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THE DECODED MESSAGE OF THE SEVEN SEALS OF THE BOOK OF REVELATION by DAVID KORESH April 19, 1993 1998 Kalarged Hatin Reprint by the General Association of Branch Davidian Seventh dy Adventists 0. Bex Atel, Teas T6624 EDITOR'S NOTE ‘This 1996 exiton has boon reset na diferent and larger sve of ype for easier reacabity. Davids three fetes sent out during the Seige, two to the FBI and one to his atomey Dick DeGuern, hhave been incuded Also the expanded Com: ‘ments and Ciarficatons by Ors. James D. Tabor ‘and. Philp Amold rater then te shorter ‘orien uses erottore, pe 10,1983 of to you My Wiser ofr to you My sale scr. How dare yous away uy vistone of mery | know yout ane nd your fos Nove ae hi rw te When wl you eer fear ard te we? Yeu oly Svinai ty Tra My Tr ee ‘Seven See” Yur ot ject # man by Sing epsinst Dav My sant vo, 61 Nave ron rove My Haro to fare aan 45 The Name Rove My Sua ana at en ae My Son ane wok of My hand no are you fgg against? The aw is Mrs the Tah Nine. Wyo be _soauted in My jodgrert? Wt out back the punta oy hae? No) Be known ute you, Oh sons of men, My Cite for man's basing of My ‘a (rt it a Jew). Bu ho wi lone fo your ejetng & MY Ep AM yor ‘God and you wi bow ure Myo Do you ktow My Sols? Do yu dare cal Me 9? Laok and ee toMy “igh Hana" AM your Me and your dou 1AM te Spt ofthe propels and te Aho oft testionies. Lack and see, you fos you will proceed much ber 0 ou Tink you have power soo My Wi? | Rave spoken to My pops regard “ne mo lnger" My seven thunders aro be maid (Revesion 107) # Yor dome that bn ot nowt Your agen wat net and Read Paine 2. {ot want Me ough at yeu pending torment? Do you wart of pu te hover ack and show you My anger? iy el tno your baths Om, and se fh ‘minessos tthe ruth oy and? | AMA your Godan ove your My mere ke. |e your ev and pie and yet you fear Me not Do ot ea the fear of man esr Me, or have youn My ane (Geer 8022 26, Revlaton 1) | suey show you the mening of Psa 18 ules ou open your eye ae nak your math Fear Mo ad he Four ef My judgment or thas came Lear irom David My seals o, a5 you have sak, bear te consequences. | torenarn yu, the Lato Waco aoa et td Maur Carel wa be tery shaken The waters othe lake vt be emote tough te broxan Gan The hewn a ‘aling you jucpmert Please consider hes chens of ret concen. wa? Ara ‘Yew Kors ‘pal 14,1908 Friends, Yur young men do not undersignd. Your fathers, your mothers and your teachers - hose in whom you have ust, all have fed fo show you te secret of My hand. | beg to do My “srange work “a work you wil not Delove though tbe tla you" Isaiah 28 [Ask My servant Moses, ne ted to wam you in his song: “See now tht | ‘even | am He, and thee is no God with Me Iki and make alive: | wound ‘and hea: neher i thee any that can delver you out of My hand. For |i Up My hand to heaven, and Sa, | te fereve:” Deeronnny 32:99 are 40. ‘have ited up My hand, or My Word rules heaven and earth, The seals wi ther save you er destroy you. Hear My servant Isaiah speak “Lord, when Thy hands ited up they wi ‘ot $08, but they shal se anc be ashamed fr ther envy atthe people, yea, he fire of Thine enemies shall devour thom Isaiah 25:11, Jromigh says of Me: “Therefore behold, | will this once cause thers to ow, wil cause thom to koow My hand and My ight and they shal know that My name isthe Lord Jeremiah 16:21, Hoar Mice say: “And the remnant of Jacob shal be among te Gentiles in the mide of many paople as a lon amang te boas of ro forest, as young lon ameng the flocks of sheep: who, Fhe go tough, bah weadoth own, and tare n pcos, and none can deliver. ne hand shal be ted Lup upon Thine adversanes, anda of Tine enemies salbe cu of” Micah 58 ond, Hear Habalduk: “And His brightness was as the light, He had homs ‘coming ou of Hi hand: and there was the hiding of His power” Haba 4, | have hors coming out My hand? I nt the Book in My hand? Is not ‘tis rovolaton of My Son? Is ot My Werd - My Son, the Lamb? How ‘many hoes does the Lamb have? if He has seven (Revelation 5), then you know whois to teach you My Seven Saas. warn you, do not hurt My Lam (Peaim 2), For ou of His sido will come “bight boas" and ther is the “hiding of His power” Who do you tink itis 9 Revelation 10, that raises His hard to heaven ‘and swearsby Me, “that there should be tie no anger"? My hand made neaven and earth, My hand also shal bring it the end Read Psalm 50 and eam to be wise, Respect your brother David and those ‘wha have led of Maram Hin ‘Your sins re more than you can bear. Show mercy and kindness a you shallreeive mercy and hres, “The seven seals ae the last prophecy to lost world, consider it and what itmeans! You havea chance fo learn My Salvation. Do nt rid yourseves. to be fhing against Me "Wherefore my brethren ye ae alo become dead to te law by the body ‘of Chis that ye shoud be marred to another, even to Him whois raised ‘fom the dead, hat we should bring fot fat unto God” Rorhans 7:4 ‘And | saw when the Lamb opened one ofthe seals, and | heard, a were the noise of thunder, one ofthe four beset saying come end see, ‘And | sam, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him had @ bow, ‘and a crown was given unto Him: and He went forth conquedng, nd conquer "Revelation 61 and 2 Peal 45 (Soe Atachront A) Revelation 19 (See Attachment B) Pease listen, and show mercy and lea of the Mariage of the Lamb. ‘wy wl yoube los wine am Yaron Koresh ‘oii 14, 1980 Helio Dik, [AS far as our progress i¢ concomed, hare is whore we stand: | have ‘eloted two messages, from God, to te FBI, one of which concerns resent danger to peope here in Waco, Iwas shown a fault line running throughout the Lake Waco area, An _angais standing in charge of ths event Many people, here in Waco, krow that we are a good people, and yet, they have shown the same resend ‘Spit of nterence our "warnings of ove” | am presenty being permited 1o document stucred form, the decoded messages ofthe Seven Seals. Upon the completion of his tas ‘wil be froed of my “wating period” I hope fo fish ths ae soon as possible {and fo stand before man to answer any and all questions regering my ‘actions ‘This writen Revelation ofthe Seven Seas wil not be sold, but i to be ‘avaiable to all who wis to now he Truth. The Four Anges of Reveiaion 7 ‘are here, now ready to punish foolish mankind, but, the wing of these Seats wil cause the winds of Geds wrath to behels back ite longer. | nawe been praying so lang fr this opportuni: to ut the Seals in writen form. Speaking the Tesh seems to have vary tie efet cri man. {was shown tat as soon as am given over into the hans of man, | wil ‘be made 2 spectacle of, and people wil rot be concerned about tha ah cf God, butt the Bazar of me - the fh (person), | want the people ofthis generation o be saved. 