line, and its weight is recorded. The beaker was then
emptied and cleaned to eliminate any residue. To calculate the percentage overrun, the formula was
applied using the weights obtained in the previous steps can be seen below :
𝑚𝑚 − 𝑚𝑖𝑐
%𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑢𝑛 = 𝑚𝑖𝑐
Notes: 𝑚𝑚 = 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑟 𝑚𝑖𝑥, 𝑚𝑖𝑐 = 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚

E. Melting Rate Analysis

Initially, a 500 mL beaker and a measuring cylinder were prepared and thoroughly cleaned.
The empty beaker and measuring cylinder were dried. A stopwatch is readied for precise
timekeeping. The beaker's mouth was covered with cheesecloth, secured in place with a rubber
band, allowing for a loose stretch. Approximately 50 g of ice cream was placed on the
cheesecloth-covered beaker. A waiting period of 5 minutes, or until the entire sample had melted
into the beaker. Subsequently, the melted sample was transferred into a measuring cylinder. The
melting rate was then calculated using a formula bellow:
𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑒𝑙𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 (𝑚𝑙)
𝑀𝑒𝑙𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 = 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 (𝑚𝑖𝑛)

F. Sensory (Hedonic) & JAR Analysis

For the sensory evaluation, the properties tested in this analysis were adhesiveness,
creaminess, thickness, and overall preference. The range used in hedonic sensory analysis was with 1
being the lowest and 9 the highest. On the other hand, the range used in JAR analysis was with 1
indicating too much for the specific attributes, 3 indicating just about right, and 5 indicating not
enough for the specific attributes.

FT3113 – Milk and Dairy Technology Laboratory

In this experiment, a soft ice cream was made manually and using a machine with several
different stabilizers. Stabilizers used were gelatin, gum arabic, CMC, xanthan gum, and sodium
alginate. Additionally, ice cream with CMC was chosen to be made using the machine. Furthermore,
an ice cream using premix was also made. Afterwards, the Brix of the wet ingredients and ice cream
mix were analyzed. The result can be seen below.

Figure 1. Effect of Different Stabilizer towards Brix

From Figure 1., the Brix of wet ingredients of ice cream made manually was 13.3, while for
CMC ice cream made with a machine was 14.33. Then, ice cream mix made with premix has the
highest brix value with 33.5. Furthermore, the overrun of the ice cream was also analyzed as can be
seen below.

FT3113 – Milk and Dairy Technology Laboratory

Figure 2. Effect of Different Stabilizer towards Overrun

According to Figure 2., ice cream made without stabilizer has the highest overrun which was
40%. Then, followed by ice cream made with gelatin, gum arabic, xanthan gum, sodium alginate,
CMC (with machine), premix (with machine), and CMC. Other than that, the melting rate of each ice
cream was analyzed.

Figure 3. Effect of Different Stabilizer towards Melting Rate

From the figure above, ice cream made with CMC, xanthan gum, and sodium alginate has a
melting rate 0 mL/min. Besides that, ice cream without stabilizer has the highest melting rate with
5.40 mL/min. Subsequently, the sensorial properties of the ice cream were analyzed. The sensorial
properties were analyzed using JAR and 9-point hedonic scale.
For the JAR analysis, the value ranged from 1-5 with 1 indicating too adhesive, 3 just about
right, and 5 indicating not adhesive enough for adhesiveness. In terms of creaminess and thickness, it
was also similar with 1 indicating too creamy or too thick and 5 indicating not creamy or thick
enough respectively. While, in the 9-point hedonic scale, 1 indicating dislike extremely, 5 indicating
neither like nor dislike, and 9 indicating like extremely.

FT3113 – Milk and Dairy Technology Laboratory

Figure 4. Effect of Different Stabilizers towards Sensorial Properties (JAR)

Based on Figure 4., ice cream without stabilizer has the highest value for adhesiveness,
creaminess, and thickness with values 4.50, 3.67, and 4.75 respectively. Additionally, ice cream made
with xanthan gum has the lowest value for adhesiveness with 1.67. CMC ice cream that was made
using a machine has the lowest value for creaminess and thickness with 2.4 and 2.6 respectively. In
addition, the result of the 9-point hedonic scale can be seen below.

Figure 5. Effect of Different Stabilizers towards Overall Preference (Hedonic)

According to Figure 5., ice cream made with gelatin has the highest preference with 7.75.
Meanwhile, ice cream made without stabilizer has the lowest preference with 4.08.

