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Secret Hack to get Power BI Service for


How to Obtain a Free Microsoft Business Email ID

This video tutorial provides a step-by-

step guide on obtaining a free Microsoft business
email ID, which is essential for accessing
services like Microsoft PowerBI. By signing up
for a Microsoft E3 account, users can acquire a
business email ID at no cost. The process
involves navigating to the Microsoft 365
homepage, selecting the Enterprise pricing
option, and opting for the Microsoft 365 E3
account. The tutorial offers detailed
instructions on locating the relevant links and
signing up for the free trial, ensuring viewers
can access the benefits of Microsoft's services
without any financial investment.

Continued Access to Microsoft PowerBI After

Microsoft 365 Trial
Despite the expiration of a Microsoft
365 trial, users can continue to access Microsoft
PowerBI without interruption. This is confirmed
by official information on the Microsoft website.
By signing up for a Microsoft 365 trial and
creating a work account, users can utilize
PowerBI even after the trial period ends. This
means users can enjoy the benefits of PowerBI
without incurring additional costs, provided they
have a Microsoft 365 E3 work account and a
business email ID. The process is
straightforward, involving signing up for the
trial and accessing PowerBI with the newly
created work account. Additionally, viewers are
provided with a direct hyperlink for easy access
to the required webpage, simplifying the process

Creating a Microsoft Account with Email Verification

To create a Microsoft account, users

need to provide their email ID and complete the
setup process, which includes entering personal
information such as name and selecting a username
and domain name. Additionally, users are required
to verify their phone number through either text
or call. Once the verification code is received
and entered, users can customize their username
and domain before saving the changes. It's
essential to ensure that the selected domain name
is available to proceed successfully with the
account setup.
Completing Account Setup and Payment Method for
Microsoft Subscription

After entering personal information and

verifying the account, users need to provide a
payment method to complete the setup process.
It's crucial to cancel the subscription before
the end of the first free month to avoid charges.
Users can utilize the Microsoft PowerBI service
for free using their business email ID even after
the trial period ends. Once the payment details
are entered, users may need to verify their card
through an OTP process. Additionally, users must
provide PAN details to finalize the subscription

Troubleshooting PAN Details Entry for Microsoft


If encountering difficulties entering

PAN details during the setup process, users
should ensure they enter their PAN details under
both the registration number and tax ID fields.
After saving the registration number, users can
then proceed to enter the tax ID. If the system
prompts for PAN details after saving, users can
repeat the process. Once all details are entered,
users can restart the trial for Microsoft 365 E3,
which remains free for 30 days. It's essential to
remember the cancellation date to avoid charges,
and upon restarting the trial, users will access
the Microsoft 365 admin Center to complete setup.
Completing Setup and Accessing Microsoft Admin

After continuing through the setup

process without entering unnecessary details,
users can complete the setup by selecting options
such as installing Office 365 or adding
additional members, which may not be required for
accessing Microsoft PowerBI. Users should select
the default domain option and skip adding members
if unnecessary. Once setup is complete, users can
access the Microsoft Admin Center and utilize the
provided email ID for accessing services like

Signing Up for PowerBI Service and Initial Setup

To begin using PowerBI, users can sign

up for a free account by clicking on 'Start Free'
on the PowerBI signup page. After entering their
email ID and other required information, users
can initiate the setup process. Once the setup is
complete, users can access their PowerBI service
account, where they can publish reports and share
them without needing a trial subscription.

Signing In and Publishing Dashboards in PowerBI

Avoid clicking on the 'Start Trial'
button in PowerBI and instead sign in to your
Microsoft PowerBI account. After signing in,
users can publish their dashboards directly by
clicking on the 'Publish' button. Upon selecting
a destination within their account, users can
save their dashboards and share them with others.
Additionally, users can create workspaces within
PowerBI to organize their dashboards effectively.

Publishing Dashboards to PowerBI Service Account

Users can easily publish their PowerBI

dashboards to their PowerBI service account by
selecting the desired workspace or creating a new
one if needed. After selecting the workspace,
users can proceed to publish their dashboard,
which will be accessible within their PowerBI
service account. This process enables users to
effectively manage and share their reports with
others, facilitating collaborative work and data

Enabling 'Publish to Web' Setting for Dashboard

To enable the 'Publish to Web' feature
for sharing PowerBI dashboards, users should
access the admin portal from their account
settings. Within the tenant settings, locate the
'Export and Sharing Settings' section and expand
the 'Publish to Web' subsection. Enable the
setting that allows existing embed codes to work
and permits users to create new codes. Ensure to
apply this setting to the entire organization and
click on 'Apply'. Once applied, users will
receive a confirmation message, and the setting
will take effect within the next 15 minutes,
enabling users to generate website links for
dashboard sharing.

Enabling Map and Field Map Visuals

To enable map and field map visuals in

PowerBI, users should access the integration
settings from the admin portal. Within the
integration settings, users can enable the option
for map and field map visuals. After enabling
this setting, users need to apply it and wait for
it to take effect within the next 15 minutes.
Once applied, users can return to their workspace
and access the map and field map visuals for
their dashboards, allowing for enhanced data
visualization and analysis.

Publishing PowerBI Dashboards to Web

Users can publish their PowerBI
dashboards to the web for sharing by accessing
the 'Embed Report' option and selecting 'Publish
to Web'. After clicking 'Publish', users receive
a link that can be shared with others, allowing
them to view the dashboard without requiring a
licensed account. It's important to note that
dashboards should be published within the 'My
Workspace' to avoid requiring admin permissions
or licenses.

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