1am werking night nd dy 10. complete my fal work of he wring ot ofthese Seals” thank my Peter, Hes finally ranted me te chance to do his. twa tring New Light and hope fo many and they wil rot have to deal wit me the person, ‘Te earthquake in Waco is someting rot to be taker ight. wi ‘probably be “he tring’ needed to shake some sense int the people. FRomomber, Dick the warring came fst and foarte the Fis going 12 ‘suppress this information It maybe upto you | wil oman the fest manuscript ofthe Seals be given to you. Many scholars and religious leaders wil wish 1 have copies for exaerinton.| wil oop a copy wine, As soon as (can S00 tat peopl, tka Jin Tabor and Phi Amold have a copy wil come cut and then yeas can 60 your ting with this Boast "nope to heap in touch with you by Ite, s0 please give your across. We ae standing n the threshold of Great events! The Seven Seals, in ‘wen form are the most sacred formation ever! Baie Kewols PREFACE EDEN TO EDEN ‘Search forth for the meaning here, Hidden within these words: "Tis a song that's sung of falien tears, Given way for two love birds, Love birds yet not of feathered creed Shot down for gambled play, And caged a far distance betweenst themselves For the hunter felt it best that way. "She bird is mine," the hunter said, "Twas this bird I raised and faithfully fed, "Twas he bird who released her from her cage, Sought her womb in youthful age." Love birds the name, these birds they call, Two, plural, love bird, takes two. "Twas not her womb of which he sought, ‘And certainly not her youth. Love birds the name, these birds they call, Two, plural, love bird, takes two. T's just that he needed she, To fly the skies of blue. ‘And now we see the hunter man, Robbed without a prey, The evil which he sought to do, Caused the birds to pass away. For loneliness and solitaire, Is death to every soul For birds of God were meant to pair, ‘The two to complete the whole, ‘And now we see the final meaning Of this rhyme and verse: The pending judgment of the King ‘Who rules the ur For with Adam and his spirit Eve, ‘To share the kingdom fair; ‘But when they sinned they lost their crown ‘In exchange for shame to bear. So Eve travailed and brought forth death, ‘And passed the crown to all; For each to learn the lesson here, ‘The kingdom of the fall. For virgins do not bring forth sons, Until God does reverse, The inner meaning of the law, ‘To remove man from the curse. For in the Christ, we've seen a bride, The water mixed with blood, ‘The wife with cloven tongues of fire, (Of whom the Christ has loved. ‘And now He's back to sing His song, The life of every spring, ‘And love birds gather, each one with mate, For the Mamnage of the King -- David Koresh INTRODUCTION Wtaign pnages sth Ahr King ane Versi Bie Then Pilate entered into the gent hall again, and called Jesus, and said unto hin, Art how the King of the Jews? Jeoasancwered him Sayest ‘hou this thing of thse or dd oxbers tell Hee of me? Poe answered. Am a.Jew? Thine own nation and the chief priests have delivered thee ura ‘me: what has thou dome? Jesus answered, My kingdom not of hs world: ‘fms kingdom were of his world then would my servant fight, that! shold not be delivered othe Jews: but now is my hingdow not rom hence. Pilate ‘therefore sad nto im, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest ‘that Iam a ing To this end was I born, and or this couse came Tito the world that I should bear wiess unto the wath Every one thats of the ‘ruth heareth may voce. Plat saith unto him, What is ru? And wher he had said this, he went out again ue the Jews and saith wt therm, 1 fad tn him ro fiat all. Jol 18:33-38) ‘Swange indeed forthe judgment of man, for who knows within himself that his adgment be tre? Scripture tells ue hat Pilate was convicted ofthe math in Chris, bt fing to tke heed thre, he lost his soa, sing the blood ofthe innocent to be sted. How may of us since the dawning of time have commited such things? Who as this Jesus? Who was this Seviour that nearly a whole religious nation rejected? Matthew old us, Mark, Luke, and John al recorded ther side ofthe story ‘of which remains unto this day, read and judged of al Likewise, the ACS, the book of Romans, Corinthians, Galtans, Ephesians, and such books ‘open for our learning this mos unique mystery of judgment and justice ‘undone. But ofall the records, the most awe inspiring remains to be the ‘most misunderstod, that being the Revelation ofFesus Christ, writen by the ‘Apostle John tothe churches of Asia and left on record that all who follow ‘may sk the question: "Whois thie Christ and wit remains tobe the mystery of Hi?" 0 In my work to unfold this mystery to you, | will not use great techniques of scholarly display nor inedepth reasnings of philosophy, n0 sophistexied, ‘congenial language shall be ued, just simple tlk and reason, Fes of all “The Revelanom of sus Chis. whch God ge unto ham 10 she unt hs servants things which mas shordy come wo pas (Rereaton. 1:1) i be son juss tha a revelation of east reveal t men Fis ‘wishes and lis dese for those who make wp His ach. Forte Kingdom ‘OF Gee bing tha of Reaves, nd nt hs work tobe revealed un this ‘wo by the mean He has chosen - "ie oss ofpreoching” [Sze | (Co. 1.21), Jon he Ago, while on he ise of Pa ested the Los mesenger and in obedience placed in write fom all ht he saw and all ‘ha be Beard pataning ote mysteries of Cvs. And in good Bh the ‘Apo sted “Blessed is he tat readeth, and the tha hear the wards ofthis prophecy, and keep those tings which are wrinen therein: for the ime iat hana.” (Revelation 1:3), Likewise, Jn was commanded ofthe angel "Write he things which thou ‘hast seer’ and the dnings which are, and the things which shall be hereafier” (Revelation 1:19) Simply, Joba's record contains te pas. ‘present, and future events that revolve around the Revelation of Jesus Christ. John in fithfalness set his writings tothe seven churches in Asia and the ‘ill of Christ fr these churches is plainly reveled from chapter 2 to chapter 4 of Revelation, Therefore, on record, all may read and see how Christ has ‘dealt with His churches of old (Our subj of interest wil be taken up from chapter 4 through caper 22, for these passages ental the evens that arc to be afer Jo's time For it is wnten: Aer ths 1 looked, and, behold, a door was opened on heaven: and the fist voice whch T heard was asi were ofa tame! tallung wth me: which ‘said, Come up hither, and I wil show dhce tgs which must be here. And immediately 1 was in the spr: and, behold. a throne was se in ‘heaven. and ane sat. the throne. And he that sat was to look por Tike Jasper and a sardine sione: and there was @ rainbow round about