FT3113 – Milk and Dairy Technology Laboratory

Based on the overrun range, there are three types of ice cream, namely ice cream, gelato,
and soft serve. The ice cream itself has around 50-80% overrun, followed by soft serve with 50-60%
overrun and lastly gelato with 20-30% overrun (Warren & Hartel, 2018). According to these ranges,
the ice cream in this experiment, which was ice cream with CMC, fell into none of the categories as
the overrun value was only 13%.
Overrun in ice cream refers to the volume increase that happens when the ice cream is
incorporated with air during the mixing process. The higher the overrun value, the lighter and
creamier the ice cream will be as more air is present. Moreover, the higher overrun value will also
result in ice cream with a longer melting period (Wu et al., 2019). This means that the ice cream
produced in this experiment was not as light and creamy as the normal market ice cream.
Additionally, the overrun value influences other factors as well, namely the ice crystal formation,
stickiness sensation, flavor perception, as well as storage stability. Ice cream with a lower overrun
value tends to form a higher concentration of ice crystals and feel stickier as there is less air presence
(Salem et al., 2017). Also, insufficient flavor can lead to less flavorful ice cream as the flavor release
can be affected. Lastly, ice cream with less overrun is more prone to the development of freezer
burn, which is unfavorable (Sekarigenge et al., 2015). In short, the ice cream produced in this
experiment might have less desirable properties compared to normal market ice cream as it has a
very low overrun value.
This might be caused by miscalculation when measuring the overrun percentage as it was
done manually. Several other factors that might contribute to it are the mix composition, viscosity,
whipping efficiency, aging and freezing temperature (VanWees et al., 2020). The higher the fat
composition, the lower the overrun can be. On the other hand, a higher viscosity of ice cream could
result in more air incorporated into the mixture, hence creating a higher overrun percentage. Also,
proper aeration equipment and technique are also crucial as they would determine the whipping
efficiency, which could lead to a better overrun value (Sulejmani & Demiri, 2020). An additional aging
or resting time for the ice cream could also influence the overrun value as it will help to stabilize the
mixture, hence enhancing the air incorporation process. Lastly, lower freezing temperatures often
lead to a greater overrun value. However, too low of a temperature could lead to more ice crystal
formation, hence it is important to pay more attention to this aspect (Liu et al., 2023).
Group 6 was responsible for making ice cream without any stabilizers. When being compared
to other ice cream in terms of the melting rate, ice cream without stabilizers had the highest melting
rate (5.40 mL/min) than other ice cream. It happened due to the formation and growth of ice
crystals, which can cause the ice cream to lose its shape and texture quickly (Arachchi et al., 2014).
Additionally, stabilizers increase the viscosity of the ice cream which can help to slow down the
melting rate and maintain the ice cream shape (Muse & Hartel, 2004).
In terms of sensorial score by using JAR and 9-point hedonic scale in Figure 4. and Figure 5.
Ice cream without any stabilizers had a score of adhesiveness, creaminess, and thickness that was
close to 5 (4.50, 3.67, and 4.75 respectively). It means that the ice cream product cannot hold its
shape because it lacks adhesiveness, creaminess, and thickness. CMC JAR score had the closest value
to 3, which means that the ice cream product is the most desirable product than other ice cream.
CMC is a hydrocolloid that binds to water molecules, reducing their movement and increasing the
viscosity of the mix, it can also improve the ice cream texture and provide resistance to melting
(Arachchi et al., 2014) On the other hand, the overall acceptance of the ice cream without any

FT3113 – Milk and Dairy Technology Laboratory

stabilizers showed the lowest score with only 4.08. It shows the adhesiveness, creaminess, and
thickness parameters are related to the score of the overall acceptance test.
As mentioned previously, there were several parameters that were analyzed in this
experiment, namely overrun, melting rate, and sensory evaluation (using Just About Right (JAR) and
hedonic). According to Syed & Shah (2016), the viscosity of ice cream also needs to be analyzed
because the addition of stabilizers might be associated with the ice crystallization that can lead to
more viscous ice cream. In addition, the pH of the ice cream needs to be analyzed because higher
acidity would lead to lower viscosity of ice cream (Kamińska-Dwórznicka et al., 2022). If the ice cream
pH is too low, it would lead to thicker texture and unpleasant taste which are undesirable. While, if
the pH is too high, protein solubility will decrease the emulsion stability (Irawan & Fitriyana, 2021).
In this experiment, the ice cream was made using several ingredients, such as water, whole
milk, sugar, vanilla extract, salt, cream, and stabilizer. As mentioned previously, group 6 was
responsible for making ice cream without any stabilizers added. Meanwhile, the stabilizer chosen by
the class was CMC. Based on the calculation (see Appendix 4.), to make ice cream with CMC or
without any stabilizers would differ around IDR 2,400. Ice cream with CMC would cost around IDR
118,296. Meanwhile, without any stabilizer, it would cost around IDR 115,896. Therefore, to make ice
cream without any stabilizer which group 6 was responsible for, would be cheaper than making ice
cream with the stabilizer chosen by the class.

