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Struggling with crafting a thesis statement about the impact of cell phones on driving safety?

not alone. Writing a thesis on this topic can be particularly challenging due to the multifaceted nature
of the issue and the abundance of research available. From exploring the psychological effects of
multitasking to analyzing the statistical data on accidents caused by distracted driving, there's a lot to

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your argument. It requires delving into academic journals, conducting experiments, and synthesizing
complex information into a coherent statement. Moreover, crafting a thesis statement that effectively
captures the essence of your research while maintaining clarity and conciseness adds another layer of

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For many teachers, one of the biggest concerns about including cell phones in schools is that they
will be used inappropriately. In this context the thesis of the paper is presented as follows: Thesis
statement: it is hypothesized that despite an effective way of communication, using cell phones
during driving results in distracting attention of driver increasing road safety concerns. The NADS
tests the distraction levels of drivers confronted with in-car. A bumper sticker reading, “HANG UP
AND DRIVE!” that has been occasionally seen suggests anger and perhaps—at least—justified
nervousness” (McGarva, Ramsay, and Shear, 2006, p. 133). Use of cell phone while driving by a
driver inculcates aggression in other drivers, which creates an effect of driver aggression. Creating
alternatives that will help with the safety of those that are on the road while changing behaviors of
responding to the cell phones and the behaviors will help with the changes, as opposed to trying to
reinforce policies which can’t be maintained by officials. Scotti, 2007 There are number of traditional
ways that distracts driver's attention. In conclusion after discussing the findings of these researchers,
clearly cell phones are a distraction for drivers. The age group of 20-30 consisted of 73% using cell
phones while driving and the age group of 31-50 consisted of 62% using cell phones while driving
as seen in the chart below. Use of Mobile phones while driving-Effects on Road Safety - RSA ie.
Talking on the phone has become a way of life for millions of auto-bound Americans. More than. The
second examination will occur between 4-6 PM on a Friday afternoon, which is considered a time of
rush traffic. The win-lose method - The protagonist assumes an ether I lose or I win attitude. Having
realized the negative effects of this practice on the drivers’ ability to drive safely, different countries
around the world have started to take measures against the use of cell phones while driving. With
the increase of mobile phone users, dangers to safety, while talking while one is driving have also
increased. Nowadays, cell phones have become the most basic accessory of even the poorest people
in the society. After reading your prompt: think about your audience, type of writing, your point of
view, and the topic. Cell phones during driving also reduce the mental capacity of drivers as they fail
to concentrate on minor or major activities happening around them. Lastly Drew et al 2008 suggested
that if cell phone conversations cause distractions then so would conversations with a passenger. If
the student needs to call home they only need to go to the main office or guidance to contact a
parent or guardian. This particular observation didn’t have timing, specifically because of the lack of
available equipment. You just lay back and let the nurses do the work c. According to research,
texting while driving is considered as being more dangerous than drunk driving. Strayer, DL. (2001).
“Driven to Distraction: Dual Task Studies of Stimulated Driving and Conversing on a Cellular
Phone.” Psychosocial Science 5 (4). Lee, JD. (2004). “Preface to the Special Section on Driver
Distraction.” Human Factors 15 (4). Since the thesis statement is the main statement for the entire
essay, it should. No law, no committee, no state or government can stop this danger unless people
wake up and come to realize that for a little convenience, they are endangering themselves and
others. Many people believe that Using Cell Phones While Driving has nothing to do with the driving
prowess of the driver. The first essay is a long essay on the Cell Phone use while Driving of 400-500
words. As a result of this, their tendency to use the cell phone while driving increases further and
they even use it where they would normally have avoided had they had the hand held cell phone. By
doing so, we can create safer roads for everyone. It’s up to you. You should have at least three points
of evidence in the body of your essay.
