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b Major Supra Community Update Dear Supra Tribe, We've made incredible progress over the last few months, and we're extremely grateful for your support as we move closer to our upcoming exchange listing. Since you've provided us with such incredible support, we wanted to fill you in on some of our biggest recent accomplishments: SUPRA MAJOR SUPRA COMMUNITY UPDATE 01 VC Fundraising This September, we were proud to announce that Supra has raised more than $24 million from some of the world’s top crypto VCs, including Coinbase Ventures, Galaxy Interactive, Hashed, and many other reputable brands. coinbase ventures @Huobi () galaxy “ASKEY SOUND») “YE RAZER HUOB Sm HHASHED ay =I 02 Public Sale This October, prior to this recent mii ised $3.6 reaching an impressive 150% of our initial goal of $2.4 million at a bull-run, we're proud to say we ion from Supra supporters in over 100 countries, $480M valuation. While we had to geo-fence America, we did have 3,800+ contributors from around the world participate with a $200 minimum contribution. 03 Social Growth Supra's social presence has also soared, with our X (Twitter) surpassing 246K followers, our Discord surpassing 164K members, and our Telegram surpassing 30K members. Our email list is now over 820K too. 04 QOSUPRA Countdown to Blast Off Our gamified learn-and-earn program, has been a smashing success, with over 357K KYC'd participants across the world earning major prizes like a top-of-the-line Razer gaming laptop, $10k in PAX Gold, and a trip around the world! We are aiming for over 500K KYC'd participants by Exchange Listing. We believe we'll set a world record for the most active non-sybil accounts of any L1 launch! MAJOR SUPRA COMMUNITY UPDATE 05 06 OsuPRA Online Events Supra has been incredibly active in interacting with our partners and friends, both online and offline. We've held Twitter/X spaces with well-known crypto experts, projects, and protocols, including the team from Coinbase's Base L2, Consensys’ Linea L2, and major influencers like Wendy O and CryptoLark. We also held 2 Webinar Sessions ourselves with over 10K individuals participating! We are planning 2 more Sessions in later Jan and Feb. Conferences The Supra team has also sponsored major events at major crypto and blockchain conferences, including Consensus, Taiwan Blockchain Week, and India Blockchain Week, allowing us to meet new people and make incredible industry connections. However, perhaps more importantly, we've made a serious improvement to our business model, which we'll share later in this Q4 update. We've also made a variety of technical breakthroughs which are now actively making impact across a plethora of blockchain ecosystems: 01 Oracle Mainnet Launch We've launched our Pull and Push distributed Oracle service (DORA) to over 46 blockchain mainnets, including Ethereum, BNB Chain, Polygon, Avax, Arbitrum, Optimism, Linea, and Base, and this is just the beginning, as we plan to deploy on even more Layer-1 and Layer-2 mainnets in the weeks to come. 02 Distributed VRF Launch We've launched our distributed VRF (dVRF) on over 16 blockchains and growing, including Ethereum and BNB Chain, providing the industry's most decentralized and most randomized techniques to ensure fairness and transparency for functions like on-chain lotteries, GameFi lootboxes, and random NFT trait generation. 03 QSUPRA HyperNova / HyperLoop We've also recently published Supra's HyperLoop Bridge Protocol. HyperLoop is a Rationally Secure Cross-chain Bridge that's game- theoretically secure and collusion resistant, the first of its kind! HyperLoop and HyperNova are different; one solution is more suitable than the other depending on the context. For example, HyperNova is perfect for many L1 to L1 cross-chain communication needs, however, HyperLoop is more appropriate for L2 to L2 communication and asset movement. MAJOR SUPRA COMMUNITY UPDATE 04 QSUPRA Class-Group DKG Our CG-DKG (Distributed Key Generation) realizes an efficient publicly verifiable non-interactive distributed key generation mechanism. It achieves significant improvements in terms of communication and computation complexity over the state-of-the- art. The