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he Quarrel Eleanor Farjeon Poem. Central Idea The Quarrel by Eleanor Farjeon is a short poem in which the poet shares an incident when a fight breaks out between her brother and her. Quarrels are very common among young siblings. But, wise is the one who seeks forgivenesseven after knowing that the other is wrong. Poetic Devices: 1. Rhyme scheme: ‘ababcdcd’ Question-Answers: 1. What lesson does the poet wish to convey through the poem? Ans: According to the poet, quarrel arises due to misunderstanding. No quarrel can last long if the reasons are realized and both sides feel sorry and become friends again. 2. In the poem, who ended the quarrel and how? Which line in the poem suggests this? Ans: The brother realized his mistake and ended the fight by accepting his fault. He patted his sister’s back and asked her to forgive and forget. This is suggested by the following line: ‘Oh, come along! We can’t go on all night - | was in the wrong.’ 3. Reference to Context I quarrelled with my brother I don’t know what about, One thing led another And somehow we fell out. The start of it was slight, The end of it was strong, He said he was right, I knew he was wrong! 1, What led to the fight? Ans: The poet could not remember the reason behind the fight. One argumentafter the other led to the fight. The issue was minor only. 2. Explain the line: ‘The start of it was slight’. Ans: The two siblings started quarrelling about petty things. It started as apaltry dispute between the two and was some mild issue. 3. Explain the line: ‘The end of it was strong’. Ans: What started out as a mere tiff was blown out of proportions by thechildish behaviour of the siblings. So, the ‘end of it was strong’. 4, Write the synonym for the word ‘slight’.Ans: minor

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