Use of cell phones while driving decreases the tendency of a driver to appropriately react to the
stimulated situations that call for an alteration in the direction of movement or speed. Some people
may think that they can multitask and safely use their phones while driving, or that they are capable
of dividing their attention between the road and their phone. This long essay on the topic is suitable
for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. They don't need to be
dealing with kids having cell phones going off, surreptitiously texting each other, going on the
Internet, and taking photos and video not to mention the possibilities for cheating. Over all the meta-
analytic results are convergent Caird, Jeff K, 2018. There will be data collected on the demographics,
how many people are using their cell phone, what the cell phone is being used for (text, talking,
music) and what the response times are for going and stopping during these times because of the
extra stimulus. Distracted driving takes away the reaction time of a driver from avoiding a crash. To
change this, there are new laws that are trying to be passed, specifically because of the adverse
effects which this has. National Advanced Driving Simulator - Sensing that driver distraction is on
the increase. The complexity of conversation draws more attention of drivers, while simple or casual
conversation is less distracting, however, both may produce same consequences. The industry argues
against the banning of cell phones while driving. As a result of the comparable data of the studies
and experiments in the meta analysis concluded that the use of cell phones, hands-free and handheld,
showed moderate effects on reaction time to hazards or emergency events such as pedestrians or
braking making collisions a greater risk. There is an expected response time of beginning to go
through the stop light or stopping. In addition to that, the perceived mental workload of such drivers
relative to the adaptive cruise control conditions had increased a lot. Using cell phones make it
difficult to keep an eye on the outside events. While on the road, if anyone does use their cell phone
for any reason while behind the wheel, it has been proven to be helpful and destructive. Instead,
there needs to be an alteration with the expected responses, stimulus that is in the car and the
expectations of those that are on the road. Another opinion that is being expressed on this by the
advocates of this practice is that a great the number of accidents that have been caused by use of
mobile phone while driving is significantly negligible. Benefits of using cell phones are obvious but
people often underestimate potential danger the use of cell phones can expose people to. In order to
make a call, the driver either needs to dial the number or locate it in the phone directory by scrolling
down the list of contacts. It causes the teacher to lose her train of thought or students from regaining
back their focus. When you are talking on the phone or texting, your attention is divided between the
conversation and the task of driving. Legislation is still pending even in foreign states like Georgia,
New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York. The risks associated with using a mobile phone by young
drivers. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating.
Also you. The significant number of people in this study that were driving and talking on a cell
phone indicates that most accept this human behavior, despite the dangers known. Once issued a
drivers license it can be revoked for not obeying the laws and this is not the case with cell phone
usage while operating motor vehicles. Everybody may perform their component to remove this
challenging problem through merely taking one action as well as bring in the roadways a little bit of
much safer through quickly transforming off their phones while steering. To conclude it is very fair to
say that mobiles should never be used while driving. Essay on using cell phones while driving -
Essay Clip.
How many more innocent lives have to be taken away before we even consider the ban on cell
phones while driving. Many people rely on their phones to stay organized and connected to their
daily schedules, and they may feel that they need to check their phones while behind the wheel.
This is an established fact which cannot be denied but along with this truth, so many accidents are
taking place everyday, when people were talking and driving. Envelopes may be addressed friend in
christ or brother in christ. This specific observation is not only important in the indication of when
cell phones are used. As a driver, your first responsibility is to pay attention. It is the parents who are
entitled to a cell phone. Impacts of cell phone use on driving safety and drivers perception of. If a
student cell phone rings in class, it totally disrupts the class for a considerable period of time. Cell
phones have opened up many opportunities for communication. By continuing we’ll assume you’re
on board with our. Students will use them in the class regardless of the rules. When one is driving
and talking on his cell phone, his or her attention is naturally diverted. Text messages, adding in
music and the distractions from the cell phone are all adding into problems that are associated with
those who are driving on the road and that are multi-tasking while driving. It must have been a
miracle that I made it through that time without the need of a cell phone. There is no need for cell
phones in the schools, just as there was no need for them in the past. Before that, cell phones were
more of a status symbol and only the rich used to possess cell phones. We are a generation that is
easily distracted, to some we are the technology generation our phones are the most important thing
to us. Talking on the phone has become a way of life for millions of auto-bound Americans. More
than. The majority will consist of over 50% of those who are examined. American motorists spend
substantial amounts of their day in. The majority of the calls, if not all, will be used in idle chatter.
Some researchers have found the danger inherent in this practice comparable to the danger involved
in the practice of drunk driving. There are also justifications that move against the legalities that are a
part of the use of cell phones, specifically with many who may believe that this won’t be reinforced.
One of the primary causes of cell phone use while driving is the desire for convenience. In particular,
the people who used their phones while driving were found to mainly drive at high speed, change
lanes more often and report high number of incidences of hard braking and high acceleration. The
switching of the environment doesn’t alter, with many holding to the belief that different initiatives
have to be taken while on the road to continue the movement from the work week. The response
times will be observed through the stop light that is on the side street. Conclusion The human
behaviors that are seen from those are driving shows that there are several complexities in trying to
change the stimulus of cell phones while one is on the road. You start talking and get deeply involved
in the conversation.