protocol involves each party of the DKG acting as a dealer and generating encryptions of the shares of the parties and publishing them. Each dealer also generates a proof of correct sharing. Our approach not only substantially simplifies the scheme, but also outperforms the state-of-art significantly. Implementation shows that each sharing by the dealer using Class Group Verifiable Secret Sharing (cgVSS) outperforms (a simplified implementation of) Groth’s protocol in overall communication complexity by 5.6x and about 2.4 - 2.7x in computation time per node (for a 150 node system in these real world tests). Additionally, we formalize the notion of public verifiability, which enables anyone to verify the correctness of the dealing. ’A COMMUNITY UPDATE MMe lalla lela Lia Pra mole ee en ee possible while\maintaining high levels of decentralization. Supra's Advancements Towards Oracle Decentralization and How Our Various Services Work Together As we launch on multiple networks, we're consistently improving our oracle services, finding ways to improve data freshness and time to finality. This involves making our oracle as fast as physically possible while maintaining a high level of decentralization, as measured by our protocols targeted Nakamoto Coefficient. In fact, we wholeheartedly believe that our designs are the fastest possible while maintaining high levels of decentralization and security. Supra's services are best seen in a complementary fashion, as our DORA oracle service, our HyperNova/HyperLoop cross-chain communication protocol, and our decentralized Verifiable Random Function (dVRF) services, powered by Moonshot Consensus, can be effectively used together to help dApps increase their speed, security, and effectiveness. Supra is composed of multiple protocols, all homegrown and novel; none of them are forks. And these protocols all work together to create synergistic, emergent value. SUPRA Formal Verification: Moonshot Consensus Makes Supra's Services Faster All of Supra's services benefit from our revolutionary Moonshot Consensus protocol. Moonshot is able to produce blocks at network speed (meaning as fast as data can travel through the network) and can achieve full finality approximately 10x faster than Solana. Indeed, Supra can achieve deterministic finality in 3 messages on our happy path. To our knowledge, these results are the physical limits for single-leader chain- based BFT SMR protocols that tolerate partially synchronous networks (i.e. that are suitable for use in global, decentralized networks). Thus making Moonshot unbeatable. This blazing fast performance enhances our Oracle services making them faster and more efficient. This step-function improvement is a serious advantage that Supra, as a vertically integrated L1, has over all its competitors. Moreover, in November we achieved an incredible milestone: Moonshot Consensus is Formally Verified by Microsoft's Ivy Verifier. If an algorithm running on a single computer is hard to get right, distributed protocols such as consensus protocols are notoriously harder. It is common to see people finding serious flaws in distributed protocols even when they are published at top-tier conferences after going through rigorous rounds of expert review. No amount of testing nor the multiple rounds of code reviews can guarantee the absence of protocol logic flaws. Only a full formal verification procedure can provide such an assurance, which we have achieved. OSUPRA MAJOR SUPRA COMMUNITY UPDATE Moonshot Consensus is Formally Verified by Microsoft's Ivy Verifier. We are proud to claim that for the very first time a consensus protocol of such complexity and performance as Supra's Moonshot has been formally verified to guarantee safety using Microsoft's Ivy Verifier. In other words, Moonshot Consensus has been mathematically modeled and reasoned to guarantee NOT to fork even when run for an infinite duration for all sizes of the network as long as the Byzantine or malicious validators are less than 1/3rd of the network. This is the gold standard in terms of protocol security. Despite what other projects claim, almost none of them are able to achieve this level of formal verification safety guarantee, not