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Nguyễn Đắc Hưng

STT/ Topic/ Câu hỏi gợi ý/ Suggested Dàn ý trình bày/ Speaking outlines
NO Chủ đề questions to answer
1 My Greetings Hello everyone!
favorite What’s your name? My name is Hung.
toy: How old are you? I am 5 years old. I am in class Pooh A3 Times city.
Spiderma What class are you in?
n What will you talk about? Today I will talk about my favorite toy.
What topic? My favorite toy is Spiderman.
Who bought it for you? I am happy to tell you about it.
When do you have it?
Who do you play that toy This is the gift that my mom gave me on the holiday.
with? When I went to the supermarket.
Why do you love that toy? My mom and dad bought it for me.
My toy is beautiful with red and blue colour.
The eyes are white.
Thank you for your listening.

At home, I usually play my toy with my sister after dinner.

Spiderman is my best friend that brings joy to me everyday.
I can learn the important of friendship by Spiderman.

I really love my toy because it is like my superhero idol.

Thank you for listening and watching. Have a nice day.

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