However, the extent of risk varies from one practice to another. Newer phones address some of these
problems. Recent developments in. In some places, it is illegal to use a hand-held cell phone while
driving, while in others it is only illegal to text or engage in other distracting activities. The fact that
use of cell phones during driving violates the principles of ethics can also be estimated from the fact
that it inculcates negative perceptions of the driver who engages in such practice in the minds of
other drivers on the road. “The growing number of telephone users who are responsible for
dangerous roadway behavior may elicit negative regard from the general driving public. Drivers
involved in this practice conventionally underestimate and overlook its negative implications and
consider it too simple a matter to be taken seriously. Pay attention to the road - Do not take notes or
look up phone numbers while driving. If. As for as our country is concerned, it is a far cry. The
majority will consist of over 50% of those who are examined. It is expected that the majority of those
who are going through the street will be adjusting music, text messaging or talking on cell phones.
This is indicative of the culture, specifically because the rush time during traffic also is a rush time
for individuals to get in touch with others, complete the work that is necessary and to find different
ways to communicate with others about events either for the weekend or for work or family. You
must be sure you can support the opinion in your thesis.. Thesis Rules. Chart 2: Types of Cell Phone
Use The last component was the delay time that was used when the individuals were stopping or
starting from the stop light. She had lost control of the vehicle and got seriously injured. Marginal
annotations indicate MLA-style formatting and effective writing. People tend to overlook the gravity
of this issue by saying that rather than banning the use of cell phone while driving, it is more
advisable to encourage the drivers to keep the calls as short as possible. Imagine your topic being: “
Write an essay about environmental issues in your community.“. This level of performance is known
as the tactical behavior. However, it was also found that there were more individuals that were using
their cell phones during the rush hour time, specifically between Friday from 4-6, specifically with
57% of those observed using their cell phones. On average, 52% were using the phone for talking,
37% were text messaging and 11% were using this for music changing, usually which occurred at the
stop light, as seen in chart 2. The danger of cell phones is also reported to change response times,
leading to more accents and the inability for those on the road to remain safe. The age groups which
were determined were from 20-30; however, there were also observations of those using cell phones
that were likely between the ages of 31-50. Phones are being created by Erricson, Motorolla, and
Nokia today in which offer a hands-free cell phone so that you can keep both hands on the wheel
while driving and talking Goodman. Should cellphones be allowed in school persuasive essay.
Instructors have cell phone use of interesting persuasive essay examples. It is not surprising that
people will attempt to optimize their. There has been a lot of research to prove the negative effects of
use of cell phones while driving. This paper takes into consideration the issue, should drivers be
allowed to use cell phones while driving. Also, the Commission is working on the development of
technologies that could reduce the number of cases of distracted driving. While opponents of cell
phone use contend that carrying on conversations while driving is distracting, there are no statist. It
causes the driver to think about something other than driving.
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Save cell phone essay For Later 0 ratings 0% found this document useful (0 votes) 131 views 5
pages Cell Phone Essay Uploaded by api-318936885 AI-enhanced title and description Cell phones
should be integrated into classrooms for safety reasons. When a driver is concentrating on a
conversation, they pay less attention to what is going on around them in favor of the voice in their
ear. Harvard Mental Health Letter. (2010). Why cell phone conversations distract drivers. Conclusion
The human behaviors that are seen from those are driving shows that there are several complexities in
trying to change the stimulus of cell phones while one is on the road. The University of Michigan
Transportation Research Institute. EducationMobile PhonesSchool should cellphones be allowed in
school persuasive essay, ScienceTechnology. The observation of how often the cell phones are used
will be combined with the response times that are known from others. The website is a Using Cell
Phones While Driving has serious consequences on the road: in driver distraction resulted in more
than 3,000 people killed and more than 400,000 wounded. Everybody may perform their component
to remove this challenging problem through merely taking one action as well as bring in the
roadways a little bit of much safer through quickly transforming off their phones while steering. Cell
phones should be allowed in school because they are very helpful and resourceful. Do not engage in
distracting conversations - Stressful or emotional conversations and. Everyday, there are accidents
when a person using mobile while he is driving have also increased. There are also indicators that,
despite the laws for those using cell phones for speaking, this is the main way in which most are
considering the use of cell phones. The first reason why cell phones should be allowed, they can be
beneficial for learning because cell phonesgive students access to tools and apps that can help them
complete and stay on top of their class work WebCell phones have many benefits and positive uses
that help students during school a lot. If you don't know exactly what type of paper you need or