Solana, not Avalanche, not Sei. As far as we can tell, only Cosmos’ Tendermint (a simpler protocol compared to Moonshot) has been formally verified so far, and no other blockchain consensus protocol enjoys this accolade. In the near future, in a world of high stakes global value transfers, formal verification will become necessary in order to convince large organizations and applications to run their businesses upon public rails. Once again, this is the gold standard for protocol security, and Supra's Moonshot has a footup in this regard compared to almost all others. Pull Oracle Data Feeds and Pull dVRF are Now Live As previously mentioned, our DORA oracle and dVRF services are already on over 46 mainnets, and many more are coming soon. Mainnet Beta is scheduled for Q1 2024 when we expect to list our token on exchanges. Chainlink and Pyth's consistent growth shows us that there is tons of room for growth in the ever- expanding oracle and blockchain data market — particularly considering our fast, reliable, and revolutionary offerings exist in an L1 shared security environment, something many of our competitors lack. OSUPRA MAJOR SUPRA COMMUNITY UPDATE __ Update Data Read Data —> —eé Ofecha Supra Network Supra offers both Push and Pull data-feeds. In the Push Model, data is processed through Supra’s blockchain, finalized in bulk, and “pushed” to destination chains. Supra's Moonshot Consensus finality is unrivaled and thus we can push the freshest data possible while maintaining gas efficiency through batching and economies of scale. Our Push Oracle model is extremely effective for low-gas, low-latency chains like Sui and Aptos that are also based on BLS signatures, and thus efficient and cost-effective to verify our payloads. We can push 100s of data pairs to these chains on the order of every 2-3 seconds benefiting each respective ecosystem with fresh data. Obtain S-Value Sends to DORA Clan Aggregator Node Client Supra’s Pull model is expected to produce the lowest latency data-feeds possible, while maintaining accuracy, security, decentralization, and unparalleled data freshness on the order of 600-900ms. Our recent core insight is that we may skip Supra's blockchain itself and have data pulled from our randomized DORA Clan directly, thereby bypassing the additional latency of anchoring data to Supra's SMR (state machine replication, aka Blockchain), and waiting for blockchain finality before servicing our feeds to destination chains. Our blockchain’s super majority vote is required only for organizing nodes into new clans and updating Supra’s. public address on smart contracts on the various chains we service. DORA 2.0 will be live in a few weeks and we're targeting 600-900ms data freshness guarantees in our Pull Oracle while maintaining the integrity of our DORA Protocol's decentralization properties. QOSUPRA MAJOR SUPRA COMMUNITY UPDATE Supra’s IntraLayer with Vertical Integration as the Future of Web3 CT -7N Dee ee We are introducing an entirely new category to Web3 called an “IntraLayer,” where we vertically integrate multiple services into one unified, shared-security middleware infrastructure connecting L1s and L2s together, as well as Web2 to Web3. Recently, Anatoly, the founder of Solana, inadvertently described what we're building: ® toly $= @ HI @acyakovenko - Dec 8 Contrarian take: consensus and execution sharding, and enshrined bridges and oracles, basically the big fat honest majority protocol thesis is going to have its day eventually. It's just not what | want to build. O28 134 @ 20 tla 136K les & Joshua D. Tobkin (Supra) @ @JoshuaTobkin - Dec 8 - I'l build it. We are going for it. Got a great design for it too, Not everything has to be super majority fwiw @ Soon™ | think vertical integration has always been inevitable. Been grinding on these designs since 2017, > py ie Major SUPRA COMMUNITY UPDATE | INTRODUCING Supra IntraLayer SUPRA ORACLES | SUPRAdVRF | HYPERNOVA | SMART CONTRACT PLATFORM | AUTOMATION OsuPRA SU TMM Na) The Ultimate Decentralized Microservice Infrastructure @SUPRA Dee ee Vertical Integration of Blockchain Services That All Chains Desire Step-by-step Supra will enable a variety of services within a randomized, shared- security