the ‘throne, sigh ihe unto am emerald. And round abou the throne were four and poem seats: and upon the seas sw four and twenty elders siting, " clothed n white raiment: and they hod on thir head crowns of gold. nd ‘ut ofthe throne proceeded lighrings dnd thanderings ane voices: and there were seven lamps offre burning before the throne, which are the seven Sprit of God And before the frome thre was a of las ke tm cyst and in te mist of the throne, and round abou the throne, ‘ere four beats fil fees before ad bohind. And the frst best was ike ‘on andthe second beast ie calf an the hr east ha a fac ‘man, andthe fourth east was ikea yng eae. Alte four eats had ach of hem tx wings about him: and they were fl of ees win and they et not day and night, sey, Holy, hol, hh, Lord Goa Amiga, ‘hich was, and and 0 come And when the beat she glory and Iranowr an hanks 1 hin that ston the throne, who let forever ond er, the four arent eles fall down before hn tha sa on he rane, ‘and worship him tha liveth forever an eve. and eat ther ot Before tne throne sang, Thow art wor. O Lord 10 rece gory oe honour dan power: for hu hast creaed al things, and forty pleasure sey are ‘and wer cred. (eveaton Chap 4) Job sates that "which must be hereafen,”somesine afte his day: There vill be a God who sts on His throne. There willbe a jury of twenty-four elders, God will be declared ss "worthy... 10 receive glory ad honour and power,” because unto Him and for Him all things were creed John ‘continues 0 sy And I saw nthe righthand of hi tha sat om the throne @ hook wren \wihn and on the backside, sealed wth seven seals. And I saw a srong ‘ange! proclaiming with loud voice. Who is worthy to open the book. end 10 loose the seals thereof? And no mam in heaven, nor in earth, neither under ‘the earth, was able 10 open the book, neither 10 look thereon. And | wept muck because mo man was found worthy 10 open and 10 read the book ‘etter 10 look thereon. And one of the elders sath unto me, Weep not behold, the Lion ofthe wide of Juda, the Root of David. hah prevailed 19 ‘open the book and loose the seve seals thereof. Are | eheld ard 1, in ‘the mast of the throne and ofthe four beasts, and inthe mids ofthe elders, stood a Lami as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven ees hich are the seven Spirits of God sent forth no all he earth. And he came ‘and sook the book out ofthe righthand of hm tha sat upon the drone. And whem he had taken the book, te four Beats and fou and vent elders fll down before she Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials (fil of odors. which are the prayers of saints And they sung anew song 2 saying. Thou at worthy to take the book and to open the seals thereof for ‘thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy ood ond of every Jinred, and tongue, and people, and nation: and hast made us wo our (Goa kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth. And I beheld, and ‘heard the voice of many angels round about the throne ana he beasts and ‘the elders: and the number ofthe was ten thousand times ten trosend. ‘nd thousands of thousands: saying with loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb ‘that was slain 10 receve power, and riches, and wisdom, an strength and honour, and gory and blessing, And every creature ehh is heaven, ‘and onthe earth and under the earth, and such as are tn these, and al ‘that are in them, heard I saying. Blessing, and honour, and glory. and ‘power, be unto im thr sitet upon the throne, and rt the Lamb forever ‘and ever. And the four Deass said, Amer. And the four and vend elders {ell down and worshipped him that lveth fr ever and ever. (Revelation Omp 8) ‘Very clearly, John tls of judgment in which only one question is asked: "Who 1s worthy” to open orto revel abook found inthe ight hand of | God clay sealed with seven seals? Jol states, "no man in heaven. nor in ‘arth, nether under the earth, was able 10 open the book nether to Took “hereon.” “Then John is pointed to the hope ofall men: the Lamb that was slain. Here isa revelation of Christ as our High Priest in heaven. Here His work is revealed: the opening of the mystrios of God. These mysteries of which reveal Crist and His sufficiency to save all whose prayers are directed 10 God though Him. Likewise, Pal the Apostle hs sated So also Chis glorified not himself tobe made an high priest: but he shat said unto hin, Thou art my Son, to day have | hegoten the. (ITebrews 5:8) ‘For the law made nothing perfect, but the bringing in of a beter hope did: by the which we draw nigh unto God... But this man, because he ontinweth ever, hath an unchangeable priesthood. Wherefore he 1s able also to save thom 10 the wtermost that come unio God by him, seeing he ever lieth wo make ineresson for them. (Hebrews 7:19, 24 25) Bu’ now hat he obsained a more exellent ministry, by how much alto he 1s the mediator ofa beter covenant. which was established upon beter promises (Hebrews 8:6) 2 For Christ snot ensred ino the holy places made with hands which are the figures of the tue: but ito heaven itself nw o appear tn te prewence 0f God for us: Hebrews 9:24) But this_man. offer he had ofered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the righthand of God From henceforth expecing tll enemies ‘be made his foowtool. For by ane offering he hath perfected forever thers that are sanctified... Far if we sin wilfly afer that we have received the Inowledge of the th, there remaineth mo more sacrifice for sins... Of hhow much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shal he be thought warty, who hath trodden underfoot the Son of God, and hath courted the blood ofthe ‘covenant wherewith fe was sanctified. an unholy thing. and hah done ‘despite unto the Sir of grace? (Hebrews 10:12-14, 26, 29) For ye are not come unio the mount that might be ouch, and dt bured with fire, nor wo blackness, and darkness, and tempest Ara the sound ofa trumpet, and the voice of words: which voice they that heard ‘ntrated that the word should not be spoken to them ay more: (For dey ‘ould mot endure thar which was commanded. And I so much as a beast ‘ouch the mountain it sll be stoned, or thrust through wih a dart: An so terrible was the sight hat Moses said. 1 exceedingly fear and quake) But Je are come unio mount Sion, and unio the city of the ling God, the Jreavenly Jerusalem, and 10 an innumerable company of anges, TO the ‘general assembly and church ofthe fisiborn, which are writen vy heaven, ‘and to God the Judge of al. and to the sprisof ast men made perfect. And ‘to Jesus the mediaor of the new covenant, and wo the blood of snntlng, ‘ha speaketh beter thins tan that of Abel See that ye reise not him that speaketh. For ifthe escaped