FT3113 – Milk and Dairy Technology Laboratory

In conclusion, the experiment produced ice cream with or without the stabilizer CMC. The
overrun values obtained for the CMC-stabilized ice cream fell below the typical ranges for ice cream,
gelato, and soft serve, indicating a lack of classification within these categories. A low overrun value
of 13% suggests a less creamy texture and a shorter melting period, impacting various sensory
attributes. The insufficient overrun could be attributed to potential miscalculations during manual
measurement or factors such as mix composition, viscosity, whipping efficiency, aging, and freezing
temperature. These factors influence the incorporation of air during the mixing process, affecting the
overall texture, flavor release, and storage stability of the ice cream. Ice cream produced without
stabilizers experienced a higher melting rate and inferior in certain sensory attributes like
adhesiveness, creaminess, and thickness. Additionally, the overall acceptance score was also the
lowest, indicating that these favorable attributes did not contribute to the overall preference. On the
other hand, CMC was the most ideal ice cream. Stabilizers, in this case, would have increased
viscosity, slowed down the melting rate, and maintained the ice cream's shape. In future
experiments, it is recommended to analyze additional parameters such as viscosity and pH, as these
factors can influence ice cream texture and stability. Careful consideration of the factors affecting
overrun, such as mix composition and freezing temperature, should be taken to achieve the desired
texture and sensory characteristics in the final product.

FT3113 – Milk and Dairy Technology Laboratory

Arachchi, M.A.I.M.M., Jeganathan, Brasathe & Weerakoon, A. (2014). Effect of Different Stabilizers on
Melting Property of Vanilla Ice cream.
BahramParvar, M., & Goff, H. D. (2013). Basil seed gum as a novel stabilizer for structure formation
and reduction of ice recrystallization in ice cream. Dairy Science & Technology, 93(3),
Goff, H. D. (2013). Ice cream. In Advanced dairy chemistry volume 2 lipids (pp. 441-450). Boston, MA:
Springer US.
Irawan, I., & Fitriyana. (2021). Ice cream properties affected by carrageenan form seaweed deference
type drying methods. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 679(1),
Kamińska-Dwórznicka, A., Łaba, S., & Jakubczyk, E. (2022). The effects of selected stabilizers addition
on physical properties and changes in crystal structure of Whey Ice Cream. LWT, 154,
Kigozi, J., Banadda, N., Byaruhanga, Y., Kaaya, A., & Musoke, L. (2014). Optimization of Texture in
Sorghum Ice Cream Cone Production Using Sensory Analysis. The Open Food Science Journal,
8(1), 18–21.
Liu, X., Sala, G., & Scholten, E. (2023). Structural and functional differences between ice
crystal-dominated and fat network-dominated ice cream. Food Hydrocolloids, 138, 108466.
Mahdian E, Karazhian R. Effects of Fat Replacers and Stabilizers on Rheological, Physicochemical and
Sensory Properties of Reduced-fat Ice Cream. JAST 2013; 15 (6) :1163-1174
Milliatti, M. C., Lannes, S. C. da S. (2018). Impact of stabilizers on the rheological properties of ice
creams. Food Science and Technology, 38(4), 733–739.
Salem, S. A., Fardous, M., & El-Rashody, M. G. (2017). Effect of camel milk fortified with dates in ice
cream manufacture on viscosity, overrun, and rheological properties during storage period.
Food and Nutrition Sciences, 8(05), 551.
Sekarigenge, F., Erume, J., & Ongol, P. M. (2015). Effect of different overrun levels on microbial safety
of ice cream. Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology, 9(12), 1-7.
Sulejmani, E., & Demiri, M. (2020). The effect of stevia, emulsifier and milk powder on melting rate,
hardness and overrun of ice cream formulations during storage. Mljekarstvo: časopis za
unaprjeđenje proizvodnje i prerade mlijeka, 70(2), 120-130.
Syed, Q., Anwar, S., Shukat, R., & Zahoor, T. (2018). Effects of different ingredients on texture of ice
cream. Journal of Nutritional Health & Food Engineering, 8(6).

FT3113 – Milk and Dairy Technology Laboratory

Syed, Q. A., & Shah, M. S. U. (2016). Impact of stabilizers on ice cream quality characteristics. MOJ
Food Processing & Technology, 3(1).
VanWees, S. R., Rankin, S. A., & Hartel, R. W. (2020). The microstructural, melting, rheological, and
sensorial properties of high‐overrun frozen desserts. Journal of texture studies, 51(1),
Warren, M. M., & Hartel, R. W. (2018). Effects of emulsifier, overrun and dasher speed on ice cream
microstructure and melting properties. Journal of food science, 83(3), 639-647.
Wu, B., Freire, D. O., & Hartel, R. W. (2019). The effect of overrun, fat destabilization, and ice cream
mix viscosity on entire meltdown behavior. Journal of food science, 84(9), 2562-2571.
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analytical methods. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 1–21.