paradigm, including: Native Oracles Crees cam Automation Communication Smart Contract Cay Execution Sharding This will lead to greater speed, lower fees, and a superior developer experience while maintaining Layer-1 security guarantees through our randomized tribes and clans architecture. Technology always trends towards greater vertical integration. The iPhone moment was the vertical integration of a large screen, camera, GPS, WiFi telecommunication, compute and storage — all-in- one device, creating emergent value and capabilities that led to Uber, Instagram, and more. Similarly, the vertical integration of low-latency, high-throughput consensus (via Moonshot), external data-feeds (via DORA oracle), cross-chain communication (via HyperNova and HyperLoop), smart contracts and automation — all-in-one within a unified shared security network is the iPhone moment for Blockchain technologies, and Supra is leading the pack. OSUPRA MAJOR SUPRA COMMUNITY UPDATE Supra's Economics and Revolutionary Business Model Public Blockchain Network (and Oracle) Fees are a Race to the Bottom In open-source Defi, if a p! to fork the project and remove race to the bottom; ev equilibriums ar W 0 believe thi jutomati commoditized in the lo we fully embrace this as an inevitable eventuality and QSUPRA disrupting the industry given this point of view. In the following sections, we disclose our elegant solution that doesn't resort to parasitic Oracle Extractable Value (OEV). Supra’s IntraLayer as a Cross-Chain Liquidity Network Our quants analyzed the growth of various L1/L2s and estimated the number of apps that will need oracle, VRF, and our other auxiliary services. From there, we analyzed how much revenue the Supra network could generate for providing various blockchain services such as oracle, VRF, Bridge, automation, and smart contracts. However, we estimate that Supra as a cross-chain liquidity network can possibly generate an order of magnitude more revenue than all our oracle or smart contract services combined. Because of this, we've pivoted our original business models towards doing everything we can to maximize the amount of liquidity that can be attracted to the network in a sustainable manner. More liquidity begets more liquidity. More liquidity equates to less slippage and less impermanent loss, which will drive user adoption. Incredibly, we believe that Supra'’s IntraLayer, primarily operating as a multi-chain liquidity network with native oracle services and enshrined cross-chain communication, will outperform the speed of centralized exchanges in native asset settlement. This is specifically due to the revolutionary nature of our Moonshot consensus mechanism and decentralized HyperNova/HyperLoop bridging technologies and represents a clear instance where a decentralized technology can outperform centralized technologies. In one of our more recent works, we introduced the Dynamic Function Market Maker (DFMM), a decentralized, automated protocol designed to revolutionize the automated market-making world and pave the way for eventually realizing the aspiration of Network Owned Liquidity. OSUPRA MAJOR SUPRA COMMUNITY UPDATE © Primary Liquidity Primary Liq Providers Providers. 9 : ‘Automated Market ‘Marker (AMM) Derivative Scheme & Market Margin Accounts Long Vault Short Vault Asset A SSUPRA | J UL, J 6 6 Q@ © @ @ Traders Insurance Secondary Liquidity Poo! Liquidity Auctions. Provaers Arbitrageurs DFMM Framework The proposed DFMM architecture uniquely combines a data aggregation system, including a virtual order book, with an innovative order routing protocol to manage inventory risk effectively. This system ensures expediency of price discovery and synchronization with competing external markets, mitigating impermanent loss and supporting sustainable efficiency of markets. A key feature of DFMM is its ability to optimize inventory risk through arbitrageurs, supported by its efficient price-volume dynamics. Moreover, the protocol incorporates an innovative mechanism to act as protective buffers against inventory risks which liquidity providers are typically exposed to, enhancing overall stability. In essence, DFMM presents a robust, fully automated solution for long-term stability and