not who refased him that spake on earth ‘much more shallot we escape, we tur away from hi at peaked om ‘heaven: (Hebrews 1218-25) Geary then, Join is showing us of that vey event of which Paul the Apostle so clearly unites. Christ isthe mediatoe of the New Covenant and that New Covenant is contained inthe seven seals. If we, the church, have ‘been so long awaiting that which must be herefer wt sit that so many of ‘usin Chritendom have not even hoard ofthe seve sels? Why is thie Revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave 9 Him such ‘mystery? The Apostle Peer gives usa clue when he sai “ Blessed be the Gd and Father of our Lard Jesus Christ, which according 10 is abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Chr from the dead,To an nkertance Incorrapable, ‘and undefiled. and that fcdeth not cvay, reserved in heaven for you Who fare kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready 10 be ‘reveled nthe last tame. (1 Peter 13-5) ‘Taly, Christ is our only Saviour, cur only Mediator between maa an God. Likes, itis te the opening of the seven seals by Chis is as mach oF ‘more so important for our salvation as any other former gospels. If this "salvanon 's “ready toe revealed ithe ast me," 28 Pte sy, hen We should hear another statement from the Apostle Pete Wherefore gard up the ls of your mind, be sober, an hope 10 the end for the grace that i to be brought mio you atthe revelation of Jesus Christ; Peter 1:13) So the question remains: What are the seven scale? And the anzwer re ‘mains: a "Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, 10 shew tno his servants things which must shorty come wo pas.” (Revelation 1:1) these things ware to have “shortly come 10 pax then surly they mast have already been file, and ifs, does that mean we ae his servants” if we know these things not? Or could tbe thatthe "ings whic must be hereafier” pertaining vo Gods throne, the judgment, the book, and the Lamb receiving that book ae evens directed primarily to the last times othe lst days? If thatthe case, are we in the last days? Is, then it mus be ime for Goa servants to know thse things So teach us 10 number our days, that we may apply cur hearts unto wisdom. Return, O LORD, how long? and let it repent thee concerning thy servant. 0 satisfy us early wih thy ery; thal we may rejoice and be glad ‘all our dys. Make us gd according wo the days wherein how hast acted 1s, and the years wherein we have seen evi Let thy work appear unto thy servants, ad thy glory unio ther children. And let the beau of the LORD ‘our God be upon us" and euablish thou the work of our hand upon us; _yea, the work of our hands establish dow it (Psalms 90:12-17) He tha veld in he sere place ofthe most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty T wil say of the LORD, He is mo refige and my {forress: my Godin him will ast. Surely he shall delve thee from the snare of the fowler, and jrom the noisome pestilence. He shal cover thee ith as feathers, and under his wings shal thw tras his trath sha be ty ‘held and bucklr (Psalms 91:1-9) {the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? The LORD is 1m his holy temple, the LORD'S throne is tn heavens his eyes Behold, his eyelids 7, the children of men. (Psa 11:3, 4) ‘The servant of God will find as we continue in our searching of the scriptures that every book of the Bible meets and ends in the book of Revelation, Gems of most sacred th ref be uncovered, golden promises never before seen ae to be brought 1 view. for when hs “race” ever been ‘needed more than now inthe time of which we live? cuarreRt ‘THE FIRST SEAL Although we, the servants of God, do nt five in Asia, we ae nonethaless to be beneficiaries of their counsels and they, likewise, nat being sive today, ‘reno doubt tobe apart of "the grace” which we ae to receive evelanon 6:1-2: And Ise when the Lamb opened one of the seis, and ‘heard, ast were the nose of thunder. ne ofthe four beast saying, Come ‘and see. And | sa, and beholda white horse: aed he dat ston hm had ‘bow; and a crown was ger unto him: and he went forth conquering, and foconquer Here in our Heavenly Sion we see the Lamb loose the frst seal. This preview of God's revelation of His Son ist be of cur unos interest, for not ‘nly wll it more clearly reveal he nature of Chris, butt wil ikewise unfold ‘more clearly the Divine nature of God who isthe Author ofthis revelation. Now lets tum to Psalm 45:My heats indiana good mater: I speak of ‘the things which Ihave made touching the king: my tongue ithe pen of ready writer. Thow rt fairer than the children of men: grace i pour ino thy lips: therefore God hath Blesed thee forever. Cird thy sword pon thy thigh, O mast mighty, wih thy glory and thy majesy. Andi thy majesty ride prosperonsly because of rath and meckess and righteousness: ad thy ‘ight hand shall tach the terrible things. Thine arrows are sharp in the ‘heart of the king's enemies: whereby the people fal under thee. Thy throne, (0 Gi, forever and ever the scope of thy kingdom i right scepre ‘Thou loves righeousnes, and hatest wickedness: therefore ink. thy God hath anoinied thee with the ol of gladness above ty fellows. All hy gar- iments smell of myrrh, and aloes, and cassia, out of the Wary peace, whereby they have made thee glad. Kings" daughters were among thy honourable wonen: upon thy right hand did stand the queen in gold of Ophir. Harken, O daughter, and consider, and inline thine ear: forget ‘also shne own people, and thy father's house; so shall the king greatly desire thy beau for he is by Lord: and worship thow hin. ind the ‘daughter of Tyre shall be Bere wih agi: even the rich among the people Shall intreat ty favour. The king's daugher 1s ail glorious within: her lthing is of wrought gold. She shall be brought unto the king n raiment (of nediework: the virgins her companions that follow her shall Be brought 7 tno thee. With gladness and rejoicing shall dey be brought: they shall femier into the King’s palace Instead of thy fathers shal be thy children, ‘whom thou mayest make princes in alte earth 1 will make thy name wo be ‘remembered in all generations: therefore shall the people praise the for cverand ever Vers Ls My (Gods) hear is ning a good mater: I (God) speak ofthe things which 1 (he Creator of all tings) have made touching the hang (Christy: my (Goes) tues the pen ofa ready writer ere we see God not only creates all hings by His Word, but in His wisdom He has chosen some things be write, that by the power of His ‘Word He may ring these things o passin His ow time. Here we see God, by His writen Word, foretell his determined purpose for His Son, Chris. Verses 24: Thow art fairer than te children of men: grace is poured Ino thy