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Going to

Zero conditional

The Four friends are in the park, all dressed up for the cold weather, the

P1. Brv, it’s chilly today, isn’t it?

P2. Absolutely! What shall we do in the park on Such a cold day?

P3. How about grabbing Some hot drinks at the Café nearby?

P4. That sounds like a plan! But what if the Café is closed?

P1. If the café is closed we could head to my place nearby, and we could make some hot
Chocolate there.

P2. Great idea, P1! Let’s hope the café is open. [they start walking throught the park, enjoying
the fresh air.]

P3. It’s starting to freeze

P4. Yes, it feels fresher now.

Let’s find nice place to enjoy, a the weather. P1. But what if it starts freeze heavily?

P2. If it freeze heavily, we could take your idea, P1.

P3. Good thinking, P2.

[It’s starting to get colder ] P1. It’s really freezing now.

P4. Yeah, but the weather is still nice.

P2. Let’s Make the Most of it. Once it too cold, what shall we do next? Gets

P3. What do you think if we sit down and chat Hle? Speak a little?

P1. That sounds amazing, but what if we get too bored?

P4. If we board of fun get too bored, we could play some gares of games. My place. I have a
bunch of fun Ones

P2. That’s a great idea, P4!!! They continue talking and enjoying the day.

P3. I think My feet are freezing now P4. Yeah, Mine too. Let’s head to P1 place. For that hot

P1. Sound perfect. Let’s work up and continue the fon indoors..

P2, I’M glad we planned for this weather. It turned out to be gi great day despite the cold.

The four friends walk towards P1 house laughing and speaking while they shelter from the cold
talking about the for afternoon they spent.]

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