viability in automated market making, addressing key challenges such as inventory risk management, impermanent loss, slippage, liquidity & data aggregation, and seamless risk transfer. OSUPRA MAJOR SUPRA COMMUNITY UPDATE Supra as a cross-chain liquidity network has the potential to generate an order of PE Ce aul ee el Oro eee ee combined. @SUPRA Pe eer a How Supra Bootstraps Liquidity There are four primary methods by which we plan to bootstrap liquidity: er Cu CN a eu rr era cr eens Node operators will provide non-Supra assets to our liquidity network and rehypothecate the re-staked tokens to borrow $SUPRA from the Supra Network treasury, aka Network Owned Liquidity. By obtaining enough $SUPRA, they are able to run nodes and earn additional block rewards. Node operators can earn additional liquidity-provisioning on top of the block rewards they generate on the Supra network, thereby increasing their overall potential. This is achieved by lending a highly liquid asset such as $ETH and borrowing $SUPRA. These ideas are outlined in our Proof of Efficient Liquidity whitepaper. Ecosystem Foundations A variety of foundations are motivated to provide liquidity to our network for several reasons, the first being to benefit from the productive deployment of their native tokens and other treasury assets. This allows foundations to put their treasuries to work. By providing this liquidity, foundations can also subsidize the costs of oracle, dVRF, and automation services for various dApps on their network that would otherwise have to be paid by the dApps directly. For example, if a foundation were to deploy a certain amount of liquidity, perhaps up to 100 of their dApps could receive our low-latency, fresh data streams from Supra without cost. We're constantly seeking the win-win-win, and this is an instance where we QOSUPRA believe our best-in-class algorithms can benefit many ecosystems. Foundations are able to put part of their native token treasuries to work, while also subsidizing oracle services for their respective ecosystems. Individual dApps Instead of having dApps pay for oracle/dVRF fees on a per-use basis (which we will also allow), we want to encourage dApps to stake a certain amount of various in-demand tokens in order to gain access to our services. By providing liquidity to our network, free-market forces will generate value via liquidity provisioning covering the costs of accessing our data. While end consumers are likely to pay for their own gas costs, Supra won't need to to charge a margin through this mechanism directly. In fact, if enough liquidity is provided, the dApps may generate a surplus. When the dApps no longer require our services, they can un-stake their assets and get back their original principle, in a sense making our services “free.” Overall, the liquidity provisioned by dApps provides Supra with greater liquidity depth, while the network can rehypothecate the provided assets to earn liquidity network fees, We hypothesize that these fees are much greater than what Supra would be able to generate through oracle or dVRF fees alone for the short-to-mid future. Supra as a liquidity network powered by our enshrined DFMM protocol will provide us with a serious competitive advantage. End Consumers and Token Holders (8) End consumers and Token Holders may also provide liquidity to the network. Effectively, Supra's Liquidity Network can be a place to park assets that are otherwise not generating any value, putting these idle assets to work. OSUPRA MAJOR SUPRA COMMUNITY UPDATE © —_ Charging basis points on large volumes of cross-chain transactions is the superior business model for the Supra Blockchain. Overall, thinking of Supra as a cross-chain native asset liquidity network is a fundamental shift in perspective and decentralized revenue model. End consumers are willing to cover significantly more gas and fees to move Layer-1 assets between chains when compared to the decentralized service fees potentially obtained by dApps paying oracle and VRF fees alone, especially since there are already existing competitors in the market. Charging basis points on large volumes of cross-chain transactions is the superior business model for the Supra Blockchain. Liquidity