can't find the necessary one on the website - don't worry. This level comprises factors which play a
role in making a car go on a predetermined route. To begin with, in most schools cell phones are
banned and not able to be used in class but can be used after school. It is the parents who are entitled
to a cell phone. Attention Getter: Positive Impacts: The Negative Impact Of Cell Phones 1012 Words
5 Pages Cell Phones and Their Negative Impact Every day 6. And its proven when she voices her
dissatisfaction on the matter every time it happens. Research did a study that included over high
school students and middle school students. Furthermore, traffic safety itself may be degraded
somewhat if. This study shows that the need to create behavior change has to move beyond
education and the laws, and instead needs to be altered according to the available stimulus and
responses that are a part of driving. There were times in the past when people did not use the cell
phones but still carried on with their normal life. To begin with, the driver who talks, texts, or uses
their cell in any capacity is ignoring the primary responsibility of driving, which is to constantly be
aware of safety. There are myriad of reasons for which this practice may be considered ethically
unjustified including the risk it exposes the cell phone using driver as well as other drivers who are
not using cell phones to. Often it is impossible to foresee what happens next right in front of your
car. There will also be a comparison between times to see when the height of using cell phones is and
whether it makes a difference with the amount of traffic on the street. Central idea: with increased
use of technology and more specifically cellphones there are an increased number of accidents due to
distraction because of the use of cellphones while driving.
The number of cell phones in use has skyrocketed in recent years and with that increase has come the
dangers associated with using a cell phone while driving. The rise in technology has led to the
behavior of multi-tasking and makes the cell phone use while driving natural. Equating the
repercussions will be effective in reducing the number of road fatalities by creating a sense of
precaution and seriousness for all drivers. Legislation is still pending even in foreign states like
Georgia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York. Children these days are smarter and more
technologically advanced, their devices are capable of more than just calling and texting, they have
many more features, which can easily give them access to the internet, images and recorded
information. In this country, there are more than 40 million subscribers who rely on their cellular
phones to conduct their business or just talk to friends and family. The ability to be able to share and
communicate with classmates and teachers. It is the parents who are entitled to a cell phone. Her
reason for this was her experience of students cheating. When a driver is concentrating on a
conversation, they pay less attention to what is going on around them in favor of the voice in their
ear. Relationship of Cause and Effect The cause of using cell phones while driving is considered
because of the association with needing to talk to others, communicate or update individuals while
on the road. Most of these accidents are caused by ignorance and one of the most important causes
of accidents is the use of mobile phone while driving. This is indicative of the culture, specifically
because the rush time during traffic also is a rush time for individuals to get in touch with others,
complete the work that is necessary and to find different ways to communicate with others about
events either for the weekend or for work or family. While there is limited testing on the subject,
research has demonstrated increased danger with texting while driving. We use cookies to create the
best experience for you. Distracted Driving Research Studies - National Safety Council. Everyone
regardless to age have access to cell phones, laptops, or tablets, it’s the world we live in. This
indicates that the use of cell phones is one which is justified with the human behaviors, specifically
because it shows a relationship to the needs of the individual to plan, implement and to control what
may happen after an individual drives. Therefore, it is advisable to evaluate the matter of use of cell
phones during driving on the scale of ethics. On your paper brainstorm 2 reasons why cell phones
should or should not be allowed at school. This article assesses the risks versus benefits associated
with cellular phones usage while driving and supports that use of cellphones while driving is indeed
dangerous. The National Safety Council, which is a non-profit advocacy organization, has stated in
its report that about 20% of the Fortune 500 companies have implemented a complete ban on the use
of cell phones and this number is only increasing with several more companies adopting policies on
the use of cell phones while driving. Attention Getter: Positive Impacts: The Negative Impact Of
Cell Phones 1012 Words 5 Pages Cell Phones and Their Negative Impact Every day 6. Many schools
now have telephones in the classroom, if it really is an emergency students are easily contacted. The
majority will consist of over 50% of those who are examined. To begin with, the driver who talks,
texts, or uses their cell in any capacity is ignoring the primary responsibility of driving, which is to
constantly be aware of safety. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class
10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. Various observations of drivers using cell phones
indicate that they tend to misjudge the required gaps between vehicles and are unable to maintain
their alignment with the lanes. Essay on using cell phones while driving - Essay Clip. The age group
of 20-30 consisted of 73% using cell phones while driving and the age group of 31-50 consisted of
62% using cell phones while driving as seen in the chart below.

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