ips: therfore God hath lesxed the forever. Cird by sword pon thy thigh, O most mighty, wah hy glory and hy majesty. And in thy majesty ride prosperously because of euth and meokness and rghieousess: and ty ‘ight hand shall each the terrble hig. Cleat, inthe Revelation Christ is fire han the fares. Those who receive the sels receive "ihe grace” found rein, Clxist is capable of estoying His enemies for His majesty tmly is great in heaven, for it is ‘winessod that all angels bow bofore Him. What si that Cris sal ide but {he white horse because the book given to Him is the muh and He sal ride prosperous Verse 5: Thine arrows are sharp in he cart ofthe kn enemies: whereby the peopel under ie Here we se the meaning ofthe bow of which he fs sel peaks. Let us pry tht none of us refuse "Him that speaketh from heaven” aa the Spit (of Tru dat snow speaking from eaven, fortis kewise writen Verses 6-11: Thy throne, O God i forever and ever: the sept of thy ingdom isa right scepte. Thou lvest righteousness, and test wicked- ness: therefore God (Chris), thy God (Paes) hath anomie thee with the (il of gladness above thy fellows, A thy garment: smell of myrrh and ‘aloes, and cassia, out ofthe ivory palaces, whereby they have made thee * lad. Kings’ daggers were among thy honourable women: upon thy night ‘har dd stan the queen in gold of Ophir. Hearken, O daneghter and con- sider, and incline thine ear; forget aso thine own people, and thy fathers ‘house; so shall the ting (Cheis) great desire thy bec fr he i thy Lord: and worship tho hin. How can any man deny that the frst seal i a preview into the event spoken of bythe 4Sth Psalm? How importa is this sight? How imponant ‘sit to God oo Christ orto the church? While on ean Crist spoke many porables regarding His Kingdom and His Bride, Les hear oe and see if we ‘cao more clearly understand the importance ofthese tings, Matthew 22:1-14: And Jesus answered and spake tnt them again by Parables, and sav, The kingdom of heaven 1s like unto a certain king ‘whic made a mariage for hi on, And ent forth hs servants 40 eal the ‘hav were bidden w the wedding: and they would not come. Again, he sent {forth orher servants, saying, Tell them which are bidden, Behold I have ‘prepared my deer my oxen ane my fading’ are killed. aa al things are ‘ready: come unto the marmarge. But they made light of and wert thir wan, one to his farm, another o his merchandise" And the remnant took his servants, amd enreated them spel, ard slew thems But when the king heard thereof he was wrk: and he sent forth ie armies and ddestoved thse murderers, and burned up ther cis. Then sath be 40 is servants, The wedding 5 read; bul they which were Bien were not worthy. Go ye therefore neo the highways, and at many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage. So those servans went ou imo the highways, and gathered ‘ogether ail as many as they found. both bad and good and the wedding seas frmished with guests And who the king came to see the guests, he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment: Anal he sath unto ‘hom, Friend, how camext thon in hither not having wedding garment? Aad ‘ne was speeches. Then sat the king 10 the servams, Bre him hard ard {foot and sae him away, and cast him ino outer darkness there shall be weeping and sarhingof teeth. For many are called but few are chaser. [Notice that inthis parable of Mathew, Chit clearly teaches that those wth indifferent atnades who would not come into the Marriage Supper were to be sain. Their disinterest offended the King. who we know is God. So, likewise, today, if we disregard the tut ofthe fist sal, we ell disregard Crist who opened it, nd in so doing we disregard God who gave i This indiference most surely wil place one's salvation in jeopardy. ” Matthew 21:42: Jesu sath unto thom, Did ye never read nthe serp- ‘ures, The stone which the builders reese, the same ts become the head of the corner: this isthe Lords doing, and tis marvellous in our evs? inthis passage we se Chris pointing His hearers tothe Rock (His God) ‘We know in Revelation 4 God is pictured as one who appears tobe jasper and sardine stone. This one i the same sone to which Christ feed. 50 ‘agai, we are reminded that what the Father gives to Chit is a "Revelaion (of Jesus Christ" that God gives to Him “to shew unto his ervans," ‘Was it really David who wrote the Psalms or was it Ged who spoke through David? Was it realy the prophets who wrote ther books or was it God who spoke through the prophets? If it was God, we must conclude God claims the book as His and we shoold more eames take it as God's Word. ‘We find now in Revelation 19 verification of the events we have just, read, FRevelanon 19:1-13: And ater these ding | hsard a great voce of much ‘people in heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and ‘power, uno the Lord our God: For true and righious are his judgments: {for he hats judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her ‘foricavon, and hath avenged the Blood of hs servans a her hand. And ‘again they said. Alleluia. And her smoke rose up for ever and ever. And ‘the four and eventy elders and the four beasts fll down and worshipped (God tha sat on the throne, saying, Amen; Allella, And a voice came out of ‘he throne saying, Prase our Cid al ye his servants, and ye that fear him ‘oh small ana! great And I heard as ir were the voice ofa great multude, and asthe voice of many waters. an asthe voice of mighty shunderings saying. Alleluia: fr the Lord God ommnpotent reigneth. Let ws be glad aad ‘esotce. and give honour to him: forthe mariage ofthe Lami is come, ad Js wife hath made herelf read. And oer was granted tha she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and whue: forthe fine linen the rgheousness ‘of sans. And he saith unto me, Wrae, Blessed are they which are called tanto the marriage supper of the Lam. Ana he saith unto me, These are the ‘rue sayings of God. And [fll at hs eet 0 worship him. And he sok to ‘me, Sze tow do tnt 1 am ty fllowsersnt and of thy brethren that have the testimony ofesus: worshp God: forthe wstimony of Jesus k the spire Of prophecy. And | saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse: aad he ‘hat sat ypon him was called Fail and Trae, and i righteousness he do judge and make war. His eves were as aflame offre, and om bis head were many crowns; and head a name wren, that mo man ke, bul he himself And he was clothed wit a vesture dipped i load: and hs name i ‘alle The Word of God. [Notice how in verse 9 it says: Blessed are they which are called uno the ‘marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith une» me, These are the te sanings of God. Being the uve saying of God, the first sea of