network revenue generation is expected to possibly be an order of magnitude greater than the value the network can generate through our auxiliary oracle and smart contract services. This is why we strongly believe Supra as an IntraLayer Liquidity Network is the preferable business model in a world where blockchain fees are a race to the bottom and services become commoditized. QOSUPRA NITY UPDATE The Road to TGE We are surging toward our most important milestone and Supra’s momentous event, the public launch of the Supra token, aka Token Generation Event (TGE). TGE is currently planned for Q1 2024. We share here a glimpse of all the offerings we are bringing to the market at TGE. CSU S270 Cee een What to expect LCUe le eal High throughput and low latency Layer-1 blockchain Move-Lang Smart Contract platform Improved Oracle and VRF protocols MT Mere Ce) Decentralized network with initially KYC’d validators TT ee ea) ae CSU -7N Pe eer a High throughput and low latency Layer-1 blockchain With the way DeFi drives the blockchain industry, we see blockchain emerging as an infrastructure that continues to co-exist and simultaneously compete with traditional centralized finance institutions. To thrive in a competitive environment where FinTech is evolving by making its operations seamless and highly efficient and where the governments are adopting CBDCs, we feel that a public, secure, and highly efficient middleware blockchain platform, an IntraLayer ing from the landscape and is precisely what the industry needs. Our TGE closes this gap and positions Supra as an industry propelling force by offering our very own Layer-1 blockchain that runs our patent-pending high- throughput, low latency, and cryptographically secure Moonshot consensus protocol. II1ONODES IMISONODES M100NODES IM 200NODES 40 IMPROVEMENT (%) 20 1800 18000 180000 1800000 4500000 9000000 18000000 PAYLOAD SIZE (BITES) Moonshot beats the state-of-the-art Jolteon (the core consensus algorithm behind Aptos) in terms of throughput, which is 52% higher, and latency or speed to finality, 54% lower, on average. In fact, Moonshot is the first consensus protocol producing blocks for every network hop. In theory, this is the maximum possible block throughput for randomized leader rotating BFT algorithms. This is because a rotating leader-based consensus protocol producing blocks more often than one OsuPRA MAJOR SUPRA COMMUNITY UPDATE network hop with deterministic finality is not possibly considered a safe algorithm. Move-Lang Smart Contract Platform In addition, Supra has adopted the Move programming language. By design, Move- Lang is a language tailored for managing digital assets in a shared, mutable global ledger and providing memory safety guarantees at the language level. Move is a much-needed leap from Solidity, which emerged from the languages of the Web2 world. In a decentralized Web3 environment where “code is the law,” these assurances of security are vital, and hence Supra is bullish on Move and is adopting the Move Language for our smart contracts platform. Though there are many variants of Move out there, we found Aptos-Move language to be best suited for us to bootstrap initially, though, in time, we aim to develop our own Supra- Move. Improved Oracle and VRF protocols in both Pull and Push variants Currently, Supra offers DORA oracle (in both variants ~ Pull and Push) and dVRF {in pull) on 46 mainnets publishing 250+ asset prices. The Supra Research team continues to revisit our fundamental principles and continues to find ingenious ways to make our services lower latency (faster) with even higher gas efficiency. We are also pioneering novel variants of dVRF that can service many use cases requiring cost-effective and fast randomization. Decentralized network with initially KYC’d validators Our TGE marks a significant transition of Supra towards decentralization, as our platform will now be deployed on a network of nodes not solely run by Supra, its foundation, and affiliates but of validators passing through the scrutiny of KYC initially and who enter legal contracts as we bootstrap. This is a necessary step initially, as we thereafter continue to progressively decentralize the network and become fully