FT3113 – Milk and Dairy Technology Laboratory

Appendix 1. Raw Data of Manual Ice Cream Production

Propertie Sample Rep No Gum CMC Xanthan Sodium Gelatin Mass

s stabilizer arabic gum alginate production

Brix Wet 1 14
2 14

3 12

Ice cream mix 1 31

2 31

3 31.5

Overrun Empty beaker 228.60 157.78 100.22 159.15 129.39 105.44

analysis (g)

Ice cream mix 121.59 115.04 101.97 108.58 105.50 98.01


Ice cream (g) 86.72 85.36 96.38 90.38 89.55 72.06

% overrun 40.20 34.77 5.80 20.14 17.81 36

Melting Volume 27 25 0 0 0 0.25

rate melted ice
cream (mL)

Time (min) 5 15 5 13 25.36 15

Melting rate 5.40 1.67 0 0 0 0.02


JAR Adhesiveness 4.50 4.30 3.18 1.67 3.58 2.92

Creaminess 3.67 3.38 3.09 2.89 2.92 3.17

Thickness 4.75 4.40 3.45 2.89 3.42 2.75

Hedonic Overall 4.08 5.31 7.27 4.89 6.75 7.75


Stabilizer cost (100 gr) 0 35,000 16,000 17,900 38,000 27,500


FT3113 – Milk and Dairy Technology Laboratory

Appendix 2. Raw Data of Ice Cream Sensory Analysis (No Stabilizer)

JAR Hedonic
Adhesiveness Creaminess Thickness Overall preference

1 4. Slightly not creamy 4. Slightly not thick

5. Not adhesive enough 7
enough enough

2 5. Not adhesive enough 5. Not creamy enough 5. Not thick enough 5

3 4. Slightly not adhesive

1. Too creamy 5. Not thick enough 3

4 3. Just about right 2. Slightly too creamy 3. Just about right 7

5 5. Not adhesive enough 3. Just about right 5. Not thick enough 4

6 5. Not adhesive enough 5. Not creamy enough 5. Not thick enough 3

7 2. Slightly too adhesive 5. Not creamy enough 5. Not thick enough 3

8 4. Slightly not creamy

5. Not adhesive enough 5. Not thick enough 2

9 4. Slightly not creamy

5. Not adhesive enough 5. Not thick enough 6

10 5. Not adhesive enough 2. Slightly too creamy 5. Not thick enough 4

11 4. Slightly not creamy

5. Not adhesive enough 5. Not thick enough 2

12 5. Not adhesive enough 5. Not creamy enough 5. Not thick enough 3

Appendix 3. Raw Data of Ice Cream Production using Machine

Properties Sample Rep Mass production

Pre-mix CMC

Brix Wet ingredients 1 14

2 15

3 14

Ice cream mix 1 33.5 27

2 34 27

3 33 27

Overrun analysis Empty beaker (g) 100.13 104.39

Ice cream mix (g) 102.55 99.87

FT3113 – Milk and Dairy Technology Laboratory

Ice cream (g) 92.25 88.11

% overrun 11.17 13.35

Melting rate Volume melted ice cream 4 2


Time (min) 30 30

Melting rate (mL/min) 0.13 0.07

JAR Adhesiveness 3.25 2.30

Creaminess 3.30 2.40

Thickness 3.75 2.60

Hedonic Overall preference 5.91 6.60

Appendix 4. Price Calculation

Price (IDR)
No stabilizer CMC

Water 642 642

Whole milk 31,200 31,200

Sugar 12,000 12,000

Vanilla extract 6,600 6,600

Salt 54 54

Cream 65,400 65,400

Stabilizer 2,400

Total 115,896 118,296

FT3113 – Milk and Dairy Technology Laboratory

Appendix 6. Ice Cream Making Checklist

Appendix 5. Ice Cream Making Checklist
(Session 10)
(Session 9)

Appendix 7. % of effort and detailed contribution of each member

Name % effort Detail contribution

Andrea Natasha Candra 100% Discussion

Andrew Leonard Hartono 100% Discussion

Cynthia Gabrielle Dermawan 100% Results and Appendix

Joshia Mikhael Djuharto 100% Introduction

Novita Tjahjono 100% Results, Discussion, and Appendix

100% Materials, Method, Conclusion, and

Rachel Blessia Antony

FT3113 – Milk and Dairy Technology Laboratory

Appendix 8. Plagiarism Check Proof (Turnitin)


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