Revelation 6:1-2 must be tre according to the saying of God in Psalm 45, And how can we be "hleced” if we know nothing about "whe marriage supper of the Lamb” nor wa it nis? ‘alah 33:17 Thine eyes shall see the King in his beauty they shall ‘behold the land thas ver far off Are we starting to sce the King a litle more clearty? And how about that heavenly land very far of? Isaiah 95:34: Incline your ear. and come uno me: hear, and sour soul shail ie: and Iwill make an everasung covenant with you even the sure mercies of David. Behold, [have given hun for a wines 1 the people, «leader and commander tothe people as not David uly witnessed on behalf of God, by Gods ovm power, this ‘beatifal mariage of which all are called to revive the knowledge of? Isaiah 61:8-10: Far I the LORD love judgment, | hae robbery for burnt ‘offering: and Iwill direct their work mirth, and | will make an everlasting ‘ovenant with them And their seed shall be known among the Genes. and ‘heir ofpring among the people all that se them shall acknowledge thera, ‘tha they are the seed which the LORD hath blessed. I wil grealy rejoice the LORD, my sou shall be jf in my Cod: fr he hath clothed me wih the garments of salvation he hath covered me with the robe of righeousness, asa bridegroom decketh himself with omamenis, and as @ ‘ide adorneti here wih er peels. a We should, surly, a this moment, lize the importance of leaning more thoroughly the meaning of Christ according to the seals, lest we be found without "the wedding garment” of God's judgment, for if we recive this calightenment, this “grace” which comes from heaven, we shall surely be partake of "ihe marriage of the Lamb for we are the guests who vil "Hearken... and consider.” Jeremiah 23:5-8, 18-20: Behold the days come, saith te LORD, tet 1 wil raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, end shall execute judgment and ute in the earth In is days Judah shal be saved and Israel shall del safely: and ts is his name ‘whereby he shal be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. There- fore. behold the days come, sath the LORD, tht they shall no more 5 The LORD Inver, which brought up the children of Irae ou ofthe land of | Egypt But, The LORD Iveta which brought up and which led the seed of ‘the house of Israel out of the north cowry, and fom all countries whither I had deven them: and they shal cvell thr oven lan. .For wo hath ‘stood inthe counsel ofthe LORD, an hath pected and heard his word? ‘who hath marked is word, and heard W? Behold. a whrivind ofthe LORD 1 gone forth in fury, even grievous whikwind: 1 shall fll grievously upon the head ofthe wicked. The anger ofthe LORD shall not return. ul ‘he have exeewed, and ll he have performed the thoughts of MS hart in ‘the ater dys ye sal consider it pore This beatiful prophecy, the Desire ofthe Ages, entails of Crs the Lord ‘our Righteousness and also wars us ofthe later days should we be Found ‘not standing in the counsel of the Lord. If we, the church of God, standin the ‘counsel of Chis, especially inthe light ofthe seven sel, shall we not be @ ‘art of thar beau ride spoken of in Jeremiah 337 Jeremiah 33:14-16: Behold. the days come, sith the LORD, tat Iwill perjorm that goed thing which Ihave promised unio the house of Israel and 40 the house of Judah In tase days, and at that ime, wil 1 cause the Branch of righteousness f0 grow up unio David: ars he shall execwe Judgment and righteousness inthe land. In those day shall Judah be saved ‘and Jerusalem shall dell safely: and this isthe mame wherewith she shall be called, The LORD our rgucousness. She, the Gy, she, he saints those who are lothd with the righteousness of Christ and His Word, for itis also promised in verse 17, "David shell 2 ‘never want a man 1 it ypom the throne of the howse of Irae” for Christ ‘remains a King Yor ever” [Sse Pakm 45:6] shel 3724.25: And David my servant shall be king over them: and ‘they all shall have one shepher they shall also walk n my judgmens and ‘observe my states, and do them. And they shall dell nthe land that 1 ‘have given urio Jacob my servant, wherein your fathers ave del, and ‘they shall dell therein, even the. and ther chalren, and ther children's ‘children for ever: and my servant David sll be ther prince forever. Daniel 12:1: And at tha te shall Michael stand up, she great prince hich standeth forthe children of ty people: and there sll bea tne of trouble, such as never was since tere was a nation even to that same tine: ‘and at that tie thy people shall he delivered. ever ome that shal be found writen in the Book. we are tobe "Yound writen nthe Book” surly we should be found in the first seal, fr wire Chris is revealed shall not we also be revealed as one who hearkens and considers" for isnot He our "Zord” and shall not we "worship® ima“ sprt and truth? (See Psalm 451,11 an John 424] In Hosea2:14 we read: Therfore, behold Jil allure her. and bring her Into the wilderness, and speak comfortably ues her ‘The Christin Church being scattered from Jerusalem went throught all nasions Being amongst the Gentiles, the gospel was fo impart unto the Gen- tiles the riches of Gods mere. Verse 13: And Lil give her her vineyards from thence, andthe valley of chor for a dor of hope: and she shall sing thee, as in the days of her youth, and as nthe day when she came wp out of he land of Ey. ir itis promised that once the unfit ones as Achan are take from amongst Govls people, we will defintely have a deliverance 28 all the Propet agree. Verse 1: Andit shal beat that day sath the LORD, sat thou shat cat ‘me sh ny man’ or ‘my husband”; and shalt call mero more Baal my Joao ‘ty master. we ae to call God by such an endearing ter, we are to know Him 2 line boner and how beter 0 Kaow him than in the Revelation of Jesus Chat? Verse 17: For I will takeaway the names of Baa out of her mouth ‘ara they shall no more be remembered by their name. All false teachers and flse prophets are to be forgotten for thee is one God, and one Lamb, and one seve seal trth Verse 18% Andi th cay will I maka covenant for them withthe Beasts ofthe field, and withthe fowls of heaven ane with dhe creeping things of the ‘ground and I wil break te bow and the sword and the ale out ofthe ‘arth and wll make them 1 le down safely. Just as ssiah 11 has promised, so Hosca also promises, peace for those ‘ho are called tothe Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Verses 19 and 20: And | wil bewoth the unto me fr ever: yea, Iwill ‘etroth thee nto me im righwousness, and judgment and in owing Sinudness, anim mercies. 