permissionless. OsuPRA MAJOR SUPRA COMMUNITY UPDATE At TGE, we are planning on keeping our rewards mechanism simple by rewarding only the block proposers. Again, this is a first step towards the full-scale implementation of Supra’s token economics vision, where all the services such as batch proposals, batch voting, block voting, execution, DORA & dVRF nodes participation, proposals and aggregations by DORA aggregators, et al. are rewarded for accurate work and penalized for malicious or poor performance. QSUPRA MAJOR SUPRA COMMUNITY UPDATE fe) TaD cae Our Tribes and Clans Architecture Supra’s core insight is that many of our distributed system protocols (except for consensus) avoid super majority (67%) thresholds and employ simple majority (51%) thresholds. Re Oe cm recreated eC OR ee CEC MUN og network driving forth much faster performance. Potential errors are statistically negligible. Therefore, we've arranged our network of validators into tribes, clans, and families, Te Re ee Ud validators running protocols requiring a supermajority (two-thirds) quorum of the BS ee Umer One eet eon Se re kee ee aC AR Rm cet cara Cie Oe na een aa @SUPRA Pe eer a We organize our network of validators in the following way: SY Dora Clan SS AVRF Clan ——— NES = Consensus Tribe + We plan to deploy a large network of validators. This tribe will be running our Moonshot consensus protocol, where the quorum threshold is set toa supermajority (67%). + This tribe will be responsible for building Supra’s Layer-1 blockchain, executing the transactions of the committee block, and maintaining the current state of the ledger. + Our Distributed Key Generation protocol is run before the start of anew epoch so that a new set of private/public keys is generated for the entire tribe. DORA Clan Across each epoch, we randomly sample a committee of validators from the Supra tribe to become part of the DORA clan running our DORA protocol. dVRF Clan Similar to the DORA clan, our dVRF committee is sampled randomly for every epoch and runs Supra's dVRF protocol. OsuPRA MAJOR SUPRA COMMUNITY UPDATE We should note that all the validators of the full tribe execute the transactions of the block and keep an updated state of Supra L1. Over the next versions (upgrades after TGE), we will optimize execution by introducing execution clans, allowing for sharded execution. State is merkelized, and the Merkle root (state commitment) is signed and multicast by the validators of the tribe. Because the signing of the Merkle root is guaranteed to include at least one single honest validator endorsing the state, we use the BLS threshold signature scheme with the threshold of Ys+1 for the aggregate signing of the state commitment. This usage of +1 is atypical yet novel and, at the same time, secure and fast compared to the rest of the industry, which has adopted %+1 (super majority) endorsement of the state commitment. This means we'll safely produce execution-sharded state commitments substantially faster than our competitors, thereby contributing to low-latency end- to-end full finality. In fact, Supra strives to be the fastest finality multi-service smart contract blockchain in the world while maintaining a high level of decentralization, as measured by our Nakamoto Coefficient. And we believe we are attaining this. MAJOR SUPRA COMMUNITY UPDATE MILESTONES Status: Done, and To-Dos Supra's DORA and VRF services are already live on many mainnets. We are working on deploying to more chains and continuing our in-depth research to optimize the highest performance from these protocols, placing us as the best service considering data-feed freshness, accuracy, speed, decentralization, and security. Our Layer-1 platform is ready on devnet running our novel Moonshot consensus protocol and is integrated with a Move-Language execute component based on Aptos-Move module. The clients for full nodes and archive nodes are developed. Supra’s Block Explorer and the Supra wallet have also been developed and fully integrated with our RPC nodes. The Supra L1 smart contracts required for our DORA protocol and for giving block rewards are also ready. We plan to do a round of auditing and multiple rounds of testing before launching a public testnet in early Q1. Then, TGE will herald Supra’s L1 Mainnet Beta. QSUPRA MAJOR SUPR) JUNITY UPDATE >» re enal Tara ic 8 Di mele REL Re AD ecosystem has evolved over time and has a thriving developer community. We asked ourselves - why not bring the two CRU eA Sere ECACC Lire) pee CRC R Un Annona AOC RUD ESLER eum RUA Rerum Ee) COR g tee Ea es OCU Mee a RoR ao TRC ae kre TATE U nC) Na Uy @suPRA MAJOR SUPRA COMMUNITY UPDATE Supra to be the world’s first extreme performance vertically integrated IntraLayer. ®SUPRA Pee eer Na Tne NAO eo Ra Cea eee at ao eM Ce Ru Cen mee eRe cet Ae eae Ce aie at AT PSC ae RC Re Cem a ere ec ce A ee scientific minds, designed by experienced architects, developed by virtuoso CER ce Cenc ce ee Reo aan TGE is positioned to be a leap where Supra goes beyond oracle and dVRF and CIRM Roe Nea Ree Ct es coca) ET aM nes ec nea meg WIS e ee RNC EIR cee nie ek Coe Domes PMC ie uN Cae Cam cer asec) strategy via our Proof of Efficient Liquidity protocols, and more are all PERU ROn Nc CC RN ae eae one ROR ry PT RS sue ante Cnt NOSES Rea eae AT Rae EI Cn ee Oa eae er Cm RRO Te Teer NAC Caen ORR on SCR TS Or em OSU eR enc Naat mee te SS raged Tee eee rece ma era eR oes eG Eee eiu lt RO Ree etc a CLC) ODA eee MRC eam Ya eee ean a Ce cme Ren EC Ea ee caus Ome Cir en rece mers eee en We auc Cee Ue er TCS Cee oe an occ en am aR Td emg Res Cue CRUST Cee een Tees RC OER oe oe eso communication protocol that preserves L1 to L1 security the entire ee en Res SSRN oe eons Moe RIESE Renee gee a eels a Cece Mel go Bs nee e nea eee eeu R Oncaea Cen mad magnitude more decentralized fees for the native Network Owned Liquidity than could otherwise be elicited via oracle and smart contract services. How lucrative could that be for the decentralized digital organism? eR ee Ne oe ee ere) already has 355,000+ verified KYC'd token holders. We are aiming to launch the network with 500K+ active accounts, setting a world record for any ey ar Mam Un Sua Re eee OM On eC ea eR mt eT am cued Now envisage all of these attributes, protocols, capabilities, primitives, and RN ace Ree ae ata SN Tay SU MCNAIR Mend ees Rutan Cea Reena) PMU te NMC A gee a Cer CTR Oe Re Si MT rum Dan eR Pees eae eee ct ae eee ng CTOs eee ee Cmte eer eee cae en Ea AUT Conte Neue RM AUR Bae SU Po eno ron Supra pushes forward and innovates the notion of Network Owned Liquidity, Perec one mu Reni MCR ecu Carag rare CRUST CNet een Ree Cea escent un ue el tect Infrastructure and ferociously push our movement forward to improve the OREN Rene Sem canoe Rs Scere Core aka ean Me sn MCSE Me is DEM ea Rue Oe Cnc Mr memes While the road to TGE has been long and arduous, it'll be worth it. We have Coe Ome ReneS CoM) e Rect Coa We will furthermore bring forth execution sharding, while leveraging novel PoC oct Cuneta Nenu es eect MR eee eee Re Roe) ee Ree sue Seca ona a PRC Neen cn enema Cen eRe cnue? Cen ERE RC tC ene ear uum U Rumi! Ree AMO eae CI ea ROTA ultimate “Super Chain,’ the full journey will take time to get there, yet indeed FURAN Ce use una al MAU) o Mes aerate urea Ran mu Moan TS freed ee Re ATER RO ee SON ei Mee ene Cece niC he ar A TRS Ore ne Ree ere eR RSS Mec NACE ea ea Peer aaa een nR A] Pee US na ne a ker Ct RR highest-performing system is contributing to a better world. Supra too intends to compete with the ambition to forever leave a permanent, positive CCR RNs It’s been a pleasure and an honor to work with our esteemed experts and Reem er te er Oe a UNO nu cae ee ae ue) CRUST Cee een Tuer ue me curate Rta at aN EN OR RN RUA on RR Rea Ut Reece eS Teaco RCM Ra ce era ee om Cee camera ny Rone eM RON eT CMe Cue Acces Pree CR I RCN ae oe on La Cun Sts We are capable of deploying our state-of-the-art algorithms and Pe Mie aS oe Recs ee ie Nara) Te. UR Rete ect et RRC Pe ee Cee act Ae mn oe BT ee We couldn't be more proud of what we're building and the direction we're Pee Og RCC Cne CRC ce ganar Ailes and secure non-discriminatorily for all end consumers alike. We want to Cam Mee RU RL aCe Co ena EM gee MR CeCe WME a ome Ig coe ICM Ue eae ae MeCN ere mM enc acn Stent Rare ate Rune Sot DR oe Joshua D. Tobkin and the Supra Team Co-founder and CEO TN Peet ad

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