1 ill even betoth the no me In filmes: ‘ana tho shal know the LORD. So again, here we see the importance ofthis opportunity of earning these seven seals and the complet entalment of what that mclodes. Verse 21: And i shall come t0 passim that day, 1 wil ear, sath the LORD, Ill hear the heavens, and they shall hear the earth ‘Are we not apart of this event by faith? Is no heaven in total uty to he roocving ofthese seals fom God? Is not God's Word supreme in heaven? ‘Ait being the Word which reveals Chis, now is the time lke never before to pray that we may be worthy to understand these things more cleat. Verses 22 and 23: And the earth shall hear the cor. and the wine, an ‘the il and they shall hear ezreel. Ard | il sow her urto mein te earth ‘an Twi have mercy upon her tht had no obwained mercy and Iwill sy to thm which were not my peopl, Thow art my people: and they shall sa, Thou at my God. (We will not go, a his pont, into the in-depth meaning ofthe book of Hosea in every particular, for out primary subject at his points the ist seal snd the Mariage i that subject) ‘This should inspire us to look into the meaning of Hosea 3:5: Aflerward ‘hol the cidren of Irae rum. and sek te LORD thelr God, ard David ‘thir king: and shall fear the LOK and his goods on he later days Joe! 2:13:16: Blow the rumpet in Zion, san a fas, calla solemn ‘axsembly: Gather the people, sant the congregation. assemble the elders, {er the children, an the that suck dhe brea: et he bridegroom go Jorhof is chamber, and the bride ou of her closet. Yes the bride is definitely tobe revealed, for we know that Crisis inthe Heavenly Sanctuary anticipating His Marge of which God has spoken. ‘Should we noc eagerly ourseives be realy to accept this trth and come out ‘of our closet and he evened to the world as those who love Christin tith din righteousness? Amos 9:11, 14-15: In that day wil | raise up dhe tabernacle of David ‘thriller and close p the Breaches thereof: ane wil aie up his rus, and [wil bull it as inthe days of old... And 1 wil ring again the ‘captivity of my people of Israel and they shall build the wase cites, and fnhabit them: and Hey shal plant vineyard, and dank the wine thereof thy shal also make gardens, ad eat the frat of them And 1 wl plane ‘hem upon ther and, and they shall no more be pulled up out of ther land which Ihave given them, sath the LORD thy God. Obadiah 21: An saviours shall come up on mount Zion to jude the ‘mount of Esau; and the kingdom shall be the LORD'S. COMMENTS AND CLARIFICATIONS. rs James D, Tabor and J Philip Armokd David Kersh asked unt is completed manus be given 10 ws though his lavger, Dick DeGuein Evel be expected that We woud edit wih senstvty dor sme recon and cation based on cu nea sd of Bibi tts ‘se our inoue ofthe sto) ofthe interpretation ofthe Book of Revlon ‘The fllowing pectiniary comments will bp the reer who i not technically trad in these esoteric texts 10 flow Davis rather invoted thinking ae ‘erection Whatever oe thks the Branch Dans andthe Bilal views, ‘one an at east endear to understand thee sy tematic intpretaton of Soper ‘whch they obvious found 0 competing ‘The key to undersaning Dad Koresh and his perception of his ety and rsion cet eters on one queon taken fm the book of Revelation ~ "Who s ‘worthy to ope he sol and to owes seal (Revéaton 52) The text denies {figure known asthe Lan, "Root [Branch] of Davi wo alone sable to open tts mysteous bok saad wih Seven Sal (55) Trond Christan ao se, avaysunferstood ths one tobe none other than Jeas Chit of Nazar ce the endless confison at wheter or aot David Koresh acy chimed 12 be hens” or ven God Hrs fo that mater Ths marr make lea that 1 hime to be acter, site ll the confi and milange out is Selfurderstanaing. However, he cera di clam tobe ths Lamb wo apes the ‘eal srol aswel asthe figure wh nies the White Hore when the Fist Seals ‘pened and appara the a he book tll mated cn the ame Whats Horse, ‘sen the "mariage of he Lamb takes place (Rev 61-2, 197-19), Pat ofthe confi as to do with he use af the ters "Chet * The Grek word isnot a mane but aide It means "an acid one” of to use the oil Hebe ‘word, a “messi All the ance high ests ad kings of Inme! were“ainted” tnd in hat sense can be cle “hist” of “wesiah” Thi stand Biel use However, the Prophets bean o fons ona specail Crist of Mesish who isto come Ths one was o bea Branch of Davi” tat is descendant of King David ad woul ule a King in Fern, ringing peace o Ie and aeons (Gah 11; Jeni 25 5) This Ces, ke Das of ois ao call the "Sono God" (alm 26; 2 Samucl 7:14) Dav Kore cary bred tht Jesus of "Nazareth was this Christ. However, be alo muitaiped th he props fre of | noe “Crista Branch of Dai wo woul appear atthe end f ie and open the Seven Sele Pa 45 isthe key 10 the Fit Sea, according to David Hee the King is noite hat is made "Cis," and desis hrs ump (verses 1-7) Ts is fale to Revelation 6-2 and 197-1090 gues ane other han the Lab, a ee Alter conquring is emis the mariage feast kes place This Lab marie ‘virgin “angers and fas many chien who are desined orl wth him over the ext Pai 4-10-17). Jess of Nazar, though anced ae Cris, neve ae this ole 2000 years ago. Accordingly. Dav belived that Pin 45, so wth sever ther key Messunic tx, couldnt apply to this appearance of Jeus Christ ofthe fist century. Jess never mare and ad cilren, a thse rcs. Pim 40 ako spats of the ae gure “Then si, Lo, come nthe so of te book ‘tis rien of me, dl odo thy wi, Ory Oye thy i within iy eat” (eres 6-7), The tet goes ono speak ois one as ving "ques moc than the ‘sof mine tea” (vee 12). Ths so-calle "sifil mess noe the les the ne writen of inthe sol — ich David comecte, cous, 0 the Seven Sel Serol of Reveltion 6 Davi belived that his same igure is mented in a 5:1 and cal by name: “Thus sys he LORD, to his anointed cht) to Crs (Keres in Hetrew), whose ‘it had I fave fed to subdue mations tee hm.” The Coma or Kove Is calle Chris. His mscon ist desvoy Baton. Hier fave unleocd the ‘efrence tobe 10 the ancient Pesan King Cyr, who Mery dered ance Babylon. But here isa deeper spenal and prope earing accriing to Kore, an for tat mater, the bok of Relation The whole respi sytem is cal "ayer Babloe the Gret "As the text ys, "Babylon fille, ellen” ising a ouble mening and fallnet (Rev 18:2) The lat Babylon Stet ty the ast Cvs King/ Kore the “Branch of Davi” In his marscin Davi barely begins to gto the many tet ofthe Prophets ‘who spa of ths "Davidian”fgue (roma 2354, 19.20.59 1616, Easel 372825, Hose 3:5) He makes the point repeatedly tht hs Crt comes inthe late tines. ard prev ht Jeus of Neath, who came 2010 yeas ago, ever {lid thes texts. The Lan who opes the Seals comes ih bls the End is Inu and malian he est 2200 year ago fers the wor Gas th Inter words, Dan was th act, Sal munesition ofthe Lamb, wb wl i thes prophecies eparing the Mesh, According otis pespecive the Waza sdf and “wating period” wastes, for a humanity. ed pox have oer as it id. David eves that he wer wa ‘wing led cance to stent th lat Chris Koreh, ho cul open he Seals ad tus show the way ef epeuance to ou sooey There was een an Oppo ‘ven for the actual deci ofthe Seven Seas ia wsiten frm, be open shares ‘wall whe wanted o ear The war ale shor. The reaction ad ath of | Davi, a age 3, around Pasir tine, cane a range eptivon of he pas. The Fh Sel wheh allowed fr atime of re-pemance whe the message weet Foch, ceded with the “est kil" a5 protic (Rey 6:11). The Branch Davis ‘eee that he profason pod is up, andthe Sah Sel ofthe gmen of God is eon ‘The manip incaes hat thse who espoad tothe mexage of epentinos who turn 10 God and esa lowing the Law of God, teu scoping the LanioKresvChisKing be init 10 the “Mariage” fest. They ae those “eet” ones who make up the Be ofthe Lamb, He conus this haper wt the ‘thovght that thse who ae tly prt ofthe "ie are to come ot ofthe Plea” and be reve for who they ae “The manus ai carly mins the disincnn between the God the ther and Hl Lamb or Messiah. In that sense Dvid Kors never cid to be Gea weet, ke the Hebe Propet of ol, and Ske Jess of Nazareth, be did cam {o speak the words of Vahwel God (Khe Faber) diet, and nth ee cold use they did. theirs person made of discourse. “The Poem ete "Eden to Eden” is uit cating Like Pal David ips tat the "nasa ofthe Lami is mystery which omehow etes wha happened ‘Eden in the Fall (Ephesians 5:31-32). The psc sonal union (the two sal txcome oe fl} asa dpe maring, and vaie the pert bondi of Adam ads pit Eve" inthe "ew Manto come Davi taut the inponance of the famine side ofthe Divine ar pis tat Adam was crested fo expres this al image. However, tough St Adam and fis descendants were separated fom the spt eniie sd, and remain in need of resoron. Thrugh he revlon of Cart he penn ofthe Lan, people are being reunite with th agent selves and gathered as lover of Gea for the ltnate rage union wich ll rotor der DAVID'S PROMISE TO "COME OUT" ‘AND. ‘THE EVIDENCE OF THE MANUSCRIPT |Wiat evidence thee that David Koresh would hae kept it plage o “come ‘out of Mt Carma a be sted in his eter os tore, Dick DeGu 0 Ap "al? We know iat the fest chagtr of ths work wa completed on Suny ‘evering, the nigh before the fi, and was spe ono a compte dk by Rh Rid This isk survived tee, cai cut by Ruth Ride ner cet pocket ‘The exience of the manus te, a wll inal evidence within he et, ‘conf tht David was Lapin hs promise to proce a inrpeve document. Such erence as saparts the view that Devi aul intended to ead is group ‘ut pescfilly A ery als ofthe et cet show that Das was not merely “Teng wit o he sa a hth ao pl Ms not cn oF An aay of his newly eased manip fers thee reasons to conc hat ‘David ein laa to compos fill writen stepson ofthe Soven Seals ad ht he intended, upon complsion to make his work avaible othe pubic Fs the frm and srctre ofthe mans indicate hat Deis eos were gmine pups and angbly prodacve Afr cone the proj ver that ist weekend, David dicated ois typist on Sanday evening Ap 18, n on lore stirs of approxinately four hous The text consis of about wen oa spaced paps of cobret an oraz expe and comment oo ba passages Using both deductive and intsive lg, David presets interpretation Of bial prophecy. Although his interpretation sung nts specie application and reference, sina in method ase to ote wll own exept ach a Isai Newton, Josgh Sth Ellen G: Whe, JN. Day, C1. Sebald Hal Lindsey The strate ofthe mans is wel planed and sagas tthe autor ook inst orgie itm ch a sry da woul be wel-exved a a readble exposition. For example, the work bis witha preface consisting ops writen by David. The poem is entled EDEN TO EDEN and contains iy-t40 Ines dedi hitean sare of our ines of metered nd eying ee, Furter evidence fa carl anda wok appears in th section which lows the Poor Davi nies ths scion the "Intracion” Wt net forth the hemenatis rine and pera tees i llow nthe wn badly othe work olin ‘hi Inroduction the autor begins "Caper One” in wc he tums is tenon ‘the meaning of Sel One ‘Cruper Ones subvieiato major headings which const of specif passa fro the Bible David comments en each of these bial chapters and cretvy ‘sci then with the Fs Seal found inthe Bock of Revelation, In th aye Combines insight fom the Oli Testament and ie New Tesuret wing tational Rabtinc an Christin exegealtecnques. He ces witha Garon el fr is readers to conser is preetaton and deci fr themsves iis tue The Chapter ens with two bila quotations, fering a sense of dose in regards 1 the Ft Sealand expeciancy reparting Chater Two on the Second Sea which woul have bos dicted a the ext sting ~ probably on th vey day ofthe re The second ination win he mamop tht vals Dovid pla 0 est ‘Me Carmel concer the itended auiince to whem is writen. Ticughout the work David crefilly dies hs words 10 those on the outde of Mt. Carmel, ‘uming an audience who would not know the mearng ofthe Seven Seals The ‘wits veal, fis sje and approach show tht he expect his words wil be ‘ead by non-beleters ouste Mt Camel It eidou tht Dav stems 1 persuade his hares The implied audicce is ow-Davan. The wing and the dvr of the maruscept to the worl woul grant ties an eppunity to bear the mewage Once the seals were debvered othe woes the ead fren in Carte! would be gone Fal, specie satements in he text support Davis pledge to “come out rial the very lat words we ave fom Dav in ths maruscript read “Should sent easy aurales be read to scape hth and cameo Fo oat td be revealed to the word as those ho lve Cis in th a in ghee” avid nt only experts cme readers cept as eachng. but he ao rears as falwers sie Me. Carmel 0 “come ot” of the cote Ti i ee th ns relrnce to Jal 215,16, which squad inmodaely before ill to est Tis pssige ders those in Zion fea: Mt. Carmi) 1 athe the people asebl the ‘ders gather the cre” an ifs and flow the eieyoom (ead. David) “trom he chamber andthe bide nto her out” The Dvn undrtod eter psig fom inh to ref 0 thei refige at Mt Carel a Ychanber™ where ‘they col wait for Gods inervetion. This use ofthe em “come ou," dawn ram Senge, wel a Daves Apel Athlete, and no appear the mans, ‘Seances what aso as ind Evid lm the mamas inate hat Dav wa inthe proces ffi, tis lege to "ecme or and sender to authorities, as heh come to bebeve Gat command. The wating prod imide Mt Camel had bow cer, be bevel, ‘cals eased the sil world to focus its tion oa the Bical esage of the seven els Had the wor wate for David o finish wring the seal it woul! have pparedto him worthy of mery. He would have coed fs mson to big his ‘esse the wold accompli Daid then woal! have been positon to eave "Mi Carmel as pled ini eter of Ap 1,

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